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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Again, far from rich, even on a Thai standard. You haven't been to the malls here in years, and plenty of luxury cars parked in the VIP sections, along SUVs, real ones, everywhere. Family, Thai, all got new cars and or multiple cars, and not 3 generations living in same house. Same applies everywhere, people make choice, apply themselves & succeed financially in life. MSM doom & gloom isn't always the reality. They're making them & people are buying them. I don't see too many beaters on the highway, countrywide. First 4 cars were inexpensive, as entry level, 'made in TH'. 3 being < 550k 1 cost < 700k Even the last one, EV, is priced same or less than some 'made in TH' ICEVs. The Toyota Cross cost more than the MG ZS EV, and a bit more, since MGs price drop. Held 3 for 6-7 yrs, so far from a new car every couple years.
  2. Any weekend, long or short, at a tourist destination is not going to be bliss, unless a party animal yourself. Especially if within a few hours drive from Krung Thep.
  3. Simplest, bring you funds in using ATM. As any tax would be incurred on bank deposits.
  4. "People don't buy new cars" ... and yet, I'm on my 5th in 21 yrs. Many buy a new one every 2 or 3ish years. Total car sales (2022) - 848k new car sales (2022) - 348k "If electric cars were truly a cost effective alternative there would be no need to actively promote them. Consumers recognizing their benefits would buy them." Our savings MG ZS EV vs ICEV (IF not having solar)
  5. Yes, originally set up to be self funding and worked just fine, until the criminals started borrowing it. Now it is destined to become solvent in the future, and not too distant if they don't do something.
  6. NOT A TRUMP VS BIDEN CONVERSATION (PLENTY OF THOSE) just an observation of administrations and debt increases. All things, including interest & inflation affects our buying power, where ever we live. And for those Yanks keeping score, inflation vs COLA, aren't even close. Inflation easily 100-150% since 2000. So spend it now, as worth less tomorrow 😎 -0- inflation, that's just insulting Why I love Biden and hope for a win in 2024 🀣 (COLA = 17.8 % + 25% (exchange rate) 2024 - 3.2% Along w/better exchange rate, for whatever reason
  7. USA Soc Sec is something every worker pays into. After certain amount of years/points, then you acquire the right to full benefits at retirement age, or earlier if needed for health reasons. Along with other social programs, so nobody needs to be on the street or go hungry in the USA, theory anyway, and location dependent. An existence at least, with free medical. Company pensions are few now of days, and best if guaranteed by union vs the company, as the national unions seem to last longer. My company pension is through the Union, a good thing, as the company went bankrupt. A pittance, and even more so, since it took it early, at a 48% penalty, I think. Bad decision if I live longer than 75 yrs old πŸ˜‚ Only worked there 13 yrs anyway, and left on best contract. Sadly, a co-worker/friend, recently retired, after 40 yrs, and gets less than my full pension would have been. How F'd up is that? Due to Union give backs and bankruptcy court agreements. Really screwed in that aspect.
  8. For USA ... "The Social Security full retirement age is: 65 for those born in 1937 and earlier. 66 for those born between 1943 and 1954. 67 for those born in 1960 or later." source: SSa.gov Myself, Dec 1954, so didn't collect 'retirement' until 66 yrs old. A bit irrelevant for myself, as been collecting full disability since 2001, and only the 'name' changed at age 66 πŸ˜‚ I'm a blight on society, and getting all those tax $$$ back. Brother, not collecting yet, as born 1960, and living off company pension (took early) and ex-wife's death benefits of 1/2 till he turns 67, and more than enough. Living overseas has 'almost' no effect on benefits. Unless living in a 2 countries; Cuba, N. Korea, if non US citizen. Soc Sec won't send benefits to these: Azerbaijan Belarus Cuba Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Moldova North Korea Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan SS will hold your bennies, till you move to a country they will send it to, so nothing lost.
  9. I don't find them to be the heartless, tea money seeking folks many portray them out to be on AN. With 1 exception (not bad for 23 yrs), they've all been quite professional & helpful. I've observed them a few times extending courtesies they really didn't have to. Along with a few similar stories expressed at forum meet ups at Udon Thani, when the subject of Imm was discussed. Pretty good considering some of the people I've seen them dealing with, that were total aholes, and definitely showed more patience than I would have. And I was in customer service.
  10. For 100k baht I will ... the fee for suggesting I'm being deceptive. Put up, or shut up. I'm sure we can find a mutual member to hold the funds. I can show you all 3 stamps, one showing extension expiration date, extending date, then one extending for the next year.
  11. Reading comprehension ... OP, budget now about 25k, with the OP+his health ins premium, which probably isn't inexpensive. Most Thais don't make 15k a month, and have more bills.
  12. Technically, probably no. But ... never hurts to ask at IO. I screwed up the paperwork/bank one time, and IO simply extended my visa 30 days so I could sort it out. They can use their discretion any time, especially when it comes to retirement visa. At worse, as suggested, just do a border hop.
  13. Do you really want to put your savings at risk, since asking, assuming little experiences. Also, age dependent of your wife, how much younger, and your present heath. If you don't have any oops (expensive), then 3 mill will last her anywhere from 15-25 ish years. Having almost free healthcare, (assuming), and house owned free and clear, she just needs to pay utilities & feed herself, so 10-15k a month would be more than enough. 3 mill/15k a month = 200 months/16 yrs. 3 mill/10k a month = 300 months/25 yrs If you pass this week, and income stops. Also in 10-20 years, her house & land will be appreciating, and if necessary, sell and maybe squeeze out another 15-25yrs. If she doesn't find a toy boy, who will support her ... πŸ˜‚
  14. Not a Wat person myself, but, since going to Ban Krut anyway, searched for anything interesting that I haven't noticed before and found this Wat. Only 5 mins off the main road (Hwy #4 / Phetkasem Rd). A wooden Wat, surrounded on old 'looking' sandstone structure, Thought interesting, and if wife into merit making (mine is not), then fits the bill. Has a Sukhothai styled (Wat Yai) Buddha image & Emerald Buddha replicas there. Surely good luck will be bestowed on all.
  15. Swensen's Tuesday, 2 for 1 scoops, for members. A weekly stop, almost ... tasty stuff. Why deny yourself such simple pleasures in life. Yesterday's sweet tooth fix, after an excellent Green Curry & Roti ... visit Baan Jib once a month: Another monthly stop, Pandan Leaves Cafe:
  16. What crap IOs y'all use. Myself; Nong Khai, Udon Thani, Ranong, PKK ... walk in with no unexpected unrealistically asked paperwork of 'all' things. For CoR (UT & NK), simply needed lease/rental agreement or yellow book, leave 5-15 mins later with CoR in hand.
  17. Just hope they don't use our builder. Though doing a decent job, took her 18 months to finish a 4 month build Maybe she shouldn't have taken on those other 8 contracts.
  18. We can race down the soi, and I might even let him win 1. Might have to give him about a half way lead to the finish line, to make it interesting. He could race these and kick butt: https://automdb.com/max_acceleration
  19. And yet, 2 of my first car/truck from JP were Datsun, and served my well. Both inexpensive entry level, but didn't take anything away from the quality. Along with another Nissan bought later that I loved to drive.
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