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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I see a lot of Thai Myna birds walking around, these days, with mouths wide open. What are they doing? Panting in the heat, or something?
  2. I once could do 25 pull-ups, the right way. Now, I can only do 0.25.
  3. There is just too much in real life to cause ire. The Farang Pub is for rest, relaxation, and the enjoyment of reading others' comments. I NEVER become upset just through reading comments in the Farang Pub. Farang, though, in Thailand, and in most places, however,... I cannot tolerate. I strictly restrict my contact with Farang to PhDs, and ONLY via email exchanges with those I have known for many years. Never face to face.
  4. Yes. So, it is only reasonable that, at some point, birds might start dropping out of the sky. But, when humans begin dropping out of the sky, then we will know that our goose is cooked.
  5. Not really. He recognizes me, Boo, at least. And, no doubt, much more.
  6. Good Luck. FedEx ships just about everything else, including racehorses, I think.
  7. Hopefully, alive, as you say. But, so far, no published news. It seems that he may have hit nobody inside the bar. His main error may have occurred just outside the bar in an unfortunate altercation with the fat mustachioed guard. Looking at the video inside the bar, clearly all was chaos for awhile with many individuals pushing and shoving. Also, quite noisy in the bar, which must have added to the confusion. This is not a place I would take a nice girl on a first date.
  8. Did you notice: The above photo has.... a. Sex b. Violence c. Micro-skirts d. Swimwear fashion e. Utter confusion f. Much more And, this time, the photo is REAL..... Note: Take my advice, and do NOT watch the video, even if curious.
  9. Winehouse? Because, she is a contrarian, and says No, No, No....to Windows and Rehab. Windows is an addiction. Maybe some really DO need Rehab to get off of it... But I do not.
  10. One of the worst things I have seen in a long time. I wish I had not watched it. Obviously, the guy has family and those who care about him. Hard to watch.
  11. Does anyone know what happened to the guy...and... What are his injuries? Not much available about this on the net. It's quite haunting to see. One minute, he's on holiday. Next minute, ... hit by lightning.
  12. You might achieve it, if you first challenged yourself to read. I mean... Speed-Read, of course. Do you recall all those speed-reading scam courses, of yesteryear? Those courses can really mess you up. Hope you never enrolled in one. (I once enrolled in one, at aged 17, and realized it was a scam from the first class. Fortunately, when they tested us at the end of the course, I intentionally read at half-speed, and thereby got my money back, due to the money-back guarantee that I would double my reading speed. Not only a scam, but run by idiots, too.)
  13. What you have stated, though true and logical, seems not to makes sense there, in the alternate universe of Pattaya. I do not understand why anyone in their right mind would go to that area. All your thoughts are logical, but only in a world where logic rules. Logic does not rule once one descends down the rabbit-hole of desire, seeking forbidden fruit, and FRUITS, too, no doubt.
  14. Dear Folks, Being in Thailand, there is very little that I miss about any country I have known, even my home-country. However, there really is just one thing that I miss a great deal, and this is being able to walk in cool, crisp, pristine air, anytime I wish. I have always thought New England to be one of the most beautiful places on earth, what with the farmhouses, and the milking cows, and the bluebells (no not blue balls).... This is bluebell in the grass: Yes, I miss a lot about walking in New England, even in the heat of the summer, but mostly in the autumn months. You just cannot get the same feeling, here in Thailand, as you may have noticed.... Here is what it looks like where I love it most: And then, of course, you got your geese during the proper season for them, mostly in autumn months.....SH*TTING everywhere, and bringing new fertilized growth upon the land. I guess many of you feel just as I, that this is what we miss most about living in a hot Thailand, which is only getting hotter, by the year. These days, it's no mean feat to get out in the hills of Thailand and clamber up the steaming hills around Chiang Mai. Sure, it's beautiful here in Chiang Mai, but not that cool, unless one waits until the Cool Season (They call it the Cold Season.). Anyone know where one can find some cool, crisp hiking weather in Thailand during the Raining Season? I thought not. Still, all considered, I expect that I will never see New England, again, anytime soon, unless someone ships me home in a box. And even then, there will be no time left for hiking, of course. Just an idle thought, as usual. Best regards, Gamma Note: Stay fit, and try to hike, the best you can, while clambering up some steaming Chiang Mai mountain..... Good Luck... Chok Di.....!
  15. Sorry to hear about this, actually. Also, for sure.... I will never be returning to the USA until everything involving medicine and medical care there becomes completely socialized. Why can't you just have someone FEDEX the medication to you by OVERNIGHT courier? Much cheaper than a doctor's visit in the USA. At least, that is what my first choice might be, in similar circumstances.
  16. Dear Folks, How much hotter can it get due to reduction in aerosols which, hitherto, have led to an ameliorating cooling effect for many years? I guess most of us know that as we add aerosols from sources such as burning coal, shipping, etc., these particles in the atmosphere have helped to keep us cooler than would have been the case. And now, it seems, that as we begin reducing the addition of these particles into the atmosphere, as a result of shifting to cleaner sources of energy, the combined cooling effect of these aerosols will gradually continue to decrease. This is the subject of an interesting recent, and short, paper by...you guessed it: the famous James Hansen..... Comments on Global Warming Acceleration, Sulfur Emissions, Observations, (Hansen et al., May 2024). Well, this seems like both good news and bad news, rolled up into one phenomenon..ie... It's going to get hotter as our air gets cleaner. Sound good? So, you can read this short paper here: https://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2024/MayEmail.2024.05.16.pdf I guess we all know that Hansen has been affiliated with Columbia's Earth Institute for quite some time, and I recall very fondly watching most of his lectures or seminars that were published on the Columbia's websites in days gone by. Did you think this Global Warming thingy might just go away on its own? Not likely, I guess. I just thought that you guys might like to see one of Hansen's most recent papers, in case you might have missed it. I just wonder how hot Thailand will get, next year. And, I wonder what my increasing energy bill will look like, next year. This paper has a VERY NICE graph, one which I know that you will enjoy. Any thoughts about Temperatures Rising, and Heat Waves, besides the classic wonderful song? Best regards, As usual, and it's.... Business as Usual... Obviously.... Gamma G.
  17. For sure, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hate to see this violence, no matter who is involved, and for whatever reason. Extremely disturbing, at least to me it is..... I just do not like to be reminded of the baser nature of our being.
  18. Leakey said that he came out of Africa, you will recall.
  19. Remember that Fountain Bathing incident in the news, recently, on TV? What a SCREAM that one was!
  20. It's true that I am, by nature, a Skeptic and Contrarian. But, that's actually a GOOD thing....
  21. It's true...and.... I enjoy typing my comments in the NUDE....
  22. You are entirely correct, and I agree, absolutely, concerning violence and aggression, at all levels. It all began, I think, with Primates. We are nothing but Naked Apes, as everyone knows. But, as we also know...it all began with a woman, or over a woman.... You remember LUCY, don't you? Remember the Australophithecus?
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