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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. No worries, Sir! I am happy to report that I am no longer in a wheelchair. I was able to recuperate from a hip fracture that kept me wheelchair-bound.....almost a decade ago. These days, I am fit as a fiddle. Of course, I am also thankful that I was able to make the journey to The Grotto, where they exposed me to the holy water, and, this helped me to, almost miraculously, stand up and walk, almost instantaneously. Before the Pandemic visited us all, I was walking up to 21 kilometers a day, in the afternoons, round and round CMU. What a wonderful campus has CMU, I must say. https://www.lourdes-france.com/en/day-pilgrims/the-grotto/ The Virgin Mary was good to me...Sir!
  2. Not only is your washing machine dirty...but... Your hose is not coiled properly, either. And, when you want to spin, you need to dig deep down inside, And then transfer the heavy wet clothes to the extractor. I used one of those, a few times, in Taiwan..... Before throwing it off the 5th floor balcony. Hate these machines!
  3. So.... Point of curiosity.... a. Were you laying in bed? If so, who? b. Were you just lying in bed? If so, how sad. There IS a difference, you know.... Always be clear. Grammar helps us communicate our intended meaning to others.
  4. NO. Not delivered to where I am. No need for Amazon if stores here would sell same quality at same price. But, they do not. So...then....I NO BUY. I do not need a mattress protector, or whatever. I will not buy overpriced garbage. I know what quality is. I know what quality should cost. I can just stop buying until the retailers come to their senses. No skin off my nose. I will NOT pay through the nose, however. I will stop buying. I guess this might help the economy. Look at what's happened to Japan. Too many middlemen, maybe. Nobody wants to stimulate the economy, anymore....?
  5. SERTA mattress protector is 38 USD in the USA. USD98 delivered to CM. No way, Jose... I would rather sleep on a tatami.
  6. No. I just want the same quality I would get buying from Amazon in the USA, at the same price I would pay buying in the USA. What.... You want to pay through the nose for lesser quality products????
  7. It's not the fault of Amazon, of course. It's the tariff itself that I object to. Have you never heard of FREE TRADE? Or, is this a concept you are against.
  8. I will buy from AMAZON....Every time! Just do not pile on the unfair IMPORT DUTY, please.....!!!!
  9. Hope so! I like better quality.... China makes great quality products. Everybody knows this. Intelligent and hardworking workforce....by far!!!
  10. So... Too expensive, as a result of this long chain of needless people. This is what happened to Japan. Too many in the loop. Prices SKY HIGH! We need Amazon here, PDQ!!! I also do not care about coffee-bean growers. Does that make me a leftist?
  11. Fine, but this is one utterance that I shall never utter. I guess you know that I hate Apple. "Hey, Siri....GFY-S, is more like it...." Not just a little....either. I have a deep-seated hatred for all Authoritarian Systems....like Apple. (Otherwise,....very nice post!)
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