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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. This as the manageress claimed that the exits were not locked at the facility where 14 died and dozens were injured to paraphrase mr zimmerman; 'she said it so it must be true...' actually, should be pretty easy to establish if they were locked or not from evidence on site and survivors testimony.
  2. Any car with 33 or more cubic feet of interior volume is considered to be a sedan
  3. You will gain no respect or kudos for it, only be seen as an easy mark and a soft touch. this is an excellent point, unfortunately many westerners see themselves as the big 'I am' and feel they are really helping and being appreciated, however, as you say, the opposite is often true. i remember one ex-gf telling me after she was married that her husband had paid 2.4 million baht dowry and that all her family, and ever she herself, thought he was an idiot who didn;t understand thailand or thai culture. as a uni graduate with a decent office job she said the family would have accepted 200,000 baht
  4. oh boy, any excuse to indulge in a bit of thai bashing, many of my thai friends have excellent english and studied bachelor or master degree abroad, in their second language. do you have a master degree in a second language? i thought not. if you dont have something constructive to say it's better to say nothing.
  5. or simply so desperate that you have to pay someone to spend time with you.
  6. when posting criticism about anothers appearance how about putting a photo of yourself up here, just so we can see what a perfect specimen of the human race you are
  7. had many maids living and working in HK and Singapore, mostly filipino, my top tip, remember they are an employee and treat them as such, it's what they expect. don't get too personal or close to them. when you give instructions keep it clear and simple. had no really bad experiences and some great workers and even better cooks,
  8. thanks for the advice, i think a 60 day tourist visa sounds the way to go, and, hopefully, looks easy to obtain online
  9. I'm trying to help a friend obtain a 60 day tourist visa from the UK, the embassy visa website is confusing and out of date as it still refers to quarantine periods and medical insurance requirements. is it possible to obtain a STV 60 days by post in the uk? anyone know a link to obtain further information? many thanks for any help
  10. pros and cons to uniforms, thailand is culturally a country where uniforms are the norm way beyond school. interestingly there is a school in the dusit are of bamgkok that is a bit freeer thinking and uniforms are not worn, several of my friend's children go there, it's nice to see non-conformity sometimes
  11. violence is not the solution and would set an awful example for the child.
  12. The Anti-Fake News Center of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (DES) Ministry of Silly Walks same same but different
  13. why only thais? pretty much every country has drunk drivers, why is drunk driving any worse just because it's in thailand?
  14. don't you use google to surf the web?
  15. options? - if you're so price sensitive check price before ordering - don't go there again - get a life first world problems eh?!
  16. yup, and the consensus seems to have been they weren't prepared to pay for it.
  17. Many were complaining that the match was on a weekday and not the weekend, superstar Christiano Ronaldo, United's number 7, was not coming of course he wasn't coming, i'm sure he had much better things to do.
  18. Where we live they are not illegal legality and enforcement of laws are separate things. just because the police/authorities fail to enforce a law doesn;t make it legal.
  19. most airports impose taxes and levys on passengers, you generally dont notice these charges because they are automatically included in the ticket price. it was more obvious in thailand as they were late adopters to this centralised charging system clinging to the archaic booths at airports.
  20. Ricky doesn't mean it, it's satire, he's mocking people like you! and the sad thing is, you don't get it!
  21. so many perfect people using this forum to criticise others. live and let live. chill. you'll feel better for it.
  22. no, it's not a rip off, you just don't understand how the oyster card works. it's actually an excellent card, very convenient for passengers.
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