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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Also, would JIB be the best place to buy a mic? I have had fairly good luck, in the past, with this company for purchase of computer components. Almost no complaints. (Except: These JIB salespeople-whippersnappers at JIB often treat me like I know nothing. They prefer guys who are gamers, is my opinion. Yet, they have never programmed an IBM 360/370 using Fortran. And they no nothing of the DEC10). What is the DEC-10? Guys at JIB have no idea. Also, they know nothing about mics, either, I would assume.
  2. Please note that I am not saying that I need a rare-earth magnet in my mic. I am not even saying that I need a dynamic microphone. I am only asking about what are the best mics used by guys who narrate books, professionally. Also, as mentioned above, I will use this mic for helping a few students, deserving ESL students, to assist them with accent reduction... Therefore, sound quality is paramount. If you want to know just how important sound quality might be, if one were to help an ESL student to rectify poor English pronunciation problems... Then, there is always Pygmalion.
  3. Dear Friends, I am thinking of doing two things this year. a. I will read and record a book that I like, long past the copyright, from The Gutenberg Project: https://www.gutenberg.org/ b. I will begin to help a few deserving students from China with "accent reduction" in order to improve their spoken English-language intelligibility, via the internet. The most important tool I will need is a very decent microphone. Microphones have become cheaper and cheaper, maybe due to the progress of the technology. And, as we know, maybe this new tech has something to do with rare-earth magnets, for sure. So, are there any guys here who might suggest the best mic for this very moderate budget of less than USD125.00? I think it is best to post this topic in the Farang Pub. Why? The Farang Pub is where you will find people who are both intelligent and experienced. Also, there is no doubt that there are plenty of guys here, in the Farang Pub, who have written books and recorded them. As well, people here have probably been in the same boat as I, needing a very good, almost studio-quality mic, at a reasonable cost. Of course, I know about the Snow Ball, as do you. But, although the Snowball was great, almost 10 years ago.....yet, shouldn't there be something much better, these days? The main point is that I need a mic which will capture ever breath I take, and every mistake I make. I am now using a Logitech top of the line webcam...for recording audio. However, this solution is not adequate from an audio perspective. I bet that others here might be looking for a solution to this same problem. Just in case you know.... Let us know. Thank you. Regards, Gamma
  4. Priceless. Beautiful. Uplifting, too. Is this young woman his nurse? Both are wearing shorts, unfortunately. In Thailand, the wearing of shorts is not OK.
  5. Both sing from the heart. Both have something to say. So, both are the same in this way. One black. One white. And both, Soul Brothers.
  6. Dear Friends, Both Bill Withers and Ray Davies compose and sing songs which are a bit more introspective, than most. And so, why is Withers black? And why is Davies...so white? Have you ever wondered why? Such a question is the type of inquiry that I have spent most of my life pondering. In this case, the answer is, of course, two-fold: a. Ionizing radiation from the Sun, as it affects damage to DNA b. Vitamin-D production c. Avoidance of Rickets Some guys might say that Davies sings better than Withers, but I do not agree. Both guys are amazingly amazing. Another question here, a deeper question: a. Does the Sun create Soul Brothers? b. Does the lack of Sun, in the UK, detract from guys creating and singing great songs? I think not. Therefore, is Ray Davies not just another Bill Withers, but with less sun? Both are amazing and interesting people, at least, they are amazing on stage, if not in real life. Regards, Globby. Note: Don't go out in the noonday sun without sunscreen.
  7. Even a Lola can be loveable. Top of the top 10 from the Kinks. Thank you for reminding us.
  8. The "we" are those, such as you, who are among those intelligent enough to read your comment, obviously. Otherwise, who did you think we were?
  9. Such a terrible feeling when you wake up one morning, and she's gone. Such a terrible feeling when you are stuck in a faraway country, and the love of your life is not with you. Even, if it might be a cat or dog which you love.
  10. Please feel free to post as many comments as you wish, as long as we keep them civil. I have no doubt that TV has plenty of space in the cloud, enough to accommodate trillions and trillions of our comments here. As for me, I would willingly post fewer comments, if only I were incentivised to do so.
  11. Yes. It is always better to have a woman by your side, compared to a Man Friday. But then, you must consider the costs, as well. If you were to inadvertently fall in love with a woman, on the Isle of Formosa, then your life might be redirected on paths which you might find objectionable. This happened to me, several times, I embarrassingly admit. I have had 36 women on the island of Taiwan. If I had had 35, instead of 36, then I would not be posting comments here, today. Each of these 36 shaped my life, indubitably. Shortly before leaving Taiwan for Thailand, I vowed to be celibate. I stopped consorting with women. Also, dogs. These days, I remain alone, and loving it. The only intelligent creatures I interact with, these days, are Thai Myna birds, plus the beautiful cat we had here, before it died last year. Still, life is good.
  12. Defoe has always been one of my favorite authors. Whom amongst us has not occasionally wondered whether or not they might go completely mad on a desert island? Now you know.
  13. I once lived on the east coast of Taiwan, for many years, in a remote village, with only a dog as my sole companion. Yet, I can assure you that I never dated my dog.
  14. Lyrics to Bill's tune: My friends Feel it's their appointed duty They keep tryin' to tell me All you want to do is use me Ah-huh, but my answer (Ah-huh) Yeah to all that use me stuff I, I, I, I Yes, I wanna spread the news That if it feels this good gettin' used Oh, you just keep on usin' me Until you use me up Until you use me up My brother Sit me right down and he talked to me He told me That I ought not to let you just walk on me And I'm sure he meant well Yeah, but when our talk was through I, I, I said brother if you only knew You'd wish that you were in my shoes You just keep on usin' me Until you use me up Until you use me up Ah-huh, sometimes It's true you really do abuse me Ah, you get me crowd of high class people And then you act real rude to me Ah-huh, but oh, baby, baby, baby, baby When you love me I can't get enough Ah-huh and I wanna spread the news That it feels this good gettin' used Oh, you just keep on usin' me Until you use me up Ah, until you use me up Talkin' 'bout you usin' people It all depends on what you do It ain't too bad the way you're usin' me 'Cause I sure am usin' you to do the things that you do Ah-huh, to do the things that you do
  15. So many sad stories have I read concerning old men who have been used, and totally used up. We are all familiar with these stories. In fact: These old stories have become a complete cliché, correct? I have never been used. Keep your wits about you. And, listen to another great tune from Withers.... Bill Withers is a very Kool Cat. His drummer is Super Cool. Soooo Cooool.
  16. And, after Bob Marley's tune, Waiting in Vain, then we immediately think of one more moving melody: Say what you will, but Bill Withers is a true talent who never received the recognition he deserved. Sorry, Bill.
  17. Here is a very nice tune which goes out to all the old men who are waiting, IN VAIN, for True Love, in Thailand.... (Beautiful song: One of Marley's best, maybe)
  18. OK, My Friends, Let us do our best to steer back to the original topic as originally posted above. Would you, or would anyone, in their right mind, date a TINDER girl over the age of 80? Or, for that matter, what about some old guy of the same age? Would it be possible for any Pattaya nymph to enjoy dating old men who visit their bar? ====== In my opinion, due to changing hormones, which is a fact of life for both men and women over the age of 50, men become more female, and women become more male. Am I wrong in this thinking? ====== And so, I leave it to you. Would you prefer to date the above-mentioned Tinder woman, over 80. or would you prefer to date an Asian Tinder girl who wears glasses, one who might possess far less wisdom? Neither option, obviously, will provide you with happiness/contentment. What you need is to forget dating, and remember reading.... Only through your return to reading books, and through study, shall you regain some semblance of your former happiness, the pleasure of being lonely, just as you experienced it before coming to Thailand. When you go to the bars, or when you go to the beaches, take along a few good books. You will not be bored.
  19. On the other hand.... Hooking up with a much younger woman is also NOT OK. Why? She might be more lively than I, and she, most likely, will not know much about the world. She may lack wisdom, for example. Establishing a relationship with a younger woman would be foolhardy. Young women, from my experience, are, in most cases, basically idiotic. I would never wish to hook up with a younger woman. You can teach them, as a teacher. However, falling in love with one's student is doomed from the beginning. Young women look good, on the outside, But, such a relationship would not be satisfying, and might be annoying, as well.
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