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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. @Mike Lister If you can't avoid surgery and or avoid what is aggravating it (for me, it was work), then I'd avoid the screw surgery and opt for fusion, as options available when I was a bit younger. I had 2 herniated dscs (T12/L5 & L5/4), repaired, no screws or fusion. When asked why not fusion, told too young, and you'll lose a bit of bending mobility if done. Avoid aggravating it, and you won't need to return for fusion in the future. Well ... 5 yrs later, and the pain is back. Not quite a bad. But aside from aggravating those 2, all 5 Lumbar disc were/are degenerative. Passed on surgery. So I stopped working, and behave myself. Literally avoid lifting or bending with or without extra weight on upper body. My weight for height and mass is good. At most, 5 kg overweight at times, at 175cm. 24 years on, and I feel fine. Very wee bit of low impact aerobic exercise (walking, cycling), some floor stretching exercises, when needed. Haven't needed a chiropractor for more than a few years.
  2. @CapraIbex sorry, didn't save any paperwork from that house.
  3. Got to do something for money, self employment usually pays a lot better. At worse, the same, and no A-hole boss telling you what to do. Sis has stall restaurant at night market (where I met wife), excellent cook and steady customers, as been there couple decades. I think my bedroom is bigger ... but, she puts in 10 ish hours days (all in) usually 7 days a week, and hubby helps, along with one son (serving hours (5). Paid for couple houses, new cars, motorbikes (latest electric), and 2 sons through Uni. Beats the hell out of working for people. Only reason I could retire early, my self-ventures, as unskilled (on paper), and only one/last job paid anything close to decent salary. On topic ... baking your own bread is inexpensive, as nothing extra needed in a normal house. Bag of 1 kg bread flour (Swan) cost 36 baht, 500gr per loaf (350g water, 10g salt, 10-15gr yeast (Fermipan/red). Salt is cheap, as is 500g yeast (keep in freezer). All in, loaf of bread (875 gr), might cost 20-25 baht. Added plus ..... house smell great.
  4. Yea, shy of, as I got it down to a science, been doing it so long. I use stand mixer, so weigh/combine, mix/no knead necessary. 6 mins #1, 7 mins #2 speed. Stretch/ball/30 mini, rise degas/stretch/ball/20 ish mins, turn on over/10 more min rise while heating up. 13 mins highest temp, turn, 17 min 375F/180C. Internal temp 190F Scale & timer is mandatory ... for consistent results
  5. Yes, really is too easy. Takes all of 15-20 minutes, max, to mix & knead bread, whether by hand or machine. Ball it up, let it rise, 30 mins. De-gas, ball it up again, rise 30 mins. Bake about 30 mins. Simply troll AN during the rising & cooking phase. Time flies when happy. Do it all by hand, food processor, or stand mixer. Really doesn't get any easier or better than that. With or without sugar, along w/adding whatever you like. You want Italian/garlic bread, spice it up before cooking. Toast & butter...damn tasty. You can even bake it in a larger air fryer (ours 4.5L). I've done small loaf (4-500gr) in air fryer, needs inverted pan (aka Dutch over) so not to burn the top. My 875gr loaf recipe is split between one small loaf, and 4 flatbreads, for quick pizza or wrap/shawarma/gyro/pita/taco use. Or just one large loaf in regular oven. Options abound. If all you have is air fryer, than can do in that using Dutch oven method, or you'll burn the top. Larger convection over better, easier, less paying attention. Don't buy a crappy one if you live here or will use for years. Highly recommend Electrolux 56L countertop oven/air fryer. Well worth the extra baht. Should meet most people's baking/roasting/cooking needs. Also will help with that perfect beef steak, doing reverse sear method. If retied, living here, too much idle time, need a hobby, cooking is a great one, and never too old to learn. Easy w/YouTube vid now.
  6. What ever bad, leave behind, start new year with good things. Pay attention to studying, to become/succeed where you want to be. If you try, you will have success. I always cheer you up/cheer for/happy for you (?). Love you a lot.
  7. That was 12 yrs ago, and nothing in photo albums of it. Wife out at the moment, IF she has receipts somewhere, I'll look and see if it's noted. That's a big if though.
  8. 8k should be more than enough, and I had the Stieibel brand at our house in Udon Thani. It was fine, even on those 10C days, though might have slowed the water flow a bit. Ours did the whole house, and was more than a few meter (up to 10m) from outlets. Mounted on outside wall, between pump and main bedroom. Other bedroom at other end of 20m long house. When not chilly out, be careful as you could easily brew a cup of tea. All faucets had ability to mix hot/cold water. Good brand and lived in house for about 6 yrs, no issues. Had 2 Mazumas, elsewhere, and both were junk. One dangerously so.
  9. That's good to know, and 1st was enough for me, and would hate to get a worse case. Definitely put that up there with the worst symptoms of any infection that I've had. DISCLAIMER: I'm a wimp when it comes to infections. Thankfully not prone to them. Pain I can deal with, but breathing congestion & sore joints (all of them), not pleasant. Not to mention digestive issues purging from both ends. Got to love sharing
  10. "Conclusion: The above findings suggest that doxycycline can provide a clinical benefit to dengue patients at high risk of complications. This effect could be mediated by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine levels." I'm reading the as protection against other infections, due to a compromised immune system being quite busy fighting the dengue virus. Not the virus itself, or as a PrEP. Unless you actually see the mozzie, (quite a distinguishing look), then taking doxy every time you get bit isn't a good idea, as you may build a tolerance to it's effectiveness when you do need it ... or so I read.
  11. But what about trans males ... ... call me a bigot, but I don't let any of those suckers in the house. On topic, think i had dengue once, early on here, and it's not pleasant, if a semi bad case. Knocks you for a loop. Flu symptoms X 5 ... talk about sore all over. And antibiotics don't work on viral infections. Just treat the symptoms, is best you can do. As most things, it will pass in couple week at worse. Unless you get the hemorrhage version ... then you're screwed. I think most know by now, getting one strain, doesn't protect you from the other 3, and supposedly repeat infections are worse. Cover up out there, especially below the waste when having that full English brekke, as they do love the cover of 'under the table' feeding. Basstards
  12. Where do you think the mosquito got it, and how it is transmitted ? Damn humans ... "Aedes aegypti has evolved into an intermittent biter and prefers to bite more than one person during the feeding period. This mechanism has made Aedes aegypti a very highly efficient epidemic vector mosquito." "Dengue virus is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female Aedes mosquitoes. Mosquitoes generally acquire the virus while feeding on blood of an infected person. After virus incubation for 8-10 days, an infected mosquito is capable, while feeding, of transmitting the virus to humans for the rest of the mosquito's life. Immunity to one of the four types of viruses does not protect a person from infection by another type.'
  13. If they are still in business after 1 yr, that tells me they are doing something correct. They may use the day old white bread for other things they sell. 2nd making your own, as it is own of the easiest & inexpensive things to bake.
  14. Another reason to live in TH, instead of the rip off countries. 10% per year is silly, when our degradation of battery bank was only 0.6% for the year, and that's driving 20k kms a year. So by their math, our ZS, at the end of 8 yr warranty/180k kms is only worth about 20% of original, losing 80% of 'their' silly value, when reality, it only will lose <5%.
  15. A lot more than people think. Our installer works non stop with a Q, as are other installers mentioned here, and all the ones I researched. West is controlled by big oil, so they make sure the price is silly, and govt over regulate it.
  16. Don't do too much store bought snacks when home, as usually got something made. Daughter here so wife made lemon curd/pie, and I made turnovers w/puff pastry, with some of it. What I've eaten the most of, lifetime & in TH, definitely just simple PB&J sandwich. When out & about, from 7-11, cheesecake, black forest cake or pandan rolls seems to dominate, along with spicy crisps. Don't really have a favorite or go to (aside from PB&J), and just go with what's available. Use to eat a tube of Pringles when lazy and watching a movie, but will & prefer just to make chips, for that potato, oil & salt fix. Got a jar of roasted red peppers in the frig this week, that I have a hard time walking by Why I don't usually make or buy ice cream for the freezer. My will power sucks. My dog & self eat dark chocolate every night, after her last P at midnight ish. More habit/routine than urge for a snack.
  17. Guess it depends on broker & carrier used. Our ZS ICE was just a tad less than EV version insurance, even though insured value is more than 2X the amount (400k vs 900k) if written off as totaled/stolen. Different broker/carrier. ICE broker (cousin) was proportionately higher, about 50%, to insure the EV, again, even though value was 2X. So rate didn't correspond with insured value, actually a lower rate than would be expected, using some people's thoughts. Different broker/carrier even cut that price, down to the ICE's previous price. Quite the bargain compared to other ins. carriers.
  18. Top one (1.7 or 1.5 gb) is a copy and paste, direct to post. I only saved it to paint so I know the size. I didn't do screenshot, and then copy & past that. Too lazy as 2 actions, when 1 will do. When doing a screenshot, I'd usually crop it anyway. Actually didn't realize I could do that, take a screenshot, and paste immediately. go figure, and pic below is just that, screenshot & pasted direct & immediately. Still rather large, since 65" monitor.
  19. Hmm ... don't think it's the forum, as this is one that seems to accept any size file I've pasted where other sites won't. This is a screenshot of photo below, which I pasted to paint & saved, so I know the size. Pasted directly to this post. size of above: Below is the original & size uploaded via 'choose file' uploader: size of: Size as stated by forum, all about the same:
  20. Yep, agree completely. Don't think our EV has on/off switch, and wouldn't, haven't updated our ZS, partly for that reason, besides, not fixing what isn't broke. Agree and why I like being here/TH. Still 3rd world enough. As I've stated elsewhere, when they go to all digital money, they will have total control, and all will then have to comply. Next up will be geofencing in 'all' vehicles, so all movement will be controlled. EU is going all digital money shortly, as just approved, and USA sure to follow. Amazes me what people allow themselves to be divided and distracted from, while all their freedoms are about to be taken away. You can't fix stupid.
  21. "made in CH" ... I consider that a good thing ... though as always, choose wisely I not here or buy from CH to save the world, just to save money. Same as you, and probably why you didn't buy & import your transport & solar from the UK. I'd rather not support the monopolizing conglomerates; fossil fuel/petrol and electricity, and enjoy my independence from them. CH makes that easy, and why they are demonized in MSM. I buy the best value product from the best vendor, from what ever country provides it. Right now, and probably all in the future, that's CH. I have no allegiance to any country, as none (USA, TH) cares about me or has done anything for me.
  22. Definitely more appropriate ... 😎
  23. Was an expat ... now, leaning more toward economic migrant Have retirement / oops fund for more that a few decades in TH, more like the wife does, as decade (1) would be a stretch for me. If going back to the mother land (never), then most of the oops fund would be used up for housing probably, as quite expensive now Since in USA, wouldn't really need an oops fund. So there's that. But better to be here w/oops fund, and lack of RE Taxes & healthcare premiums (plan B), as puts a lot more extra jingle in the pocket every month here. Somehow on a pittance of income, we still save quite a bit of money every year.
  24. The insignificant farangs, thinking they are actually relevant in TH ... ... simply tolerated at best ...
  25. That would suck ... told about the dangers of 2nd hand smoking ...
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