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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. HEY... Philly one of the best 'small' big city / metro (hometown) areas in USA.
  2. You mean I'm not supposed to yell out my nationality when I walk into a vendor. Holy crap, I've been doing it all wrong. If I don't will they all still clap and cheer. I am very handsome.
  3. Or you could have simply known to apply for the extension 30 days (if the rule) before the expiration date and avoided all that.
  4. Like the idea of not dumping fuel in the sea. Don't understand the need for the not so 'emergency' landing. Why not just continue to Moscow, unless pilot thought the gear would cause too much drag, and not enough fuel to make it, if flying at lower altitude and or speed.
  5. Think it just shows how many Yanks on the forum, and most not deranged lefties. Or simply can't be bothered to feed the troll. Asking for just yanks to reply was a good idea. We await his next attempt for negative support. You'd think he'd take a hint.
  6. 12 replies 10 positive or neutral 1 mentally deranged As expected
  7. unchanged Same as every new administration, and what goes on in USA doesn't affect me at all.
  8. I know I'm not supposed to criticized AN staff postings; news blips or sponsored post. But Daily Mail ... seriously. And I'm scrutinized for posting RTnews blips. Can't even get the score right "Kansas City Chiefs suffered a brutal 40-14 defeat at the hands of the Philadelphia Eagles."
  9. What are you plans at Rayong ? Any ideas on dining outside hotel, or attractions, which may be near or even have a CS a very short distance away. Plan on hitting a shopping center ? Although as suggested, contact hotel, and if allowed, just top up there. Offer 6-7-8 baht a kWh if they don't simply offer for free. Of course if anyone has to P on the way, as it is a 2.5-3 hr drive, hopefully closer to Rayong, then hit a station that has a CS, as map shows plenty. PTT / EV Station Pluz will keep them occupied for 15+ minutes. Just plug in as soon as you pull in. Do a tester before the road trip.
  10. Dragon fruit has a glycemic index (GI) of around 48–52, which is considered low. This means that it has a small effect on blood sugar levels. ... Google ... 🙄
  11. Not sure about humorous, but yikes https://www.facebook.com/reel/639061428521643
  12. You don't think EGAT, PEA/MEA are not profitable, highly profitable. Along with the fossil fuel (oil & gas, coal) companies supplying the fuels to generate the electricity. They wouldn't be popping up everywhere if not profitable now, and especially in the future, as EV gain and eventually take over the market share of personal & fleet vehicles.
  13. Not due for release till 4th of July weekend, (July 2) per IMDB https://www.imdb.com/video/vi3122317593/?listId=ls053181649&ref_=hm_hp_i_hero-video-4_4
  14. If you can't give it up, I can't either, but weened myself off of everyday, then better version would be, whole wheat rye. Best tasting anyway IMHO Sorry, don't know where to source, as we make our own. Also to help, eat the bread (higher GI cars) last, lots of butter on it, after your fat & protein, and fibrous carbs. Should help slow carb & sugar digestion, along with insulin spikes.
  15. More taxes will solve everything ... ... and the band played on
  16. I knew that For 2025 ... 6.2% & tops out at $176,100 If intelligent enough to be self employed 12.4% NO KISS ... NO KY
  17. Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea Snap from the veranda ... https://ebird.org/species/purher1/TH-77
  18. Jumper spider ... very small, and could sit on the tip of your pinky finger.
  19. I'm sure this is all a coincidence Official name of C19 virus = SARS-CoV-2 https://uvahealth.com/services/covid19-glossary NIH funded SARS & MERS 'gain of function' (= weaponizing) research at Wuhan lab. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10234839/ "Gain-of-function research is medical research that genetically alters an organism in a way that may enhance the biological functions of gene products. This may include an altered pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range, i.e., the types of hosts that a microorganism can infect." -wiki
  20. One of the more ignorant posts about taxation that I've read, since the last thread about a fair tax. You might want to Google "what income brackets pay most of the income taxes in USA" I know you won't, as ignorant people fear facts. So have a quick read ... Top 5% pay 66% Half the people, only paid 2.3%, so not exactly a fair tax system.
  21. And yet, the Thais I know, rarely drink alcohol Most farangs I know, knew, are borderline Alkys, and I'm pretty sure I'm being kind. Drinking alcohol every day. Even when I did indulge, I wasn't even a weekend warrior. Maybe 2X a month.
  22. Married filing jointly or deductions, keeps my under. I can be very creative, if actually asked.
  23. No, I don't even have to file a 1040, I'm so poor...
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