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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. a. And so, if you really want to hear about it, the first I learned about CO2 and Climate Forcing was in 1970, from a Social Science Prof at my university. b. And, if you really want to hear about it, the first I learned about Ecological Overshoot was when I read the book by Paul Ehrlich. c. I didn't read anything by Lovelock until much later. d. The first time I became truly concerned about Global Warming issues was when I watched the many seminars, formerly available, but now taken down, with the bright lights attending, such as James Hansen, and other top scientists, at Columbia, at The Earth Institute. e. For some unknown reasons, those seminars, which were recorded and made available online, are difficult to find. f. The videos that I once watched were put out by this program at Columbia... The presenters at the seminars were tops in their fields. And, these were not for a lay audience. g. So, I sometimes wonder why Columbia University does not rank much higher than it does, among unis, because Columbia is one of the very best in the world, though less famous than that NUMBER ONE SLOUCH/GARBAGE school, Harvard. h. These days, I actually do not care that much about Global Warming. And, you know why? Yesterday, on this Forum, some NITWIT called me "GrandPa" and offered me some warm milk, and suggested I take my warm milk, and retire for the evening. How dismissive is THAT!, I ask you? i. Let me tell you: I am not worried about Global Warming for my own personal wellbeing. I only worry for you, the young guys on this blessed Forum. I now have 60,000 BTU of cooling power blowing on me. If I want, I can dial down the temps in my rooms to about 18 degrees C. And, maybe next year, I will have installed enough solar generation here on my land to power my ACs during daylight hours. I also can pump up enough well-water to supply my needs, using my semi-permeable membrane. I do not worry for myself, you see. But I do worry for those who may not be able to protect themselves from changing times during this next decade. Also, if things get really bad, then I can always decamp to American Samoa where the temps, due to the surrounding waters, will help to moderate the coming calamity of Global Warming, long enough for me. j. I never become ruffled in any way when people call me Grandpa. Instead, I worry about what might happen before I die. After I die, I will no longer need worry about much.... k. Well, I guess that now is about time for my warm milk.... If only there were some Pattaya woman to tuck me in this evening. And, maybe someone to take my money, in exchange for a kiss.
  2. The Walton family, not matter what they might think, may not be able to escape Global Warming, no matter how deep they dig their bunkers. Hot is Hot, The Waltons....The ULTIMATE Preppers!
  3. How many here have thought about a better way to insulate you home to make it more thermally efficient. 40 years ago, I met a friend, in Naples, Florida, who founded this company. I like the idea of using this technology to attach insulation to the exterior of my house. What do you think? I am all for improving thermal insulation on all homes.... Here is where I used to live. Here, we can afford to protect ourselves from almost everything, except the Naples Farang....
  4. There MUST BE some kind of way OUT OF HERE! I can't get no RELIEF! Our world is BURNING...... Especially, around here in Chiang Mai.... Smoke EVERYWHERE! HOT HOT HOT No reason to get excited..... Right?
  5. "The smell of the Earth, BURNING"....(so prescient), and such an image, too, for these days. But...HOW? How did Jimi get it so CORRECT, back in the day? Your guess is as good as mine, I guess....maybe....
  6. New Keyboard, on the way.....! Soon to come. I will connect this to my new openSUSE machine....next week. It's going to be simply sublime....
  7. Right. Kurt Vonnegut. Yes.... (He lost his mind, in the end. So sad, really!)
  8. Good Evening, Ladies & Gentlemen.... I must be on my way: Axis Bold as LOVE.....Amazing.... How much longer will this heat beat down upon us? I have lived here before. And this is why, I am so concerned. THE WORLD IS BURNING. BURNING! I want to know about the HUMAN EARTH......
  9. This keyboard is just about worn out. I need a better keyboard. To many errors. Any ideas? Cheap is Best.
  10. All men are equal. (Equally doomed, obviously.) Doomed, for sure.... Eventually.... Into the sea.... EVENTUALLY.... fly ON!
  11. EVERYWHERE! Good Men are dying Everywhere! What? Is it so easy for you to accept death and the dying all around you? Carry on.....
  12. The very reason that I stay in Thailand is for many reasons: a. Thailand is probably the very best country and culture that I have ever visited, including those in North America, Central America, Europe, etc. b. I love the local Thai friends I meet here in Thailand. c. The Thai people I meet have a very nice sense of humor which I enjoy. d. I like the mangos and the papayas that grow almost anywhere and everywhere. e. I am old now. And, I have lived in some REALLY UPSCALE Neighborhoods, but money is not everything. And, I can tell you honestly that, without doubt, Thailand is the only place for me. I will die here. And, I will be very thankful, on my deathbed, to look up at the ceiling and gasp My last gasp, thinking.... What was I thinking! HONESTLY: I know that I am lucky to be in Thailand. (I came to Thailand not of my own choosing particularly. My arrival here was in no way planned. I arrived here to recover from a health issue. And then, after recovery, I realized that I would be a fool to leave.)
  13. No matter what the situation, it's always best to just pay whatever is asked, and then cut your losses, and then get on to your new life. NEVER DWELL upon the history of a relationship which has gone bad. Life is short. Maybe just move to a new country, and you will feel far better in a short amount of time. IN FACT, after moving away, and maybe moving to a new country....you will very soon.... Wonder why you were so stressed, in the first place. CHANGING one's environment, and even moving very far away to a new country, is.... The very best FIX for almost every problem in life. Please believe me...because....I have had... Much experience with Psychotic Wives. Not Joking, Folks!
  14. FYI: I really worry about those that do not have access to AC, in their homes, and do not have the opportunity to "COOL DOWN AT NIGHT". The higher temperatures this Hot Season put a lot of stress on those who do not have access to places where they are able to cool down. Right now, one might guess, that we are on the very edge. And, if it becomes much hotter next year, or in the coming five years, then quality of life will continue to deteriorate. And, it is not just quality of life, but also the very survival of those who are more at risk, and those who are older/younger, or less physically fit. The global mean temperatures will continue to rise. And also, there will be anomalies in local areas which push temps far higher than the mean. Even people who are acclimated to hot weather in Thailand may not be able to easily adapt to the coming rise in temperature, and the higher frequency of heatwaves lasting over two weeks. I really would not know how to discuss this reality with my children....and... Hence, decades ago, I decided that it would be unconscionable to bring a child into the world which is now staring us in the face. What a NITWIT was Paul Ehrlich! He and his wifey KNEW the impending risks, yet.... The wifey convinced Paul to have, .... Just one girl. Not sure how she is now doing, ...in this heat... In 2024.... Humans are NOT LOGICAL, I believe... But, then... They sent me away.... Here to Thailand. BLAST IT!
  15. You are 100-percent correct. Those living today must find best strategies to manage ENDLESS STRESS without succumbing to stress-induced illnesses. This is key for living a slightly better life. How does one become more resilient? Such strategies are learned early in life, I think. If we do not learn them early, then our lives often take a turn for the worse. Just, please listen to Duckworth, from PENN, concerning how to teach our youth to become more resilient. This is the best that a parent can do, looking ahead..... This girl is a Prof at PENN And, she is ALSO Chinese. So, for me... She is just perfect.... (Did you pick up on the alliteration?)
  16. Always one to spoil the mood, I guess. Never fails. Anyway, whatever greases your squeaky wheel, I guess,... And, all comments are welcome, weird or not.
  17. What? !!!!!!!!!!!!! And we thought WOODSTOCK WAS HOT???? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not compared to Chiang Mai, these days..... BLAST IT! Just to take your minds off the BLASTED HEAT!
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