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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Sorry to hear that. How long has this been True? True, is not my cup of tea, FOR SURE. Anyway, even though I really do not like AIS, compared to Dtac, where I am....still.... 3BB is very good for me, where I am. I have zero complaints about 3BB. I am super glad to be using 3BB. Internet is important to me.
  2. Sorry to hear that. However, 3BB is super-good where I am, even though I am NOT located in the city. Perhaps, you should contact 3BB for further support. For sure, 3BB is always willing to help me, and I have never had better service anywhere in Thailand. Otherwise, maybe move to Korea? (Joking. 3BB is very low cost in Thailand. I would not want to pay what they pay for internet service in places like Japan, Korea, or the USA...etc.) I am very lucky to have made the decision to use 3BB, I think....here in Thailand.
  3. Sweet Dreams, Sir. Don't Let your bedbugs bite.... Too much....
  4. So, I will take that as a compliment...... Right? Also, being no less than an idiot..... This must, at least, count for something. Right?
  5. Why not put some PuErCha in it? Turns out, and for all to see.... I am a much more serious person than you. Right?
  6. Yes, but..... Your scribblings seem as drunken as ever. 30 days is, obviously, not enough. Let's wait another 270 days. With 300 days, under your belt, you just might become a reasonable human being....although.... I rather doubt it. What was your drug of choice, anyway? Shaving lotion....or..... The really hard stuff? Note: What tea are you drinking? Try some PuErCha, is my advice. But, I am betting that even PuErCha.....will not be strong enough to cure the likes of you of all your ills which you write about. Good Luck with the PuErCha. I assume that you know that the good PuErCha is sold in large round disks. The caffeine will do wonders for you. Might even pep you up....when... Pepping up is probably the LAST thing any sane doc would order for you. I know you are extremely wealthy. So, you should be able to afford the best tea in the world.... Which is as it should be, for someone like you. Why not climb a mountain and pick the tea leaves yourself, and then roll them into tiny knots, as the tea pickers do? This might be the first step to your salvation, if salvation is even possible at this late stage of your deterioration. Have you looked in the mirror, lately? Do you see someone handsome as Charles Dorian Gray? If only you WOULD drink tea.....
  7. Also, besides HEAD Then you also have your ROOT You know a root when you see one, don't you? I thought so.
  8. BAG is the head, in this case. Glue serves only to modify the stem 'bag', as I am sure you already knew.
  9. I cannot comment upon what I cannot see. So solly Sir.
  10. Sorry. Lend a Hand....is a verb phrase and also an idiom. So, this does not qualify as a stem of a compound noun. So solly Sir.
  11. Hard to say, linguistically speaking. For one, handjob is a compound noun, obviously. But, which is the head in the word handjob? Still, let me refer you to what I have already stated: So then, what is your best guess? a. a handbag is NOT similar to a handjob. b. a handjob is not a job....(at least for most people) c. a handjob is not a hand, for anyone. d. Therefore, I would go with saying that the head of a handjob is the word JOB. MY JUSTIFICATION for my choice? It's simply that.... 1. The stem JOB is the head since it determines the basic meaning of the compound. 2. The stem HAND only modified this meaning. (Because, one can think of other similar jobs, but not using the hand.) So, yes..... For sure.... Job is the Head, linguistically speaking. And, also, one might note, giving head is also a job. But, this has nothing to do with this compound noun, in this case.
  12. I have GREAT respect for professor COXHEAD. Her early research has influenced many. But, still.... Headwords are not "heads", linguistically speaking, as I have clearly stated above. Regards, Note: Professor Coxhead is a real researcher who produced one of the better-known Academic Word Lists...which contains many headwords, I might add...
  13. Sorry Guys.... I got my timing mixed up. Actually, the Leap 15.6 is scheduled for https://forums.opensuse.org/t/leap-15-6-virtual-release-party/175711 And now, as I have just checked, the UTC-12 time zone is still only this: And, it's June 11th, not the 12th, in the UTC-12 time zone. Here in Thailand, we are quite a bit ahead of the rest of the world, as we all know.
  14. I am not talking about COXHEAD's headwords, and the need to not be confused by the similarity of the two terms "headword" and "head". Here is the difference: a. COXHEAD'S headword list excerpt: b. a "head" is defined as this.... c. It's crucial not to confuse the two, which I often do....or did.... Before I learned the difference. Hope this helps, some...
  15. As you say. Anyway, the head of the compound noun handbag is bag, due to the fact that a handbag is a bag, and not a hand. Analogously, you can hang out with an old-bag, but she is still a bag. The head words of both compound nouns, in these cases, are bags.
  16. Wait! What they meant, it seems....is NOT June 12th, Nuremberg time. The release party will be ZULU time!!! So then.... If ZULU, then... Just under two more hours..... I can't wait!
  17. NUREMBERG, Germany? Such a FAMOUS city, one must agree. But, Germany has changed since the 1930s... Germany was always an amazing country..... Smart and Intelligent people.... Just ask Noam Chomsky, because he has, actually, much to say about this topic. Germany was the center of culture before the events leading up to WW2. And, as for me, I love composers such as JS Bach....who is the best there ever was. Same goes for openSUSE..... This distro is still the best there ever was. I just pray for continued support for SUSE..... But, this is very strange: I had thought that the website for Leap 15.6 stable would be available on the stroke of 12, midnight.... But, so far, the website still shows the 15.6 RC.... This is really so unlike the Germans, who are always punctual..... How much longer? Not much longer, for sure.... You can get it here, when it finally drops..... https://get.opensuse.org/leap/15.6/ Anyone wishing to get off the Windows bandwagon, and get free..... This is really the best way. I should know..... Why? Well, you should know.
  18. Hi Folks! LEAP 15.6 is now available AROUND THE WORLD, this June 12th, of 2024. By the way.... I installed the RC (release candidate) for LEAP 15.6 ten days ago...and.... No Problemo. Runs smooth like BUTTER.....in The Last Tango in Paris..... Marlon knows! So..... Take my word for it. Install Leap 15.6...NOW...and.... Get yourselves FREE of Windows OS.... Forever. This is what I have done. LEAP is BETTER than Windows OS.....(Not Joking)..... OH...WAIT....... Still a few hours to go....because.... WHAT TIME IS IT NOW IN GERMANY? Not yet June 12th, I guess..... But.....VERY SOON.... Just a few more minutes to go......and counting.... This is going to be better than any New Year's Celebration I have ever experienced..... I will keep you posted, Folks!
  19. Nice one!!!!!!! Love it! (Thank you. Your comment really makes my day. NO JOKE!)
  20. The question you gotta ask yourself is: Is "pothead" a HEAD word, or not.... THIS is the linguistically inclined question posed in this Topic. Well, is it, Punk? (As Clint Eastwood might have said....)
  21. Right. I'm not, nor have I ever been.... A pot HEAD..... Still, HEAD words, I do like.....
  22. Hi Folks, This evening, I have been thinking up my favorite HEAD words....and so..... What are yours? Head of a penis? Giving head? Perchance? NO! Get your minds out of the gutter, please! I am talking linguistically here, as usual. Nothing naughty. Big RED Dog! Such a NICE Head word. For example: Wow! He's got a BIG Red Dog, a-hangin' there.....between.... English is such a wonderful language, and so very versatile, that one or two words, juxtaposed in the right way....can mean almost anything, depending upon word order, etc. My friend Chomsky wrote about head words, but never gave any head, is my guess. I love the English language. And, where does one find the BEST of the English language? Why.....in the UK.....OF COURSE. My life is all about my interest in language. And, the field of Linguistics is all-encompassing, covering many interdisciplinary fields of knowledge and research. You gots your Linguistics of Physics, even.... https://oge.mit.edu/linguistics-is-basically-physics/ So, then.... What are your favorite HEAD words? Giving, receiving, what? And, the colored girls go...... Humans. Most humans were born with a brain. This is their only redeeming characteristic, in fact. Otherwise, humans might not be worth much. Do you love wordplay? It was getting a bit boring around here.... I think...... Anyone here interested in the Topic of HEAD WORDS? Like me? Let me hear from you, then....! Regards, Gamma
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