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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Well aware of TH, prior to 2000 and 'The Beach', as having a bud stationed here during Nam war, that I use to correspond with weekly. Never thought about it afterwards. Only on the radar from coworkers, (airline employees), who regularly visited. If not employed there myself, with more than a few weeks of timeshare to burn, then I would have never visited myself, in 1999. Visited PP long before seeing the movie. As I think the first movie of DiCaprio's that I saw was 'The Departed' and not because he was in it. As an alternative to TH, probably retiring in the Americas somewhere, or staying nomadic tourist of the Americas.
  2. Not now, as USA no longer has a war mongering administration in place.
  3. @bamnutsak Who cares, give them all back, save the tax payers paying for their upkeep. Get all Yanks back on USA soil. Unless true criminals, then let them rot, unless under orders for a previous administration, then 'maybe' give them a pass. But ban them from any gov't agency in the future for being an idiot.
  4. Don't know about the dog food, though some does smell pretty good, even tasted some, and just OK. Agree though, and I live in TH, as I prefer to continue my LPOS (Lazy Piece of Sh!t) comfy existence, without the need to work or generate income, from any source. Even being a lazy slum lord, or from the 'markets' and that is more effort than I'm willing to invest. Now that's lazy, as way too easy, and don't even need to leave the house to generate income
  5. Moaning women trigger me also ... when they look 'back' at me, and say ... ...'oh yea, it hurts so good, I'm OK, keep going, don't stop' 😎
  6. 'Shocking' ... I think not. Only to the most ignorant of folks. Oh wait, that would include a few 100 million USA citizens and billions of idiots worldwide. Moral of story ... IMHO ... stop listening to your govt and those acronym profiteers.
  7. @bannork All chocolate people that live in the USA, or Americas are not 'African Americans' ...unless ... they have citizenship in a country of Africa. They are USA citizens or Americans, citizens of the country they were born in. Musk having both, he is the only white AA that I know of. Surely many more, that I don't know about. Along with 2 already mentioned, and 1 was Ugandan, the other Nigerian, along with being citizens of the USA. I an not German American, Jewish American or Brit American, since knowing some recent ancestors before the USA was the USA came from those countries or religions, and probably a few more, depending how far you want to go back. If think like special interest groups (with an agenda) then I also could consider myself AA, since most of humans migrated from Africa, before it had a name. There's that divisive label thing again, that I find usually used for one's self interests, or by racist trying to divide & distract. And for myself, surely some of those ancestors were slaves, to some conquering country, tribe or clan, as was the thing in the day, spoils to the victors. So I'll also be expecting a reparation check in the mail, for the hardships, mine, like every other persons ancestors endured and some time in history.
  8. By who ? Special interest groups. I only personally know two legal AA, and not from the Africa - Americas slave trade history.
  9. 3. People who never had or have problems talking to and dating, having relationships without P4P, and don't have financial issues and can live anywhere they choose, within reason.
  10. If checking apps, EV Pluz included, before stopping, they'll tell you if available. PlugShare, Charge Loma & Gmaps good to let you know locations of next CS, but check vendor app before stopping.
  11. Had their coffee a couple times, and never again. Brekkie included with room, and why we prefer not to have included, aside from the fact, I rarely eat breakfast anyway. But since 'paid for it' ... No, didn't drink that orange stuff. Fruit was the best I had, cold & juicy, rare for that fruit, and why I never buy.
  12. I have, a few times, needed one. Would have been handy more than a few times also. Is one necessary ... No. As most places will deliver, or silly small charge for delivery. Along with ability to rent or hire someone with one. In reality, I don't even need any motored vehicle here, especially where I live now, but they do come in handy. Also accounts for my highest monthly expense, simple ownership, after food of course.
  13. They always come in handy
  14. We travel with the French Press & water kettle, with fresh ground before leaving the house. That was a pit stop w/charging station. Their fresh made is just OK, but not available there. Amazon sucks.
  15. Sushi Chicken Caesar Salad w/side of Garlic / pepper Chicken Chicken Green Curry w/green curry rice. Tasty stuff ... THANK YOU 7-11 Sugar Carb cheat day ... shh ... Pandan rolls ... Double Chocolate Croisant For dessert & with morning coffee
  16. Chicken Tikka Masala w/turmeric rice. Chicken breast on the side, washed down with Moccona 3/1. All hit the spot. Thank You 7-11
  17. Maybe if the THB actually moved ฿1 or ฿2, in any direction, someone might be able to state it's getting stronger or weaker. Jan 20th 2025, the THB was ฿34 / $1 USD. IF and when it hits ฿32 or ฿36 / $1, then that might be news worthy. Until then 🥱
  18. Quite the assumption ... that there is a 'free world'. The 'leaders' that you are allowed to see, would be those attending ... ... WEF ... Davos ... Bilderberg meeting Their puppeteers are the leaders, and that curtain hasn't been pull back
  19. Unlike many, I can actually look at history, learn and decide, think for myself, who is the aggressor in Europe ... NATO or Putin - RU - USSR
  20. All those profits made to simply postpone the inevitable. Who cares how many died and or got displaced.
  21. Only now is the EU concerned about UA/RU conflict, because the money machine is about to be turned off
  22. @Harrisfan Mexico is, was great. And was a top contender for place to retire.
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