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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Stopping govt waste & illegal immigration ... selfish bastards Billionaires before entering politics vs the 100's of scum that became multi millions after entering politics on <$200k a year. Both have lost millions if not a billion of so, by being out spoken against the deep state. They haven't gained anything, and why most talented 'already' rich people can't be bothered with politics. Try to get past the hate, and you may see clearer
  2. Neither naive nor anti USA government, well that's a question mark, as not a fan of past administrations. Present administration, they're kicking butt and doing exactly what they campaigned on. Only the blind and the ones full of hate can't see it. The hate is so blinding
  3. Yep ... those smart enough to jump in got a 200% profit and in less than 4 years. Most people would love to have average 50% a year. Let the hate continue, or is that envy you didn't jump in like the smart people.
  4. Thank you, don't know how people can't separate it. I hate Israel's government, they're short of being a terrorist, IMHO, and I think I'm being kind. As for the Israeli people, they seem like fine people, I guess. I don't really know any Jews, except for the ones that are in my family, and hey, they're family,so I have to tolerate them
  5. Yes ... and they are all part of North America. Hence the name Gulf of America. Not Americas. Geez, if he wanted to be pro-yank he would named it 'Gulf of USA' Are you all crazy ... give the hate a rest.
  6. Damn ... Impressive
  7. Hover mouse over username, and you'll see the 'IGNORE' button, click on that ...
  8. Who cares ... Those Thais fluent in English rarely use it. All are taught now, and most understand it, but simply don't use it. TBH, have no use for it, unless in the tourism trade. I was pretty good in Spanish, French & Latin (of all things), and forgot almost all of it. If watching a movie, and Spanish is spoken, I barely understand most of it. Catch a bit, but that's all. I live here, and can't hold a conversation in Thai, and don't need to. Just as most Thai, don't care to use, or even need to know English. For financial gain, workplace, Chinese is more useful to know.
  9. As suggested, COD will solve that, and 99.9% of our deliveries are COD.
  10. Nothing daring or dangerous about that 'stunt' I use to stand up, completely on the seat, hands off the handlebars. Of course, this was on an empty street, with not traffic. He had complete control and could brake at anytime if need. Though may have toppled over if not getting seated quick enough.
  11. If can't find locally, then Panasonic Flagshop store @ Lazada has. Ask about mfr & exp date.
  12. Here's foods that I eat, and are available in TH. Which I picked from this site, as some aren't readily available here, or I simply don't eat them. https://www.drberg.com/ketosis-approved-foods
  13. Magnesium Citrate, easily digested, inexpensive, and no diarrhea effect that some mention. Never was a fan of white rice. Have tater tots once in a while. Pasta, I switched to egg noodles only. Wee bit better, and don't eat often. Bread was the hardest to cut back on, as we bake our own (no sugar), and damn tasty, if I say so myself. Only eat a couple slices a week, if that, instead of half a loaf a day
  14. Yes, already stated, one of the few supplements that I do take. Take about 3gr a day, as just a supplement. Eat some foods high in Creatine, but I don't think nearly enough. ("A 4-ounce / 113gr serving of beef contains around 500 mg of creatine") RDA for me would be 3-7.5g, since I'm about 75kg. ... "The recommended daily dose of creatine is 3–5 grams, or 0.1 grams per kilogram of body weight" ...
  15. Yea, 2 continents named North & South America would throw anyone off There's only 35 sovereign countries in the Americas.
  16. You'd think those in the highest risk group, age wise, lived through, JFK & MLK assassination. Pentagon Papers, the Vietnam War, Nixon, and would have learned by now, not to trust the govt. Not even talking this century ... WMD, or 'you like your doc, you can keep your doc'. Hello, you younger folks, not 60, 70 or 80, but 40 ish yrs old maybe, born before 1980 ish, try thinking for yourselves. You didn't believe that crap, but yet ... 'safe & effective' and the spiked protein stays at the injection point I mean come on, y'all haven't learned anything yet. Your interest is the least thing on the govt's mind. Your health, is also the least thing of big pharma's mind. Curing any disease is counter productive to profits. Fast tracked, untested, unapproved 'something' (not a vaccine IMHO). So change the definition of 🙄 and that didn't tell you anything. And it needs to be administered over & over You just can't fix stupid.
  17. I stated 'that does make sense' ... might want to read that again. 🙄
  18. Why stress over history ... unless you're one of the folks that fell for all the BS, and now a bit concerned about your future health, or lost someone following some of 'that' advice they forced on you. Lesson learned, I hope. Next time, do you own research. Take the govt & snake oil salesperson with a larger grain of salt, or ignore completely.
  19. It doesn't just border England. The Gulf of America, only borders countries in the Americas. Actually surprised nobody thought of it before. If he suggested Gulf of USA, then I could understand the deranged hatred so many exhibit now, for no rational reason. Gulf of America ... it does kind of make sense. Don't let hate make you over think it.
  20. Taking Creatine may help. Vid below. I don't take supplements on weekend, to flush any excess out, if any. I do know, if I don't start taking my multi vitamin for a day or so, after the weekend, I'll get a bit of brain fog. So obviously something in the vitamin, that my diet is lacking. Do need to get a vitamin & mineral blood test, to see if I'm deficient in anything. One of these days, as local hospital doesn't do it.
  21. I'm on a Keto-ish diet. Heavy on fats, protein, carbs, and try to keep a raito of 75%...20%.....5%, respectfully. Though usually fail, and more like 55-30-15% Don't do as much saturated fats as suggested, and leaner cuts of protein. Eggs everyday for first meal, after a 15 or 16 hr intermittent fast overnight (2000 - 1200 hrs). Main things I cut out are starchy carbs, potatoes (rare), pasta, and cut way back on my bread intake. Along with healthier version of whole wheat & rye flour bread (no sugar). Try to stick to fibrous veggies (greens) Milk kefir, and soon to add water kefir, for gut health, probiotics. Eliminated most sugar along with high GI fruits. Has progressed over the past 2.5 yrs, a bit more stricter along the way. Made quite a noticeable change, little to no inflammation, good sleep, excellent blood work numbers and blood pressure. Was put on a statin a couple years ago, and stop taking that. My cholesterol is even better now without the statin. No negatives, still eat quite good, and don't really miss much. Been eating real whole foods for quite some time, so pretty healthy to begin with. Never was an ultra processed, junk food eater. Intermittent fasting overnight should help with weight loss, and maintain a good weight. Does for me, since doing, and no hunger pains, since overnight, and simply have morning coffee, and keep busy, till about noon, and 1st meal. I do take a few supplements, as I simply don't eat enough food to get everything. They are ... ... Magnesium, real game changer for sleep ... COQ10 ... Creatine ... Multi-vitamin
  22. A new favorite ... Cabbage, onions, tomatoes & protein. Today, Chorizo. The other day, salmon & eggs.
  23. Don't know about 'buildings', but land lots yes, if not built on or being used, then tax is higher. Land tax was silly, about 5 or 15 baht per rai, in Udon Thani. So any difference would really be minimal, can't imagine it being much. Even 100 baht would only be $3 a year. We had 6 rai, house on 2, and simply said the other 4 were planted. Nobody cared or checked. Here now, we only have four 1/4 rais, house on 1, 1 is the garden/greenhouse, and the other 2 vacant. Though the wife did plant some things on the vacant ones, so now, used for 'farming'. RE Taxes really are silly low, and a big advantage over RE Taxes in PA, USA, where I had 3 houses 25+ yrs a go. 3 houses @ $4000, $1000 & $1000 a year. Brother said one of the $1000 taxed house, tripled the tax in that time to 3k+. As you say, people's housing appreciating, nicely, but so have the taxes and they are having a hard time keeping. So you sell, make a nice profit, but downsize somewhere else, and then get hit with another tax. Soon BlackRock will own all the RE in USA. Back to a feudal serfdom existence
  24. Nice. Would think the opposite for RE taxes at Hi, We only have about 18k liters of water tanks, so due to the garden & greenhouse, wouldn't last long if we used straight away at dry season. We don't bother using till just prior to rainy season, as that's when local water can be a bit iffy, if reservoirs are down, as they were last year, April & May, as rains don't kick in till mid May or beyond of late. Top up tanks Sept / Oct, don't use till April. Be nice if it rained a wee bit all year, instead of too much half the year, and almost not at all the other half. Just got water bill today, 600 baht vs usual 50-75-150 baht. Damn figs are expensive, but tasty. Solar takes care of the rest of our bills, for house & transport. I think RE Taxes are about 5 baht a year, per lot, and I might be exaggerating
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