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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. didn't watch whole thing, but may interest you @ 5:50 of vid ... no need to worry
  2. Transgender woman in the headline does a disservice to trans-woman. What happen to 'thieving LB or scum bag katoey'. Or more appropriate, just some cross dressing dude...IMHO Wearing gold and or any jewelry on holiday is just stupid. Nobody here for you to impress. Leave that crap home when going O&A.
  3. Also had Vios, tough not sure about squeezing 600 kms out of it, though definitely 500+ kms. 👍 but the worst new car I've owned here. Performed well, as expected, just the ride on the highway was terribly loud (road noise). Since half my kms are 'on the road', not pleasant at all. Don't think any EV drivers are going to get stranded in TH, or need to detour to charge, unless in the most rural of areas, and only one I notice that might have a problem, is Umphang, if going to the falls. Although with regen, so probably nothing to worry about. Though charging at any guesthouse would be a deciding factor to stay ... The CS network really is extensive in TH, so kudos for that. And apparently inexpensive to those that cry about rates in UK & USA. 600 kms if able to average 80 kph, is 7.5 hrs. I really do welcome our stops after 3+ hrs on TH's roads, if we can even manage a 3 hr stretch without stopping. Not saying I haven't driven 500 kms in our Vios when having, 15-20 yrs ago, but did stop a few time, since with wife & kid. Simply impossible not to. The additional time to charge, while stopping, really wouldn't add that much time to the overall journey. Now, I actually plan to do research on phone while there/stopped, and rarely waited for the charging to finish before leaving. Usually the opposite of late. Charging is done first. ICEV have their place for those driver's who have to be there, ASAP, with no interest to peek at things along the way. Or if time restrained, and or, time is money. No EV owners dispute that. As a truck driving, days past, I've done 16-20 hrs at a stretch with minimal stop, and simply P'ing on the side of the road. Also done the same trips (Philly PA, USA - S. Florida), non working, and at much leisurely pace, though didn't overnight. Stopping to rest, eat, a bit of fun, & wife driving also, made that possible.
  4. There's a difference between countering the BS, with one's experiences, vs your imagination. I'm not sure 11 hours counts as giving it a rest. We'll see. At least you didn't blame the shortage of sugar on Him.
  5. Back on the subject of coffee ... watched the pompous one, as he does know coffee. Though not a fan of dark roasted, as myself, but he got a surprise doing blind taste taste of brands available in the USA. Tim Horton's (I've not sampled) coming out a winner. Honorable mention, Dunkins, which I agree is very good, (only one I've sampled enough) though haven't had for quite some years. Starbucks, getting the 'decent, dependable, consistent' label. May have to give them another try, if they still have 2/1 Tuesdays. The price scared me away, but I didn't realize at the time, how much larger the servings are.
  6. Cuba - Castro s - coffee comes to mind, so your dictator/coffee doesn't apply. Along with so many S. American countries. N. Korea ... really. Are there any USA chains there ? They won't even send our (yanks) social security retirement there. On topic ... a good Cuban coffee is too sweet for me. Unless extremely bitter to begin with. On the subject of bitter .. Trump, give it rest.
  7. The Jesus freaks are over in the 'do you believe in God & why' thread during the day, and on soi 6 at night time.
  8. They actually use 100% ground beef, all beef. Been that way for years. Do try to keep up. Besides, it's not different than what most people use at home. Do I grind my own; short ribs & rib eye steaks for my burger ... NO I buy frozen ground beef, just like most people. And what parts of the steer do you think that beef comes from. If I'm going to use it right away, and the fresh smells good, I might even get that, though very rare. I prefer my meats out of the freezer case. I usually don't shop for 'today's meal' any way, unless it's restaurant dining.
  9. Dieter's, I think his wife was still doing the bakery part for a while and even meals out of the house, off west side of ring rd. Steve (original & Mali) had the T-Bar after leaving Irish Clock. May have sold that, and moved again to different place, possible down the street from.
  10. I think most teens, now 20 something yrs old, dump it, because their parents follow them. Nobody wants the parents to know what they are up to. Even though we've probably 'experienced' more and riskier behavior in our youth. On topic of course .... Not sure I'd look for a doc on FB, but I did contact one on FB, and easier than going through the hospital he worked at.
  11. Do you understand the meaning of per 100k vehicles... "The study revealed that petrol and diesel vehicles experienced 1,530 fires per 100,000 vehicles, while only 25 out of 100,000 all-electric vehicles caught fire. This means that the fire rate of electric vehicles is only 1/61 compared to cars using gasoline and oil."
  12. I got all of 14, and 8 are family 1 is my dog, for a bit of humour 1 is my dead father, I made to upload stuff. So 12 actual friends
  13. Say what ... I can't hear you ...
  14. Cheaper ... I think not New year New minimum wage New prices at market (Makro) Chicken thighs, last month ฿64ish kg, today ฿84 up 30% WTF So I bought FZ Rib Eye (sliced) ฿199 for 1/2 kg Get my CheeseSteak fix on. Puff pastry, last time ฿165 ish a pack, today ฿185
  15. Also used for groups: birds & drones 👍
  16. Many people can afford anything. Because we don't buy things because we can, but because we want to.
  17. As much as I was happy to leave UT area, around the same time OP did, have to admit, if forced to live in a NE metro, that would be one of, if not the best. Can't imagine things have gotten better, unless soi samphan has been revamped and most bars closed Traffic & pollution was horrendous (rush hours & cool season), and why we lived out of town (15+ kms) to avoid. Enjoyed our daytime visits (1000-1400 hrs), but avoided mostly, unless visiting sis at night market. Was actually there Aug 2022 to get rid of last RE holding, and only stayed to 2 days required to do that. Couldn't wait to leave, and didn't notice much of a change. Didn't even bother visiting anyone aside from family or bother with old haunts, that we frequented when living in the area. Only 1 still open, I think. Didn't notice any new condo complexes, as they went a bit silly, and an over abundance of empty ones when there.
  18. If just looking at condos, that's going to limit the areas, as most are along the main road, near the Uni & hospital, as one would expect. Khon Kaen as most larger metros, and not yet condo crazy like Krung Thep area. Wouldn't exactly be the area I'd want to live, or the Khon Kaen area at all. Might want to look at townhouses over by the lake, and a better value for you baht per m².
  19. Not much of a fan of either, Amazon or 7-11 Cafe coffee. TBH, I'd rather just drink the Hazelnut flavored instant for 20 ish baht that's offered at 7-11. Inthanon at Bangchak petrol/CS is wee bit better, but not something I'd actually recommend to a coffee drinker.
  20. hmm ... I question the use of a restaurant named Khao Thom as a baseline for good Thai food. Hopefully they serve more than Khao Thom, and I couldn't find them on Gmaps or elsewhere. Good Luck
  21. I've only sampled twice at MEM airport, and truly terrible, besides expensive airport pricing, even with a discount. Other coffee drinkers who's opinion I respect, concur, and also sampled TH's StarCrap, and agree, not worth the price of admission. Their muffins on the other hand were damn tasty, if fresh. That's about the limit of my experiences with SC.
  22. Authentic would probably cost more than most are willing to pay, as imported ingredients (Turkey) would be a bit more expensive, if even allowed, and homemade (from scratch at vendor) more time consuming, and time is money. Make your own, easy enough, or simply accept what most closely resembles what you expect. Been to Turkey*** have you, and sample more than a few ? *** If referring the döner kebab, which is simply rotating meat, so leaves a big window for variations. Even in Turkey, I would imagine. Got to love all the purist experts with no real experience.
  23. This thread is better than reading the comics
  24. Just the headlines, and not MSM. Been around long enough to know, the news doesn't give you information about your home country that is useful for you, just propaganda for their benefit. Nothing has changed since I took the red pill ... except more people happily take the blue pill than every before.
  25. But a great way to keep in touch with those a far. Free & easy contact, msgs, phone, vid calls if wanting. As with everything, you have choices. Knowing how to exercise them is the key to your satisfaction of.
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