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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Lived in the Northeast about 17 or 18 years, which is almost as bad as Bangkok, and lungs have always been clear (non-smoker), per almost yearly x-ray.
  2. Seems the IO was ready to just approve the retirement version, but wife didn't relay that info. After stamped & paid, a wee bit late to tell the hubby. One good thing about 'retirement' extensions, they can be a bit more lenient when in a good mood. Got Led Zep's 'Communication Breakdown' going a round in my head
  3. What did he actually expect the police to do, any different than PoPo in any other city or country to do. You got pickpocketed. You pickpocketed, report taken. If the catch someone, and they have your cards on them, case solved. No different than PoPo anywhere. Next time pay attention to your bag, and be grateful, they didn't simply take the whole bag.
  4. Irrelevant what other think, the IO told you what he requires, and you apparently had it. 2 months statement of 'seasoned' funds in bank was enough for him at that office. Since it was an extension and not a first time application, 2 months vs 3 makes sense. Bummer your wife didn't tell you, as could have went to bank, got statement returned, stamped & done.
  5. Yes, irrelevant to the world, unless you live in London.
  6. ROCK ON 😎 Doesn't state what time, but 'empty taxi shelter', so guessing way after the witching hour. Who hasn't gotten their freak on in public somewhere, especially out of the 'public eye', well, almost. Envious Bolt driver
  7. to the title ... mayor of a city, and about as irrelevant as can be. Not worthy of a headline.
  8. Only because I was stoned. Same with Monty Python, as if watch either now, I wonder why I even bothered way back when.
  9. At extension time, you submit same form TM7, with what ever 'your' Imm office asks for the marriage visa extension. At the bottom of TM7, instead of 'retirement' as reason to extend stay, you simply write 'marriage'. Unless I'm missing something, it's pretty simple if extending '0 non immigrant visa'. I've done it a few times, changed from marriage to support of Thai national to retirement to marriage, back to retirement. Using Imm offices at Udon Thani & Hua Hin. As stated, retirement is less paperwork & more finances, instant approval. No 30 day 'under consideration' wait. Both way too simple.
  10. You mean again, for the 10th time ... I don't think so. Go back to USAID pre-2014 along with NATO has always been the aggressor, not RU ...
  11. Agree, still loving ours, and would certainly buy again. O&A with it now and comfy on long drives. As stated, owned ICE version 2 yrs 40k kms, and present BEV for 2.5 yrs and 40k km now.
  12. So no other option except 'other' if you think RU is right in all of this. Not much of a poll. RU is bad RU is bad RU is bad I don't know I don't care
  13. No ... did stroll by it though. Was just there for the Napalai Terrace and view of river & city at night. Quite nice. Did get a pastry from Starbucks, washed down with water The Sook area (what was the floating market) sure has changed. Food food & more food Like the original layout, as more scenic. https://photos.app.goo.gl/6vWvFg9zweehDKf96
  14. OK ... the house isn't mine House #1 ... cost 800k, sold 1.4M ... no rent for 7 yrs ... made 600k + saved ~1.2M on rent House #2 ... cost 720k (land), 2M (house) = 2.72M ... no rent for 7 yrs ... sold for 5.5M, made 2.7iM + saved 1.7M rent House #3 + Solar system + BEV ... paid for from house # 2's profit ... plus living rent free for 2.5 yrs so far, and on going until I crap out. Made cash from #1 ... 600k Saved 1.2M on rent #2 saved 1.7M on rent + paid for #3 + solar + BEV #3 saved 600k so far on rent ... #3 on going rent savings till death, ~20k a month and counting ... #2, paid for solar system = no PEA bills till death, saves ~5k a month and counting ... #2 paid for last car we'll own, along with no petrol to run it, ~5k a month saved from petrol and counting So far, ~3M saved on rent from building homes that I don't own. Also eliminated 2 major monthly bills, forever, along with a free BEV. Lost investment ... I think not
  15. Simply call the vendors customer service number. Do this also, if the charging cable isn't playing nice. Cust. Serv. can reset it, or work out the issue, if possible. Wife smartly did this once, instead of listening to me ... "let just go to the next one" Within a minute or 3, we were charging. Another think to look out for, is if the emergency 'off' button has been pushed or dialed back, but not reset. Happy charging ... Again today, the car was way ready to go before we were ... Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp.mp4
  16. EU doesn't want it to end, as they are making too much money. Sell more war toys, delete old stock, replace with new & expensive ... ... cha ching ... cha ching ... cha ching
  17. I replied to a post in the thread, not to the title of the thread. Which as usual, waste of my time. Along with a reply to my replay ... Correct you are, apologies for wasting the bandwidth & my time ... ... Carry on with the silliness ... 😎 If you would have pointed out the other off topic posts, I may not have posted, or am I special ? Don't bother, I know the answer. Feel free to put my on your ignore list ... PLEASE
  18. So y'all expect him to do something completely different than last time ... got it ... cut spending = no new wars ... bring military back to USA = no new wars ... USA military stop being corporate security = cuts budget + no more conflicts
  19. When did we take Gaza, Panama & Canada ? Learn from what he has done. First administration is a hint ... ... no new wars ... timeline to leave other conflict zones, that Biden screwed up
  20. When & where is the next cross burning, as I don't won't to miss it. Is 'hood wearing' required ?
  21. Well aware of TH, prior to 2000 and 'The Beach', as having a bud stationed here during Nam war, that I use to correspond with weekly. Never thought about it afterwards. Only on the radar from coworkers, (airline employees), who regularly visited. If not employed there myself, with more than a few weeks of timeshare to burn, then I would have never visited myself, in 1999. Visited PP long before seeing the movie. As I think the first movie of DiCaprio's that I saw was 'The Departed' and not because he was in it. As an alternative to TH, probably retiring in the Americas somewhere, or staying nomadic tourist of the Americas.
  22. Not now, as USA no longer has a war mongering administration in place.
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