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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Not so fast. There are also many Democrats that will NEVER, ever, vote for the Word-Salad Woman. Not even the first time! There is just no way that the Salad Chef will ever rise to the office of POTUS. No way. The gods are against it. Although, it certainly is true that all candidates are garbage, yet if one is to vote, one must just hold ones nose and vote for the least smelly garbage of them all. So sad that the democrats actually did have the opportunity, in late 2023...to find a highly qualified candidate among the many potential candidates available. They chose, instead, to not do so. INSTEAD, We all got the .... BAIT AND SWITCH. Bait and Switch. The Salad Woman instead of Fuming Joe. They are ALL nothing but flimflam artists and hucksters. Bait and Switch....BIG TIME... The Switcheroo had been planned for many months, and it was all a scam. Easy to see now that it has happened.
  2. Who do you think wrote it? Talk about a strange question. Who do you think writes the comments posted by GammaGlobulin? Gamma writes them.
  3. I can easily accept and appreciate many different types of art that is not pornographic, and I take exception to the Afro-american, Garbage-gutter and Black-prison-derived, Crack-Head-Hoe type Slum-Rap music which is causing great tragedy among the youth of this generation, and in society in general. This music is very dark, and sung/performed for the purpose of gaining FING Bling. Perhaps this music is a sign of the sins of our past, namely Black American Slavery and Slave Ships. In fact, almost no dirty deed goes unpunished if we wait long enough. And, for sure, America has been punished, for hundreds of years, with the aftereffects of the enslavement of the Black Africans. The descendants of America's slaves will never forgive The White Man. And, even today, the vast majority of America's young black males are held captive in the ghettos of American cities, prisoners of their past, and of their inability to gain an education, and their pornographic values. Culturally speaking, it's almost impossible to interact with these young black bucks that now carry guns and sell drugs in their hoods. In fact, drug-selling and drug-taking is their only economy in town, their only means to support themselves. And, it is only natural for them to wish to glorify and romanticize their Ghetto-life Lives through their Garbage Music. They know no better. They have lived in their Alien Ghetto world their entire lives...and they don't know no better. EVEN IF you were to try to take a black child out of the ghetto and send them to one of the premier, mostly white, boarding schools in the North East of the USA, these children, no matter if one or two outliers might be halfway intelligent, would fail and wish to return to what they know best, the trash and crime-ridden streets where they were born, and where they were exposed to the dregs of their garbage lives. I feel no need to read their trash books, or listen to their trash music which is fundamentally dark and pessimistic. The main REASON we feel affinity for some forms of music rather than other forms of music is primarily cultural. The Salad Woman, and those like her, is a product of the new culture in America. This cannot be changed, and there is no point in trying to change it. The era of the Great White Man is at an end. White Men will always retain power in America. But it will be those from low-class urban and suburban ghettos who will rule the streets of America. We need more gated communities, obviously. And, for sure, we need to build a higher and stronger wall than Trump had ever dreamed of. We do not have a choice. The browning of America began long in the past. I do not see this as being inherently good or bad. It just is. I prefer the cultures of Asia, specifically East Asia, and a bit of SE Asia. African-American culture should be relegated to where the sun don't shine. I will remain happy in Asia. And, my fellow Americans can enjoy living with the Africans in America, which is only the result of their past sins.. I am perfectly fine with that. I will dine on fine Asian food. And my fellow-Americans which I long-ago left behind can suffer their fare of watermelon, fried chicken, and greens. Nothing will change, do what they will.
  4. And, there is quite a nice interview by Charlie Rose with Ang Lee, the author of Ice Storm, and the producer, too..... Here.... Truly a Masterpiece, in my view, as I said. I found the novel, Ice Storm, on the net, for free, in the epub format. Maybe I will read it this evening. Such an amazing film... Also, I had forgotten that Ang Lee (LiAn) was born in PingDong...Taiwan. I had thought Tainan, but Tainan is not very far north of PingDong, which was truly a rural area when LiAn was born there. Very strange, I feel, that he traveled to the USA, and then stayed there, and then found this book ICE Storm...and what were the odds?
  5. When we talk about cultural identity, which I think is the thrust of this Topic, meaning how culture is an integral part of all politics, I think this often does include fine art, and classical music, and more importantly the appreciation of beauty, meaning aesthetics. My first choice for lengthy listening is always classical music, and I prefer Baroque music, and chamber music, and I am sure that you know the composers that have given us this music, over the centuries. Of course I also enjoy good popular music, and good jazz music, but you can hold the gospel, unless you might be talking Blues Brothers Gospel music. But, at least for me, I am unable to listen to pop or jazz for more than a short period of time before I always come back to classical music, mainly because I care about the beauty of it, and the uplifting nature of it. The same goes for fine art. I prefer Monet, and Manet, and Munch, and the rest. Van Gogh is amazing, especially his peach tree which I can enjoy on any given Sunday, and it is possible to appreciate every single brush stroke, just be visiting the VanGogh Museum's website. I find the present-day culture an affront to good taste. It's OK for a brief period of time. Yet, if our cultural roots continue to erode, then we will end up with even more presidential candidates like Trump and Harris in the future. Disgusting, really, the candidates that have somehow come upon us this strange year.
  6. I see. But, in fact, you do not seem as if you are a native-English speaker. Maybe you are just a native who speaks English?
  7. Recoiling? Well, anyway, if you are stating that you reject semantics, in some cases, then you are certainly in good company. I guess you are stating that Syntax is more important than Semantics. However, I think that both are important. Why? Just examine the meaning and usage of the world 'recoil', and to 'recoil from', etc. It is probably not possible to recoil TOWARD or TO something. If you get my drift, then you will see that both Syntax and Semantics is important for communication using any spoken/written language, such as English, and many others. Correct?
  8. And now, you are beginning a lecture in Psychology, and the dynamics of projection?
  9. "bro"? What is it that you you mean by 'bro'? Who talks like that? And, more importantly, who WRITES like that? Where are you from?
  10. Did you mean: Did Vance go to the same train camp, and if so, did he get the wrong conductor? As in:....
  11. Without verbosity, still your comment lacks not in obscurity in meaning.
  12. Yes. You are correct. She has been under Intensive Training for many months, one must presume, in order to try to prepare this...this.... SALAD Woman for the election. We know that much money is spent on creating a product to sell to voters. Even Madison avenue will have difficulty with Harris.... Although, the selling of an imbecile to Americans has been done before...
  13. NO! NOT trolling. But, I AM posting a valid view, and one which is shared by many other educated white males. I do not like the Black Afro-American Ghetto Rap Culture that is taking over the world. If we must have Black-Ghetto Culture, with Plenty of FING Bling.... Then, let it be this....instead. Afro-American "culture" is anathema to me, and I will stick with JS Bach, and with Van Gogh, and the impressionists/post-impressionists. IF America actually wants a BLACK PREZ, then they would, in fact, actually ELECT one. But, they do not. It would be impossible to elect a Black-Afro_American in the USA of today. Such trash culture would not be acceptable to ANYONE! THIS was the POINT of the other poster, that you also replied to. We are NOT Trolls for posting valid views. Troll has become just another four-letter-word, and meaningless, signifying nothing, after being so very overused. One should NOT call anyone a troll just for being different, or for expressing contrary opinions, if said opinions can be supported by evidence. So anyway: All that posters were saying is that, SO FAR, we have not had a Black Prez, meaning culturally black. Or, just go watch To Sir With Love.... Note: Black Ghetto Culture is GARBAGE culture. Nobody wants it, except, maybe to watch on some RAP MTV, which also stinks, compared to JS Bach.
  14. Exactly! Nobody wants Black Culture... For real, and in the real world. Only in Ghetto Rap MTV.
  15. That black girl in blue reminds me of Michael Jackson. Wonder if she, too, graduated from Howard "university".
  16. And, I also do not post 'reviews" of other members on TV.
  17. No matter how you spell 'defense', the meaning is the same, 'offense'.
  18. I wish to thank you for goading me into purchasing an oven today. You will recall that I had thought of buying the Nesco, at about BT3660. This, I read, was some sort of deep discount, but I wonder. Seems to me that this is the usual/regular price. I decided not to buy it because this is available ONLY online, from shops such as PB, and other similar stores. Therefore, I had no option but to go to a shop, so that I could examine the "workmanship" before I committed to buy. So, this afternoon, I did visit a shop. And, I did buy a 70-liter oven, and Electrolux. It looks like this: Again, this is said to be some sort of SALE price, but I wonder. I think this is just he regular price...however.... Over 3 years ago, I bought the Electrolux 56-liter oven. And, I paid about Bt.7500.00..... So, I would say that the 70-Liter oven, the one being offered at this time, seems a bit better than what I bought last time, and it is larger, as well. And, the 56-Liter oven did not seem to have enough wattage. The oven would only reach about 230-degrees C, and not the 250 that the dial promised. As I mentioned elsewhere, I had problems with this oven, in addition to the temperature problem. After 2 weeks, the heating filaments stopped working, and the oven required a return to the local service company for repair. Then, because I was too stupid to take measures in order to avoid spattering during high-heat roasting, the entire oven became covered in grease (inside), and then the grease took on that rancid smell...and so I never seemed to be IN THE MOOD for roasting, after that. Also, I know that some here will say that I, the poster of this comment, am just engaging in BSing, and that I have not REALLY purchased this machine. So, maybe I will attach images of the machine and the shipping carton, just to put any of these rumors to rest...before they get started. Also, I will tell you, I found some Babe on YT, I will call her the Chicken Lady, who has produced 2 nice videos about roasting chicken and how to keep the roasting chicken and resultant grease from spattering all around the inside of the oven...and making it stink for about EVER....with no way to properly clean it and use it again. In fact, I would say that this can cause the oven to smell as if it were a Toxic Waste Dump of rancid chicken. I don't even like to go in my kitchen during the Hot Season, for just his reason. I need to get the 56-liter machine cleaned... And then I need to follow the Chicken Lady's advice. And then I can have a TOTAL of 126 Liters of Baking/Roasting Room in my kitchen. I will really enjoy that, because having an oven makes one's life worth living. So then, please let me post the Chicken Lady's YT secrets first. And then I will try to upload the images that I promised Y'all... This babe is from BOSTON, but I cannot place her accent. All I know is that the way she talks, I mean her pronunciation, is very soothing. I just subscribed to her channel, because I hope that She can give me some pointers... On how to properly cook chicken in my ovens...plural. She seems REALLY INTO chicken, by the way...A And, so am I... BIG TIME. Here is an image of the oven sitting in my kitchen... Also, please do not try to see if I am naked in my kitchen, because I am not. I mean I might be naked at the time I captured this image, but I already checked... And I think that you cannot see anything.... So, don't try to use any special software to enhance the image, for example... I will try to post a review of this oven, after I finish roasting ..... Maybe later.
  19. I have never written a bad review on social media in my life. No benefit to me if I did. I have never written a sterling review on social media in my life. Not benefit to me if I did. If I should ever write a review on social media, then let it be completely ambiguous.
  20. He's very lucky. At least, he still has his lavaliere intact.
  21. What is the approximate price for each? These are not exactly my style, but it would be helpful to know the price, in case any here are interested.
  22. Would it not be FAR BETTER to just put all this money towards the building of a few Nuclear Warheads and the missiles required to lob the bombs into the territories of potential adversaries? No need to do so much pilot training. And, no need to waste money on maintenance of planes, either. Far more cost effective solution. Problem solved.
  23. Dear Folks, This new rainstorm which is presently upon us is something that I have never seen before during my days in Chiang Mai. It's actually quite rare for us to have this type of SOAKING Rain which lasts for days without respite. a. How long do you think this soaking Rain Storm will continue without letup? Mind you, I am not complaining. I find the rain relaxing, just as did WC Fields. But I want to know, also, when it will end. b. What I worry about is that one 2-week rainstorm might become a 3-week rainstorm, and then a month-long rainstorm. Is this possible? YES it is possible. In Taiwan, one single rainstorm can last for 60 days without stopping for an hour, in fact. This happens not only on the mountainous east coast of Taiwan, but also near and in northern cities of, say, Taipei and Keelung. c. What would happen to CM's tourist trade if we began to experience 60-day rainstorms? We know what might happen. Our CM tourists would head for Maui. d. So as I say, I do not care much, one way or the other. If it rains, it rains. I like it when it rains. I like it when it does not rain. But at the moment, it is raining, and it has been raining, solid, for the past 72 hours, at least, it seems. e. What can we expect in future years as our atmosphere continues to heat up, and we know we really had a hot year this year.....? We can know what will happen if we just read the science. Here, for example, is just one story in the popular press, and not really an article fit for any Science Journal, either. Yet, this just shows how worried we have become about long-lasting rains becoming even longer-lasting rains... https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/heavy-rains-are-rise-around-world-here-s-why-ncna1016961 Someday, this rain is going to end...(Kilgore)... Meaning this present rain we are experiencing (now in Chiang Mai). Best regards, Gamma Who is Kilgore?: Kilgore was HERE. And Kilgore was there. Kilgore was everywhere ..... sometime around WW2...as we all recall, Kilroy was anywhere he was needed.
  24. And, they mostly work on power generated from fossil fuels, too.
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