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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes. I did that. BUT, I did that TOO LATE. Now, the damage from burned-on grease is done. I don't like to use the convection oven, now, because, as it heats up, it smells of rancid oil. I have the largest convection oven on-sale at PowerBuy... I can roast at least 12 large breasts on two trays, with plenty of space for good air flow. I suppose I could discard the metal grates, or whatever you call them, (racks probably), and buy new ones. And then, I might be able to find a good oven cleaner solution to clean it as best I can. But, for me, I think a Solar Oven...OUTDOORS....is still my Final Solution, so to speak. It's not a matter of savings on electric costs. But, if I roast outside in the hot sun, then my house will stay cool, and smelling of nothing but filtered air, pretty much neutral. Another benefit would be that my neighbors will have something to look at, when they get bored. I have nice neighbors. And so, I would like to keep them entertained.
  2. I have NO DOUBT that your/your-wife's method of cooking, as well as the results...is FAR more delicious than roast chicken breast. And, I ONLY roast the breast, usually, because it is the most expedient method, given the fact that I have no stove, and do not desire one, either. So, given this reality, I have been thinking of setting up a large mirror, as pictured in the OP.... And then using a string.... To hang one or two breasts at the focal point of the radiation from the mirror. This way, I will not stink up my house. Also, I will not need to depreciate the value of my convection oven. And, it might even cook better, and become more tender: This is one of Rummy's Known Unknowns. The cost, my guess anyway, should be quite low, in terms of hardware required. I wanted to share this idea of roasting meat on a string, suspended in front of a parabolic mirror. And, I wanted to know if anyone else had tried this, here in Chiang Mai. And, where to get a cheap mirror which will still be large enough to reach about 450 degrees C, at the point of contact between the radiation and the skin of the breast. I am extremely enthusiastic about this new project of mine! Note: Sorry. On rereading your comment, I now see it was you who played the Chef....
  3. OK. Thank you for this info. I need to protect from termites, too. I want to be as proactive and prophylactic as possible, pronto! I have been delaying for months. But, reading these comments, I realize that if I act early, then I might avoid a falling roof. Of course, I will need someone to come and climb up into the crawlspace above the ceiling, and check thoroughly to see the health of the existing wooden beams and wood structure. But, you are correct: When all is quiet, and silent as a mouse, throughout the house, it IS possible to hear the termites dissolving and consuming the wood with saliva, and the sound sounds like you would expect... Munch....Munch....Munch. You can easily hear it with the unaided ear.
  4. That certainly DOES look wonderful. I do not go to beaches...because... I do not enjoy the beach crowd. But, this video looks quite nice. No traffic to speak of, too. I have no transportation. I do NOT want to drive in Thailand. Too much can go wrong. So, this means...using Grab. Also, I think if you are going to search Google for this spot, then use the name HUAI YANG. Also, I would prefer a beach closer to my home in Chiang Mai. ANYWAY: A truly beautiful place to relax. I will definitely bookmark this area.
  5. The majority of my Topics are about life in Thailand. I either write about what I see or experience, first hand. I do not control my environment, Vincent. And, in this Topic, here is my warning: "Your Common Cockroach has no regard for human life, not even his own. And for this reason, men, I want to impress upon you the need for extreme watchfulness. The enemy may come individually, or he may come in strength."
  6. I hate to read these sad stories about those without homes. I always think about my reading of Hugo's Les Misérables, when I was young and impressionable. I was sad then. I am sad now.
  7. Although this happened during daylight hours, after the sun sets below the horizon, and in my view, beaches can become very risky places for single women to be walking about. I once lived in Naples, Florida, for about three years. I invited a female Taiwanese friend to visit me. My house was only one block from the beach. My Taiwanese friend would sometimes go walking on the beach alone, in the early evening hours. Fortunately, nothing untoward befell her. However, even in Naples, people are aware of the fact that attacks on women do, occasionally occur. I have no way of knowing if Thailand's beaches are safer than Naples' beaches. I just have the opinion that beaches, in general, are not very safe for women, after dark. Also, I would say the same of a single male out on the beach, at night. Even in Naples, there have been attacks, no doubt. Aggression and Violence is occasionally directed at individuals on the beach, and for no reason. Those that commit unprovoked acts of violence and aggression, are sick. They are sick. They should just be removed from society, for good. Aggressive individuals do not change. Aggression of this nature is due, most likely, to pathology in the brain. As of 2024, science has not developed any cure. If we had a cure for violence and aggression, then fighting wars would be less risky proposition for those in the military. Hopefully, in this case of rape on the beach, justice will be done. If this be eye for an eye justice, I am not advocating it, especially. However, I hope the guilty party receives justice. And I hope the victim will, somehow, recover.
  8. Dear Folks, As you may know, I love chicken breasts. They are cheap. And, they are very tender in Thailand. And, they are wholesome. But, my problem is: How do I cook them without getting grease all over my large convection oven, plugged into my kitchen's electrical socket. Convection ovens are convenient. However, when roasting about 50 chicken breasts at a time, during a five-hour nonstop chicken-roasting marathon, grease gets everywhere. And, the burned on grease deposits are almost impossible to clean off. So, the oven, after cooling down, begins to smell rancid. What might the solution be? I say....Go Solar! So, does anyone have much experience with this? I am thinking... a. I set up my mirror. b. I hang a breast in front of mirror. c. I rotate breast once every few minutes. d. Grease drips down into a bucket which I had earlier placed below the breast, for this purpose. e. Chicken finishes roasting. f. I eat breast. g. Whatever is in the bucket, I just leave there, outside my house. Any animals wishing to dig in, then let them. h. Following day: Repeat above steps. Where to buy the mirror? What material is best? How big should I go? How many people here already use this method? Smaller: Bigger: How big is too big for a breast? Best regards, Gamma
  9. It's not stupid. Large stainless steel benches could set fire to the trees on any sunny day in BKK. It depends upon only the shape of the bench. Here is a plastic example of a fire hazard. When we were young, we used metal or glass and sunlight to light cigarettes for neighbors. Or, we would set leaves alight. I can envision some type of ergonomically shaped stainless steel bench in BKK that would set trees and shrubs on fire. I find this a very interesting concept. Or, one might, conceivably, be temporarily blinded, even.....maybe...
  10. Bill Withers is so amazing. One of the greatest artists of his genre, and very few could even come close.
  11. I would say that one is justifiably alarmed! For example, some say that being US president is the most dangerous job in America... https://www.newstatesman.com/world/2016/10/most-dangerous-job-america-us-presidents-have-fatality-rate-roughly-27
  12. But, you could be Elvis, and just be denying that you are Elvis. Elvis, as we know, is still with us....in Spirit. And, Elvis, through reincarnation, might be one of us who now walks the Earth.
  13. Hi Folks, You know, this is the first time I have seen more than one cockroach at a time inside any room where I have lived. I think it must be the fact that most places in Chiang Mai, I mean guesthouses, and condos run commercially, do hire exterminators to spray chemicals outside to control the termites which eat wooden flooring, and almost everything else. I have also lived in other houses, unattached dwellings, where the landlord will protect the home and the wood floors through the employment of qualified exterminators to spray outside, and not inside. And this outdoor chemical treatment kills most insects that might otherwise enter one's abode. So, this time, I guess I am expected to pay for exterminators to treat the outside area of the house for termite protection. And, I will gladly do so. I will do some investigation, and choose the best option. But, this Topic is not about extermination. It is about VOYEURISM !!! Human sexuality is a very diverse thing. It's diversity, we know, is almost limitless. And so, I am wondering... If I were to take videos of this behavior on my kitchen counter, could I make any money off of doing so by uploading to the internet some kind of COCKROACH PORN? And, not being an entomologist myself, do you think that there are any scientists around the world who would pay good money to watch the Cockroach Porn Content that I upload? But, really, I guess it is too late now...because.... Yesterday, I bought some of that SC Johnson product BAYGONE. And, a few squirts of that, left the copulating cockroaches in the thralls of sexual agony as their little thoraxes gasped their last gasp. SC Johnson! To the rescue! In future, I will take care of this problem by hiring someone. This will take care of ants and termites. And, I think it is worth it, especially during the raining season in CM. Anyway, I just wished to share this short vignette with you guys, knowing that it might be helpful to some. Baygone is good. But, watching cockroach copulation does not make most of us horny, as far as know. Best regards, Gamma
  14. I wish I had not been reminded of this fiasco. Really no use in getting steamed up about something beyond one's control. I will need to be more vigilant, in the future, about avoiding reading any stories relating to New Zealand.
  15. Does anyone have any information these two concerning: a. Educational level attained? b. IQ ??? c. Mental Illness, running, generationally, in the family? Sometimes, things like low IQ, and behavioral problems, can be due to genetic inheritance. Also, due to maturational anomalies, and environmental challenges, sometimes genes fail to turn on and turn off at the optimal times during development.
  16. I would actually condone and approve of the two morons-in-question being allowed to walk free IF: The family of morons had been forced to pay NO LESS THAN USD2.0 million to the motorcycle officer, and his extended familly. USD2 million to circumvent justice in jail (5 years (TIMES 2 for the Pair of them)) is a fair price to pay. After seeing this behavior, I have decided to never visit New Zealand, a spectacularly beautiful country which is also home to very many ugly morons, just like these two. I have heard that these types from New Zealand have been banned from Australia, even. And, I would like to see all these guys from that forgotten island banned from Thailand, too. In case you are wondering, it is exactly this type of behavior that can be activated in some primitive people when they are overcome with Island Fever due to living on an island at the ends of the Earth. Most likely, they are somehow related to one or two of the crew on the Good Ship .... BOUNTY!
  17. Yes. I agree completely. Never a closer shave has Trump ever enjoyed in his life. And, the image, which was engineered by Trump, after a bit of quick thinking at the spur of the moment, will go down in history, as you say.
  18. Also, the policeman should not have drawn his gun. The Kiwi drew his gun. And then, he looked at the copper and said, "You see? I have drawn my gun." This is the way we talk.
  19. There is always Soylent Green, if we were to ever run out of agro crops. You are correct that countries having a homogeneous culture and population, ones that share same values, goals, and cohesion, are most stable. THIS is one of the MAIN reasons i REFUSE to live in the USA, anymore.... The USA's population is becoming less homogeneous, less culturally aligned internally, sharing fewer common goals, values, and now have practically zero cohesion, and this has resulted in increased insability, and, sometimes, even assassination attempts. Gimme that Ole' Time GHETTO RAP "music", so pervasive in America....and....I am out the door....FOR GOOD! Let the Mexicans, the South Americans, and the Africans in, I say! I will enjoy the ongoing DRAMA, but from afar. Its going to get nasty out there......
  20. Yes. As I also stated. I like to shop at TOPS for the TOPS tuna. But, I will ONLY shop at two locations where I know the managers. And, the manager of the store always makes a huge difference in the feel of the store. I have known one of the managers for over 10 years. That's a long time! I like to shop at stores where I know the people serving me. Also, they like to laugh at my laughable passa Thai, which, in turn... Makes me even happier.
  21. Well, I was actually...writing "from the heart". I don't have the money to waste on buying a new smartphone when my Note4 still works fine, mechanically. I am sure that there are many like me who feel just as I. You are correct that Marshmallow, as is, represents a security nightmare. However, I still believe there must be a cheaper solution, rather than buying a new phone. I do NOT use a phone for much of anything, other than to send a few text messages using LINE and WeChat. I rarely go out, except for exercise, and walking in the beautiful surroundings of my home. For walking, I use a Galaxy S3, which is in perfect condition, for ANKI use, and also for listening to Thai language tapes. My NOTE4 is used only for Line and WeChat. I cannot justify spending USD1200.00 just so I can use a BankApp for shopping. What I would like is some sort of 3rd Party app which would interface with my Thai Bank. But, I am fairly uninformed about Thai Banking Apps and Regulations, as you have rightly pointed out. I also have heard about some Swiss Banking Apps which are very good and secure. But, I wonder if these would work with Thai Banks, and I have no idea, and I should research this question. For example, here are a few Swiss Banking Apps and ratings: https://fintechnews.ch/virtual-banking/the-best-rated-mobile-banking-apps-in-switzerland/69780/#:~:text=In fact%2C the two highest,Zurcher Kantonalbank and Luzerner Kantonalbank. My main stumbling block is that the Browser-Based internet banking app offered by my Thai Bank is almost impossible to install, and I think that they know it, too. Their phone app works well. But, I have already given up on the bank's browser-based app for desktop computer use. It seems a shame to me that there is not some alternative, some third-party app which is well designed and secure, and easy to use, AND will interface with my Thai bank. Do you know of any? In the end, if I cannot use internet banking, then so be it. I will just continue to shop at Lotus and TOPS, and be happy in Thailand. Things could be a heck of a lot worse, after all.....
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