I must not have explained myself well, sorry. Probably because of my poor English.
What I wanted to say is that Hua Hin is a VERY boring place, which can only be suitable for very old people who get up early, go play golf, have coffee on a small terrace in the afternoon, have a light dinner anywhere and then they go to bed early.
Anyway, for that kind of life I would prefer the Portuguese Algarve, and that will probably be my next stop when I feel too old for the life I do right now of traveling, diving, going to restaurants and exploring Asian countries.
My wife and I tried Hua Hin, because then it was the hot destination for Bangkok people for holidays and long weekends, but after a week we were bored to death and didn't know what to do anymore.
Now all the people from Bangkok that we know prefer to go to Pattaya on weekends: livelier, closer to Bangkok, better connected and there are usually activities every weekend (music festivals, fireworks, jet ski races, vegetarian festival,...).