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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Did he simply send a 'dick pic' to someone, or was he actually whacking one off in public? That's a huge difference. Leaning toward the former, and obviously not the best time or place.
  2. That's amazing ... with 600+ range, I could visit daughter in Krung Thep, and not even need to charge up during the round trip from PKK. Only need 580 kms round trip. Never gotten that range with my ICEVs here. Unless you can't charge at home, that doesn't leave any reasons not to have an EV. Unless you actually need a truck. Which may be resolved next year, as a couple in the works, and would be nice if one made it to TH. That would be a nice game changer from diesel, as most seem to be.
  3. I try to think outside the box ... ... make that circle, when possible 😎
  4. Strange thinking about in hindsight. As I equate living in USA, as one might associate with living and working overseas. As I moved around a bit, for work, never really thinking about living in any place long term that I lived. Only long term, more than 3 yrs, was hometown suburb of Philadelphia, PA, which I enjoyed, but would never think of returning to live now. I wouldn't return to any place I lived at in the USA, IF I ever returned, so nothing their seems like home. Houses here/TH, were custom built for me, in USA, simply what was available at good price, and all 3, were bought for investment, never life long living. Locations here, chosen from the heart, ex-wife's village, first one, than by choice, 2nd & 3rd, as where I actually want to spend my last days, present house anyway, so this is HOME. Can't think of anyplace else I'd rather be, unless I hit that POWERBALL.
  5. I find the MG ZS to be extremely accurate in it's countdown of kms remaining. Average about 3+ per !%. New, NEDC is 403, and not going to get that. ECO mode is 360, and that's more like it for local driving. 50.3kWh/46.3 usable battery. That's 400 (NEDC) & 357 (ECO mode) now, strangely, 3 kms less off both. So less than 1% battery segregation after 1 yr. Probably the high side of 357, as was 358 last week, and noticed 357 yesterday. Same with the gauge stating kWh per 100 kms, and usually quite accurate once on the road. Dropping to below 15kWh/100 kms, so 300+ kms per charge on the highway. WLTP rating (@47 kph) is 320 kms, and that's high side for highway driving 80-100 kph, when cruise control set @ 90 kph and usually average about 80 kph over 3 hr period, then look for CS. Don't go below 20% usually, so not sure how accurate it stays below 20%.
  6. I have no problem using the women's toilet, purposely for whatever reason or by accident. Last week I did by accident, as didn't notice the signage correctly. Wife noticed it as I exited ... "you know you just used the lady's room" ... oh yea, oops.
  7. I had it easy and any job that was difficult or I didn't like, was very short lived, 1 day to 1 week. Never 'had' to work any job I didn't tolerate at least. Only 1 job was a pain, but not the job, the commute of 2.5 hr each way. Below Philadelphia, USA, to Newark NJ airport. Did that for couple months till I for an apartment, though that was about half way. Still had to allow 1/2 for parking and getting to the airport once there. The few days I actually drove the work. Advantage was, 20 mins from Princeton airport, and use to fly up to work 4 days a week, so less than an hour drive/flight time, since flight used the gate at EWR next to ours. Coolest commute ever.
  8. I used ours once, but just as a tester, to make sure it works. I travel with water kettle, coffee & cups, and still yet to bust it out at a viewpoint. Can only see me using it if I run across someone on an E-MB that misjudged their range.
  9. Most people are murdered with handguns, not rifles. Few people are killed in mass shootings, <60 in 2022, see graph above. About 1 a week, in a nation of 370M people. About the same number of people that die on Thai roads, in 2 or even 1 day at times. 29,000+ people died falling in their home in 2021. Much more dangerous to be home apparently. Nice headliner, but try putting it in perspective.
  10. Do they ? Apparently not, or there would be. Neither does either political party, dems or reps, since both controlled Congress & the presidency in recent times, and nothing changed. So you can't say either party wants to change, or they could have easily, or at least tried to, and neither did.
  11. Let's not confuse mass shootings, with mass shooting 'deaths'. In 2022, deaths from, were <60 and considering 370M population. Chance of you dying in a mass shooting ... nuff said source wiki
  12. Almost impossible to own an assault weapon in the USA, or affordable for most folks. AR15 (not an assault weapon/rifle) is no more dangerous than any other semi auto center fire rifle. That you don't know that, or what an assault weapon'/rifle is, screams ignorance. Educate yourself first, then come back to the conversation. Please see many of the old threads on firearms, as all been discussed before. Along with most of my thoughts & opinions. I'm not going to repeat myself. If you are a Yank, and live in the USA, you have choices, If not, why do you care? To answer your implied query, yes, I think anyone legally able to own a firearm, should be allowed to defend themselves, if that is their choice. If you walked out of a vendor, and saw said shooter in OP, coming toward you, would you prefer to have a firearm or not? I know my choice. UP2U Nobody has been killed with an production assault weapon since 1930s, maybe 1947, I think. If memory serves Have a nice day.
  13. Not saying I couldn't or wouldn't if I lived there. A MB really is too convenient, especially since little parking is available. I don't drive our car there, for that reason, and to avoid having an oops out of province. But Thailand, especially Bangkok, is not the place to learn how to drive one.
  14. All your comparisons are apples & oranges. 100s of millions of firearms, legal & illegal in USA. Open borders where a million+ cross every year, and they can't even stop them. You can't stop the flow of guns, so you won't be stopping shootings. Talk all you want, all the laws they have now have done nothing. Every aspect of the 'system' is a failure. Until that changes, nothing will. If I lived there, I'd have a firearm, probably never need, as 30 adult ish years there, and had, but never needed. It is what it is. People have accepted it, as they appear to not want to change it, or they would IMHO Chance are being shot, let alone killed by a stranger with a firearm, and almost nil. Probably why nobody cares to change anything in USA. Mass shootings are good for headliners, and so many more things to worry about than a stranger/nutter shooting you. You have 4-5X more chance of dying, by simply falling in your home in the USA. Let that one sink in.
  15. Been riding motorcycles for over 40 yrs, all sizes, and I would not drive one in Bangkok...nuff said. Buy a car or learn the bus routes.
  16. I would think those w/neighborhood watch groups do have less crime. Though as shown, you are not going to stop nutters ... ever. So I don't know what your silly comment was for ... oh yea, to elicit a response. Was that good enough, tissues at the ready. You already should know I'm pro firearms. Any conversation about guns and or gun laws have been done to death. Have a nice day. R I P
  17. That would be enough bother for me to not even consider living in a province with such silliness. Even the witness thingy at PKK is silly redundant. As already been to the house, talked to neighbors. Witnessed gets asked question, maybe, first time, then signs a statement. My witnesses that I did use here, never met me before going to IO. Friends of wife. One she never met, as friend of her brother when using 😂
  18. Leases I had (3) were for short periods, then month to month afterwards, with cancellation allowed by both parties with 30 days notice. Good for you & landlord, and accepted at IOs that I used, Udon Thani & PKK when having. Never heard of the dated expiration date of lease being a requirement. Witness of course, at the discretion of IO. Not needed at Nong Khai, Udon Thani, when using, but required @ PKK.
  19. Seems to be yet another failed system check of laws (fed & state) already on the books. Oh well ... 🔫 Too bad an armed citizen hasn't taken him out yet. So much for lax law being of any help in this case, as you don't need a permit to carry in Maine, concealed or open. In Philly, he wouldn't make it halfway down the block without someone capping his A$$ 🤣
  20. A plus for me sort of, as only have 3 brothers still there, that I really didn't see much, when I did live there. Occasional holiday dinners, and can't even say on a yearly basis, and that's about it. Really led separate lives in different circles, when I was in the same area. They actually get together a lot now, monthly dinner or outings, since now in their 60s & 70s, something they never did before. Haven't seen any family (brothers) in over 20 yrs, except on FB. One is coming over next year, part of a SEA holiday, and probably last time I will see any of them again in person. On a tour, so I'll only even see him & wife, for 1 day, just hang out poolside, dinner & brekkie just before they fly back 🤣 Suck a close family 😂 Would imagine family keeps a lot of people in their birth country. Never had kids, until here, (1 adopted) and couldn't see leaving her to move out of country. Even though I only see her 10 ish times a year. She's only <4 hrs away, so a major plus. I've actually popped up to Krung Thep just to have dinner with her 😎
  21. Mayfield probably made more from the royalties than the original release. That's sad 😂
  22. 20+ yrs ago, you could find a decent house for $100k, now it's next to impossible, specially with a good school district, along with inflation and silly expensive healthcare, even if you have insurance or medicate. If moving & living there now, there wouldn't be much left for pocket money to enjoy life. Those already established, should be OK, but the youngins, it's a rough start. My nieces & nephews, and friends' children, luckily started 20 ish years ago, so all doing good and comfy life. Probably still the 'land of opportunity', but nothing like 20+ years ago.
  23. They should realize they make more money, if they restructure the loan to 20 or 15 yrs instead of just a onetime penalty, then no future interest earned for them.
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