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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. As long as he doesn't eat the non-standard-issue prison food that every inmate can buy from the prison shop, or have brought in or sent in by visitors. Coffee and doughnuts, for a kick-off, is a great start to any prison day!
  2. I was wondering the same; Since when is it fraud to ' supposedly ' or actually know people?? That isn't, and neither is that what he was charged with/wanted for but it is fraudulent to take money from people under false pretences.
  3. Who's talking about stats? The post quoted with "well said" stated that you can chose to self-quaranine at home. Which you can't. Clivebaxter, the poster to whom I was responding was and you responded to that, connected, post of mine! The stats that you said did not contain a grain of truth!
  4. Something macho about talking about your wife as 'my lady' or 'the wife'. Non-subservient women take offence. Don't know whether it's "macho", it sure is daft, though. I doubt that anyone in their own country would refer to their other half as "my lady" without bringing on barely hidden guffaws of derision.
  5. The Red Bull heir case would be one. Er, no, the Red Bull case has nothing, whatsoever, to do with "VIP appeals overworking the justice system.
  6. Big Joke - four days ago; 'The case related back to July 2011 when a group of twelve men were facing charges related to taking bribes from a karaoke establishment.' Where's the rest of the article for context and relevance?! You can't, credibly, just type out one isolated sentence as evidence of the "Thai Justice system being so overworked by VIPs' appeals dating back ten years" as though it's commonplace and preventing the normal operation of the justice system.
  7. because when we grew up that's what we referred to adult females as. 555555! But those adult females weren't your wives or girlfriends! So if you introduce your wife (or whatever) to someone you say to them (with a straight face and no embarrassment), "Let me introduce you to my lady? Really?
  8. Why don't you call them and ask? https://www.pea.co.th/en/Contact
  9. I mean it would have been well said if there was even a grain of truth in it but who cares about facts, ah? What have you got to back your assertion that his stats "didn't have a grain of truth in them" and that they're not factual? Let's see your stats.
  10. Five seconds soon passes and it's doubtful that there would be any rational thinking going on in those five seconds.
  11. Based on your figure of 3.3% that's 1842 who have tested postive in the first 10 days of February if the figure of 55823 arrivals is correct.. They're not my figures, I haven't posted any stats.
  12. That is correct, but I doubt if either a soldier or retired policeman, (or both) would be stupid enough simultaneously, to dispose of easily identifiable weapons so carelessly. Would you? I didn't suggest that they would, I was responding to a poster who asked how they were traced back to the owners, that's all.
  13. Doubt there are many over 40 years olds getting free regular sex either. Speak for yourself! Oh, sorry, you are!
  14. Not even vaguely attractive? I bet she's way more attractive at her age than many Kennel Club-qualifying Thailand expats' wives! And I'm, obviously, not referring to Thaivisa members' wives, they're all still stunning.
  15. True, they pay millions building homes buying vehicles they later have to walk away from.???? I must have been doing it all wrong, I have three ex-wives and it's only the British one that cost me a home, cars and cash!
  16. The OP says that she "had put down some rat poison", how can that be "put up out of reach", you think that their rats are crossed with giraffes?
  17. That's so sad. some don't need to pay B10,000 for regular sex.
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