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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Unfortunately, it's hard to trust anything written about history today, as much has been rewritten for political & social appeasement.
  2. 23+ years here and ain't been hit yet. I do look before I cross the street though. That uncommon common sense
  3. That's a big commission for a crappy booking site. I rarely use Agoda, and can't think of the last time I did ... 10+ yrs at least. I rarely go there for info any more. Gmap & Booking.com for info. Can't remember last time I used a booking site, aside from Accor, since covid, so 3 yrs. Only use Accor because Ibis & Mercure are under their umbrella of accommodations, and no prepayment required.
  4. either ... bags are never mentioned, along with bags not offered. Pick one, Officer Lou, as I go into Helen Keller mode 😎
  5. If I had to add all that to a usufruct, than I'd be dealing with someone I don't really trust, and I'd rent or by a condo. No piece of paper is going to protect you, if someone doesn't want you living there. Don't invest more than you can lose.
  6. NO, just started charging for them ... And that's franchise & purchase amount dependent. Doesn't seem to be a standard policy. The plastic bag scam in TH, no prop, but now charged. All a bit of a joke, and everyone buys into it. Never seen so much plastic use in all my life, since they became 'eco aware' and tried to 'ban it' I always have my cloth bags with me, for 7-11s. Shop at Makro, so a mute subject.
  7. @ coffee shop in AMS w/back room. Hash & BJs, does it get any better. Aside from that fun... N. Tesla, get some free or flying energy tips
  8. I least TH doesn't ship their plastic (trash) to other countries, I don't think anyway. Hopefully they will stop accepting trash from other countries, in the future as planned (2025), since it can even manage it's own. Top slime ball countries that ship their trash overseas;
  9. Guessing w/1.5k posts, you've been here before. Good time to come, unless looking for a 'beach' holiday. Pools are fine but surf will be rough. I prefer traveling during rainy season, less tourist, no smog issues, and with a bit of luck, not too much rain. We usually do 2 week at a time on our O&As and so far been very lucky, and haven't really been rained 'in' much. Maybe a day or so. We self drive, so mobile if need be, but yet to really move because of rain. Good Luck ... Happy Travels.
  10. I think everyone is well educated and aware of plastic, good or bad, though may not care. For the simply reason, the govt doesn't seem to care. This is one issue, that does fall squarely on the govts to manage and solve. The people can only do so much. Use the recycle bins, though sometimes useless, as all mixed up. From home, we 'recycle', sell to collection vendors, and what does the govt do with it ? Most goes to the landfill, gets burned (not for energy) or worse, dumped in the sea. Little actually get recycled and used again. As stated earlier, no reason, any or all trash, can't be burned, almost cleanly, for energy.
  11. Only thing worse than their annoying morning wake up call ... ... would be never hearing their morning wake up call again Been blessed with them at both recent living accommodations, and more than a few snaps of them. the females & immature males are stunning looking (not in a gay way), and fun to watch. For those not familiar with their yakkin' away sound
  12. Yes, I find it mind boggling how non Yanks seem to be obsessed with USA politics. I'm a Yank, and I could care less, even more so than when I lived there. Because of AN, I now see more news (silly as it is) here, than when I lived there. When I worked my last job, 13 years, developed friendships, I honestly can't remember talking about politics, Dem vs Rep, or presidents at the time. Politics just wasn't a topic of discussion with fellow workers, friends/peers. We didn't purposely avoid due to possible conflict, just didn't seem to care. During that time (13 yrs) last couple years of Reagan, then Bush 1, Clinton and left early on during Bush 2 was in office. Was actually commuting from TH to work in USA, till March or April 2001. Only noticed politics at work, since a TV/news was always on in the break rooms. Really don't remember any conversation or arguments at all at work. Definitely not away from work, or with hometown friends as politics never seemed to get discussed. Discussions were: what are we doing this weekend, if anything, sports (not myself), music, food or investing. Remember Contra affair, Alzheimer's and North taking hit for it. Clinton not knowing what a 'sexual relation' was. Somehow a total idiot gets appointed. Then TH's forums seemed to be nothing but American politics, and major division over Gulf war 2, Obama bail outs, ACA, Trump everything, now back to geriatric idiot's strings being pulled. How great or bad he is. How it's 1 person's fault for everything Rarely with Yanks chiming in, and most with the non Yank experts/bashers having a field day in the threads. Reality ... simply showing how little they know about USA politics and how thing truly work. Mainly, it's a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. Find it all kind of funny, especially since I couldn't tell you who any politicians are in most countries. Thinking about it now, I don't even know who the PMs are in UK, AU, NZ, leaders of EU or euro countries.
  13. I'm siding the the taxi driver, and would have dragged her butt out also, to avoid any damage to the taxi, since she starting to kick the inside of. "The foreign woman was not impressed by his actions and began to make a fuss. She then kicked the door of his car, so he asked her to leave. The woman did not comply, so he pulled her out of the cab, as can be seen in the video." Violence is usually met with violence ... what did she expect.
  14. Personally not seeing why Yanks or Canuks would bother coming the TH for holiday. Especially repeat visits, as once would be enough. Too far & expensive airfare, for a mediocre holiday experience. Especially the HiSo travelers, and surely know better spots to visit in the Americas. Unless the rest of the tourist world has turned to sh!t also. TH would not make my top 10 or 20 destinations to visit. Maybe once, then why bother again.
  15. Obviously if not having space to put panels anywhere you won't be charging the ESS/battery pack with solar. And only use would be as back up if you have outages quite often. Charge with grid when on, and you have if needed. Probably handy in TH, during hot season, as brown outs are common in some areas, or I read still happen. Another silly what if scenario and surprised I even bothered replying. Which case, as you may be a bit skint, since living in a 1 or 2 room condo/apartment, instead of a house, that selling the battery pack and buying one of those portable electric generators would be be a better option. As you could take that with you camping, since you can't afford holidays in hotels. Can keep your mobile charged up to troll AN with silly what if scenarios while enjoying nature & coffee from your water kettle, while eating ha baht soup, ok, now sip baht soup. win wins all around
  16. "Tesla Cybertruck Seeing MASSIVE Demand As Two Tesla Employees Confirm Tesla Is Close to 10,000 Cybertruck Orders Per Day Since the Delivery Event - The Cybertruck Will Be Sold Out For Years"
  17. If the past 15 years is any indication, they seem to like 30-35 range As long as it stays above 28.20 ish, I can continue doing ret. exts.
  18. I arrived/retired 14Sept2000, and built 1st house straight away, then 1st car couple years later.
  19. more like 29 to 45+ (July 2001) and a good couple years (2000/2001) it was, new house build & car 👍
  20. Screw relying on tour operator or captain to decide if safe to sail. I'd verify the forecast myself, and with 2-3 meter waves forecast, you ain't getting me on a 'boat', unless it's a cruise 'ship'. Our personal safety is our personal responsibility. When I used to take govt buses, I'd do a walk around, make sure they aren't running on maypops
  21. Not sure how accurate this is (do take with large grain of salt), as I don't care, but did see this, for those who wish to speculate: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1110168246567482
  22. Now, that IS gross, especially if canned tuna Canned taste nothing like tuna. Canned tuna is good for 1 thing, tuna salad sandwich, and only if you've run out of everything else to eat.
  23. If not mistaken (usually not), a wife can cancel your lease 1 year after divorce. Unless of course, a 3rd party holds a lease from you, though that would have had to be agreed upon by you wife originally. There really is no true protection, IF, they or anyone don't want you in the house. Why renting, or condos are always recommended or the simple realization, "never invest more than you can loose" Uncommon common sense. When someone (usually a noob) asks .. "how can I protect myself" ... best advice is rent or condo. To ask = lack of trust. Best to avoid than to take the risk. If not acceptable to GF/wife .... NEXT
  24. Pizza is nothing but an open face sandwich, using 'pizza dough' with what ever you want to put on it. I've had Gra Pao & Tum Yam pizza, both were damn tasty. Only your mood & imagination decides the toppings. Saying that, I'm more a NY Style, pepperoni (Chorizo if having) fan. As the cheeses here/TH, aren't the most flavorful, then the fat/oils from the pepperoni, jack up the flavor meter.
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