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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. 10s of 1000s killed by auto ... ??? It's a machine, people are the problem. Agree with others, one of best, safest sidearms out there. My 'go to' when out of the house at USA.
  2. ??? "as CM after BKK is on his itinerary. Then Phuket, and we'll hang out for 24 ish hours at BKK before he flies out."
  3. For info & booking ease, booking.com is great, especially if you don't have a Thai wife/GF. A few times I've 'walked in' quoted the lower booking.com price, and they wouldn't give it to us, actually sat in lobby & booked online for the better rate. Strange, but true. Most times the wife gets a better or same rate. Since we travel unplanned, it works for us. No prepaying or lack of ability to cancel, as usually booked day off or night before. Not until we know we'll be there, usually just "do you have room, cya soon" Since having a dog, it is/was more to verify the dog policy, and while doing so, started getting prices lower or matching booking sites. Hmm ... no need to use them any more. Pretty sure if I did the calling, probably different price, or referred to booking site. Wife does a lot of prep, for our O&As, and time consuming, along with saving a few baht, but most important, no surprises when we show up. ... sorry, we don't take dogs, no refund ... sorry, only 5 kg limit, no refund ... I'm sorry, only the expensive rooms ... I'm sorry, dog has to be in cage ... I'm sorry, dog charge is XXX, (almost the price of the room) All true answers to queries.
  4. Not sure about that, almost half my adult life here, since only 69 yrs old. The last place I holidayed at, as pretty much traveled out, and ready to retire. No real desire to play international tourist any more. Nothing worth the plane ride or expense, that important for to bother.
  5. The ease of 'documenting' their daily routine, everyday, weekend, or on holiday is bit OTT. Days past it was, grab a few post cards while topping up the car, 'having fun, bore you with family photos when we return'. Now it's 'I had gra pao for breakfast' ... 'I'm at the mall with pretty lights'. While on my daily surfside cruise, I see folks pull up surfside, hop out of car, take a few snaps in front of the PKK sign, and then they seem to disappear. "I was here" Hope they did some exploring, besides just a good munch.
  6. Cutting down trees will never be eco friendly, as they simply can not grow back at the rate they are cut down. Un-recyclable plastic can be burned for energy.
  7. ... as a holiday destination No ... ,,, retiring, then yes, having many pluses, posted above. I personally couldn't, wouldn't live in Hua Hin, Patts, CM, Phuket, Ao Nang, or any tourist destination, or where most expats live now. Or even BKK, due to air pollution, almost half the year. Other places too many tourist, to congested. Enjoy rural living.
  8. Live .. debatable, but ... ... do love where we live ... love our house, and great value for baht ... love cost of living, cost of O&A ... cost of healthcare (out of pocket) ... non Nanny State ... ease of long term visa ... price of solar system & EVs ... cost of Uni for daughter Only real negative, and tolerable, as only a month or 2, and that's air pollution. Holiday ... NO ... if I didn't work for an airlines, and have weeks of timeshare to burn, at the time, I would have never came to TH, way back when - 1999.
  9. They had literally 1000s of people showing up and 'centers' during one of the registration or give away programs, on the deadline week, because they couldn't book or receive whatever it was, over the smartphones. That kind of surprised me, as thought those without was a birth defect
  10. Another plus for retiring to TH, I won't have to participate, as doubtful it will be instituted here in my lifetime. They found out here/TH, how many don't have smartphone during covid.
  11. IMHO ... any IMHO only, feel free to agree or not ... I consider the C19 vaccine one of the best scams ever perpetrated on the world as a whole, and brilliantly done. A test of how ignorant people can be and how easy it is to control the masses, while making billions of $$$. Next up ... digital currency. Those who participate, will lose all freedoms. IMHO IMHO IMHO
  12. More to the story than her side of it. I can relate. I threw my father out of the house (previously my parents') the day I bought it. My mother lived there for free, in one of the apartments, and had my American. Express card for anything she needed. All 4 ignoring her ... something ain't right there.
  13. If that's what you believe, but I disagree. He's simply a puppet, and I think most people realize that now. The world is controlled by people who can actually put their thoughts in a sentence, or at least read a teleprompter.
  14. ignored ... save your future stupidity
  15. ??? I'm well travelled and consider myself an extremely seasoned traveler. 2 of my brothers, not so much, but have gotten out more than most of there friends & peers.
  16. OK as a retirement choice, but been to many places much better as a holiday destination. Especially as a Yank, as it really is too far to travel, aside from the expense of airfare. East coast (PHL) or MEM, and it's 24-30hr door to door, and that was before the silly TSA security. If not married & kid here, or hindsight, probably would have went a different route. No regrets at all, and have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I can leave at any time, but I'm staying.
  17. Just saw someone trip report of a few weeks in Japan w/photo, and pretty awesome place. Both city & countryside photo trip ... impressive. Brother & wife are pretty seasoned travelers, and I can't think of anything that would impress them here. My other 2 brother would like it, if weather & smog cooperated. Haven't travelled nearly as much as myself & brother.
  18. Seriously ... a book. Prince Andrew, like any intelligent person, would ignore request to give details of their life, if not necessary. Not offering info, is not 'being protected by British authorities' US can ask, but nobody is obligated to comply, and who in their right mind would. He simply exercised his rights, like anyone, everyone should.
  19. His wife & myself are like minded, give us a hotel, restaurant/coffee shop with good grub & a view, and we're happy. She sees my O&As that I put on FB, and likes them .... BUT ... that not the kind of itinerary they have when they'll be here. Unfortunately, they'll be doing the usual tourist route, which parts will be enjoyable, if the smog is knocked down before they get here, May 6th. Rains were late this year, so hopefully next May, it will downpour end of April till May 4th or 5th. CM certainly isn't going to impress, as they've seen all size mountains & waterfalls. Phuket surf is going to be crap. They're pretty worldly, so BKK being the smelly slum that it can be at times, might not put them off too much. Heat, humidity & open sewers will put anyone off. If anything, Nam will warm them up for TH, so the'lly be one step up from that, or so I read. Thai museums, culture & art is a bit of a joke. They both lived in UK for about 3+ year and toured all of Europe, back in 70's. I always hit Art Museums when I travel. After a couple here/TH, I stopped, as same same, not different. I am actually hoping for a typhoon, and Nam & TH gets cancelled 🙏
  20. I thought Phuket was great, 23 years ago. And visited twice yearly 10 yrs after. Was excellent during Covid, after avoiding for almost 10 yrs prior to covid. We were there in June this year, and can't see us ever returning, unless another pandemic
  21. He was, since never charged with a crime. Just like anyone else would have been left alone if not charged. Never let facts ruin a good spin.
  22. Our experience has been different, and wife usually gets a cheaper rate, or at least same rate. Even though hotels/guesthouses are listed on Booking.com or Agoda. That's been consistent, at least the last 5 ish years. Only difference is Ibis chain on Accor site, and all seem to be about same price as B.com. Since no prepayment and day before cancelling, always go with Accor.
  23. Are you asking as a husband of ? What ever is in that person will, or legal inheritance succession of ownership at death. If that is you, as a foreigner, as stated earlier, legally, you have 1 year, to transfer or sell land. Depending to who, they may or may not honor the usufruct (I think). Not sure how binding the usufruct is after death of owner. Always good to have a POA, to avoid any complication if you wish to sell. That & death cert. should suffice, and hopefully a will in place. On the POA, I had 3 with my ex-wife (living), 1 filled out, giving me rights to sell land/house. Also had 2 blank ones, signed & witnesses. Which I did need one, as land office wouldn't accept the wording of the one filled out. I asked & just filled it out as he wanted. Ex (already divorced) was out of province at the time. No issues at all.
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