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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. nope, the american solution is give the students guns, and the teachers and anyone else for that matter. guns save lives.
  2. totally agree with you regarding the cost of uninsured tourist medical care, unfortunately this is a topic thais have a real bee in their bonnet about, partly xenophobic and partly because they have pay for half decent medical care - they hate to see a 'foreigner' getting something for free.
  3. i guess this shows how many overstayers there are out there and how ineffective their current immigration enforcement procedures are.
  4. true enough, personally i hate sleeping with AC so use fans and through flow of air, does the job. some people are more able to cope with adversity than others, i do ok in adversely hot weather and ok in adversely cold weather, being fit, healthy and having a positive outlook helps i reckon.
  5. what he should have done is come back years ago, gone to an 'easy' jail for a few weeks, find a doctor that will give him a sick note and, due to 'ill health', serve the rest of his sentence under house arrest, then be free as a bird.
  6. unlucky you, i have never had to 'entertain' to get a one night stand, whether back home or here, and boy, have i had some amazing times.
  7. if you think weed did that you don;t know weed.
  8. recently got a deal with nordvpd, $2.40 a month for two years. great price, very happy with the product. (plus, means i don;t get bugged by ads ???? )
  9. agree, i see far too many guys cede control to their other halves, like they are scared to stand up for themselves in the relationship, don't know whether it's a lack of confidence, or low self esteem but seems to happen much more here than back home.
  10. arm the receptionist, arm the nurses, arm the doctors, give the patients a gun on arrival - just in case. next.
  11. sounds good, but, the airport facial recognition didn't recognise me last time i arrived in the uk, the IO at the desk cleared me in 10 seconds...
  12. common sense is related to having adequate insurance, especially medical insurance. he chose to self insure, a risky strategy in thailand, he lost, why should other people bail him out? where are his family? where are his friends? does he have assets; car, home, he should sell them.
  13. what's cool is that people have the choice, and are 100% free to express their opinion and their choice.
  14. don't need an expert to explain this, it's pretty obvious to anyone following current affairs, domestic/international news
  15. however mad and crazy thailand can seem, the good ole usa trumps it every time (no pun intended)
  16. world economy issues, retail has been/is suffering in many/most countries, not a 'big c' problem, they are part of a massive corporation (with connections), they'll be fine
  17. the slightly surprising, but also heart warming, part of the story is that a 58 year old lady is seemingly able, without much effort, to find love/affection/action. as for advice to the OP, if someone lied me and, was actively looking for and/or went off with someone else i'd be out of there. life's too short.
  18. agree, if a uk citizen get back asap. anyone planning on leaving the uk make sure you get and stay registered with a GP
  19. i attach my laptop to tv with hdmi cable, works fine.
  20. bog standard mandatory tourist insurance policies would be hugely expensive if they included cover for motorcycle riding and other risky activities. the situation would be the same; it is up to the individual to ensure they have relevant and appropriate insurance for the activities they undertake. people have to stop this reckless 'entitlement' behaviour expecting complete strangers to bail them out when things go wrong.
  21. because succession to the British throne is determined under common law, and not by the people.
  22. tbh most people in the uk have bigger things to worry about. and there is another side to consider; the tourists seem to love the monarchy, and where there's tourists there's brass
  23. exactly. if you're going to ride a motorcycle make sure you wear a helmet, appropriate clothing and have adequate insurance, it's a no brainer. personally, i wouldn't go near a motorcycle, not because i can't ride but because i don't trust the other guy.
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