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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Not really used by tourist though, but by long stay folks, who can't meet the financial or age limitations of marriage or retirement visa. Most long stayers don't spend the kind of money tourist do, staying in hotels & eating out most meals, along with taking tours. Some, wouldn't even contribute much more than the immigrant workers from neighboring countries. Or may spend most of their time at the happy hours in the bars of the adult entertainment sois. If some of the posts here at taken to heart. Not exactly what the folks in charge want.
  2. Yep ... I wouldn't waste my time looking at another non Chinese car. Owned USA built, JP built, JP badge built in USA & TH, and I'm sticking with CH badged whether built in TH, though prefer built in CH. Can't really say I'm surprised the quality & workmanship is that much better from CH badged or built. But after 45 years of mediocre quality, prior to CH cars, think I'll stick with CH here on out.
  3. Apparently you missed the description of the department he heads. It's for the F'ups of intelligence agencies. So headed appropriately by someone who simply doesn't care. Excellent role & portrayal by Oldman IMHO
  4. Yes, if he worded it like that, sounds a bit iffy. Maybe he found something he liked better & cheaper. Whatever, I wouldn't take a loss, as it's all on him.
  5. Dec 2023 ... Highest day when home, shy of 35kWh 2023 ... Highest month 1,000kWh Calendar year of PEA savings ... ฿34,672 ROI of Solar vs PEA ... <10 years ROI of Solar + w/EV savings .. <5 years Without the EV, we'd be home a lot more, using a lot more solar. IF all things remain the same, cost of electric & petrol, along with driving 20k kms a year. If plan on living 5 or 10 more years, well worth investing in either or both. IF they fit your lifestyle. Or keep giving money to MEA/PEA & PTT
  6. Depends how many months deposit. If you can't rent it out, immediately, or within 1 month, I'd keep 1 month, for compensation, and if still not rented (if you had viable renters wanting, prior to his deposit) keep the rest until rented. Return only what you didn't lose. The fault is his, not yours, so why should you lose money for his stupidity. In the future, you may want to keep the previous inquirer's contact info, for just such an occurrence, as may still be looking & interested.
  7. I keep an address in USA (brother) as my pension won't deposit to int'l bank account. Broker & pension (DD) has that address, and IRS & Soc Sec has TH address. No conflicting issues. Not enough to get taxed or need to file 1040, so don't care where the 1099s end up. ATM the pension when wanting, and no fees either end to use.
  8. I'd guess 6 out of 9 attempts to use my debit card, failed, so I cancelled the card. Also BkkBank and about 3 yrs old. I just wait till I see no customers when driving by, and pop in. Only 1 branch in town now, since they closed the one at Lotus's mall, which was convenient, since there on most Tuesdays for my Swensen's fix. Strangely, I can transfer it out to wife's account via app. So she'll still have access after I crap out, and plants me in the garden
  9. @itooktheredpill Once account established, no prob withdrawing the 65k as you need. I do the 65 monthly income extension, and every 3 or 4 months, I make a withdrawal, so the balance doesn't exceed $10k USD worth, so avoid need to file FBAR w/USA IRS. You can withdrawal any time if you wish. USA Soc Sec doesn't allow ATM withdrawals, at least mine didn't when opened, so don't bother with having ATM card on the account (BB). Some months it worked, but most months it did not. So I cancelled, since have to go in anyway, when it failed. Rather annoying. Then read new-blip stating Soc Sec doesn't allow. How consistent that policy is enforced, I don't know, but surely others may chime in to confirm or tell me I'm wrong. YMMV
  10. Haven't a clue ... as dog woke me at midnight, when people started popping off whatever they were. Watch ICONSIAM's on YT ... amazing. Uncharacteristically fell asleep around 9:30, after a doobie & a full moon dark. Watched Dave Chappelle, and opening joke was excellent, but went down hill from there.
  11. Future of EVs ... hopefully for us, nothing changes. As we saved ฿47,8k the first year owning, and half our kms were on the road.
  12. Actually, we explore a lot more now locally, within that 125 km radius, being it free to venture out. Hint: solar
  13. Yep, use to be a weekly stop, and a wasted 10 minutes & 1000-1500 baht gone for the luxury of being able to add to the local air pollution. 10 mins X 52 weeks = 8.6 hr waiting around to waste money Now I spend that 50k baht on something I actually want.
  14. Not that this has anything to do with EVs, but yea, can't remember last time I did much to my ICEVs, as there's so much crap you have to remove to get to anything. Labor is so cheap here/TH, I didn't even bother with oil changes, though dealer says 'if' I do them, voids the warranty. Not sure how true, but not worth knocking my knuckles for what it cost to have them do here. Total scam, but don't care. Remember they sold oil with advert of how long it lasted, now it's every 10k kms Sell sell sell. Oil is so clean when I check the level it's hard to read. What a scam. Oh wait, that does make it on topic. No oil changes w/EVs
  15. There really isn't much to motivate Yanks & Canucks to come to TH. I can think of more negatives than positives. Give them 90 day visa free + extension, and still don't see the numbers increasing. Doubt if many would make a repeat visit. Think on best years, only 1+M Yanks came here. Paltry numbers for a country of 350M population. UK about the same, just shy of 1M, but 1/5 the population. Distance & cost matters. Canada's #s apparently not even worth mentioning. ASEAN & E. Asia made up 2/3 of 2019's tourist.
  16. Agree Just amazed me how someone, who doesn't know much about me, tells me what 'I need'. Even after I explained in details, why I don't. Mind boggling Almost the first 2 years here/TH, I didn't own a car, and lived in a village 15 kms out of town, and managed quite well. Even traveling the length of the country. UT-BKK-CM-Phuket on numerous trips via air & ground (train/bus) transport. Hopping from beach to beach down the W Gulf coast was rather easy, from Cha Am to Chumphon. Even back then. On Topic ... no Glock needed or allowed unless a young female at the hands of drunken train employee ... ... discussion for another thread.
  17. You just don't stop ... do you understand the true meaning of 'need' = must have. Due to more than enough public trans, at every location I ever 'needed' to be, that means, I never 'needed' to own a car. And if you really want get picky, my first 2 damn good jobs, 1 was along the rail line & bus, though I walked unless raining, instead of bus. Train was actually faster & cheaper. And the 2nd, I walked to/from, until a bought a car ... for convenience. That's from the house I grew up in, which I purchased at 27 yrs old. There was 2 factories right across the street I could have worked in, as brother & friends did. So could easily remained in that '15 minute city' all my life. Just preferred not to, and owned cars, trucks, MCs, bikes for convenience. Could easily walk to the shopping mall from that house. So I really never needed a car. Same as here, it's a convenience, and an expensive one at that, considering the % of monthly funds needed to own a decent one, when total monthly bills without a car, could be in the 20k baht range. Our petrol car here cost about 10k to own & operate. So not exactly a small ticket item, taking up 1/3 of a monthly budget. Please don't bother replying again, as I'll ignore you.
  18. Extending Songkran, as if drought conditions aren't at their worst already at that time of year. Let's waste some more water
  19. We also have an Asgatec and going on 10+ years use. Not so much now, but quite a bit of use at house in Udon Thani / 7 years. Having a hedge wall around most of the 2 rai.
  20. I could have taken public transportation to just about anywhere, if not everywhere I ever needed to be. At worse, a taxi or rent a car, for the very rare instances, if any, that were a necessity, not along public trans route. Location dependent of course. With that, vehicle ownerships is a luxury for convenience. That's not considering use of a bicycle. Never 'needed' a car, though quite different from 'wanting & having', since I do enjoy my O&As. Don't need one here, as I could train & taxi to a convenient airport, then fly to Phuket or where ever, and taxi to beach areas. Just more 'convenient' & enjoyable for me to self drive. But not necessary. Actually know a couple people that have never owned a car, in USA, and quite strange to me. Many expats here do not own transport, as it is a huge monthly expense. Instead use baht bus system, especially at Hua Hin & Patts, as you see them loaded up at times from shopping at chain markets, so no tourist. Part of the reason they settled there, I would think. I personally wouldn't be without 1 or 2-3 modes of transport. Having 4 now, car, mb, ebike, pedal bike. Had as many as 7 in USA at 1 time, only 1 being a pedal bike, rest all petrol machines. In my silly days, one for every occasion, work, comfy, play, play & play ON TOPIC ... as always, better to have Glock, if and when needed, than not. Although, same as 4 wheels, never really needed. Simply enjoyed having.
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