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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Bunter is definitely thinning......one of the reasons for the scruffy mop style......trying to camouflage it for as long as possible.
  2. I am confused? Do you mean the airplane was changed to a different model with no Q suites???? I take it you got a full refund?
  3. What a complete and utter farce. Sat in soi 8 not that long ago and the police arrived in force....about 12 of them. They all lined up with the maitre'd of a popular restaurant took a photo of themselves altogether and went.
  4. Splashed out and went Qatar Q suite...what the hell....you're only old once.
  5. They just can't help themselves.......I don't mean Thais......I mean people.
  6. Had four kids and was a single dad from when they were 15, 13, 11 and 6................... never smacked any of them. The trick is to lay down boundaries very early on and let them know you love them, but you are not their "friend". You are the boss, end of, and your word is law......obviously you have to be sensible about those laws and ensure they can see why you have chosen those 'laws'.
  7. This was the argument many deluded people used to support the reign of Kray twins.
  8. How do the Indian millionaires travel to Thailand?...........are they all counted separately as they use private jets?
  9. If only the three US citizens I bumped into recently held the same views as you......I was just unlucky I guess.
  10. A result that should do wonders for their international ratings on the human rights front......well done senators.
  11. Wife went to get her new Thai ID (free at the moment)....they initially refused to issue her with the new one because..........."she didn't look any different to the photo in the old one"........????? Eventually the head honcho had to okay it......weird.
  12. I hear you.....but only just. A total lack of empathy is the root cause of many problems (not just in Thailand).
  13. When all is said and done....is there a Nana or a soi 7 in the UK?......nope! I rest my case.
  14. ....as opposed to............... boom................. suddenly 60+ countries can now visit Thailand..........roll on up.
  15. Quite a few of the bars are owned by the police, so there could be a little bit of tension brewing.
  16. They are actively discouraging the type of tourists who want bars, clubs and a raucous nightlife. They have visions of nuclear families, all tee-total, with a liberal sprinkling of multi-millionaires who don't like to do anything other than visit handicraft shops and temples. Good luck with that.
  17. Something similar......wife to be was sat with a couple of her friends on the steps outside a small mall. I stopped as she caught my eye. Sweet, pretty, coquettish. One of her friends thought I was interested in her, so it was a bit embarrassing saying sorry, not you, her. We spent, in total, three days together before we married. That was 15 years ago (today as it happens!!!?
  18. Mayor says over 80% of Pattaya residents are fully vaccinated ......and 100% are stone cold sober.
  19. Sleep on the floor, in the buff, with a single fan......saving a fortune.
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