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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. A couple thoughts ... ... I've never planned a holiday ahead, and many do not. Though do agree, many won't be changing or able to, if events even interest them. ... why do y'all think it's geared toward international tourist? As domestic tourist also take advantage of the cooler weather to travel TH vs the colder regions outside of TH seeking warmer weather.
  2. The penalty for my pension was 4% per year taken early, instead of age 65. I think I took it shy of 12yrs since 47% penalty, as get $357 instead of $674 (USD), I think it was. So ~76 yrs old is the break even point. Although I could actually live on ~12k baht a month, it's nice having govt Soc Sec, being more than enough for retirement visa, by itself. Pension pays for our 0&A hotel stays 😂 Aside from protected my pension, the union/IAM was pretty crap, and only negotiated $50 per year of service, and I was only there 13.48 years. Really screwed the NWA employees that were left, when DL took over at bankruptcy. So glad I left while under the last IAM contract w/NWA.
  3. I hope you tell him to shop around, MGs, BYDs, GWM ... as the Leaf would be the last EV I'd consider.
  4. @BritManToo you need to contact the news, let them know you survived and live in CM area.
  5. so, the ear buds stopped working when wet & cost him 20+k quid 🤣
  6. I closed the window as soon as it opened. Really don't like the idea of you accessing my info, (email) without asking 😡 Heads up to others
  7. Yes, I read both of those as non taxable by TH. That would be income, and taxable, whether by which, don't know, or care. USA Soc Sec is specific in the convention, and taxed only in the USA. It comes into to TH, designated from Fed Reserve as SS on TH banks Credit Advice, so non taxable by TH. READ THE CONVENTION LINKD ABOVE
  8. What's wrong with you people ? Interest in MG ZS waning fast. Nobody wants that cheap A$$ small family SUV 😂 Still in top 10, maybe till next month 🤣 Good, maybe MG will discontinue it, and the wife will have a 'classic' in 20 or 30 yrs, and demand one of those silly prices a MGB from the 60s might get today.
  9. People need to simply add their country to the below & google: EX: "USA taxation convention with Thailand" For Yanks & USA, Article 20 will interest you, if receiving Social Security.
  10. Your #s are pretty good. At 30%, I'll start to think about a CS, as don't like to go below 20%. Your estimate of 80 kph is about right, and what we average when I got the CC set to 90 kph on open roads. Our MG rated at WLTP 320 kms, so using 300 kms (at speed(>47kph 'tested), we're good for 3+ hrs, which I'm ready for a break by then, if not sooner. That's 250 ish kms, w/50 kms reserve. Them longer drives are way behind me. Important thing, is to know where the next CS is along your route, in case the one you're stopping at is inop. It has happened. Or if traveling weekends, may have a Q, not happened yet, and probably just luck. Probably means you won't be looking at MGs, unless a LR version, as all 3 standard versions have a 51kWh (46kWh usable) battery and same specs, ~300 kms on highway at speed/90 kph. Added plus of MG, can use their CS if having MG or member card to charge, which you get w/the car, and no other way that I'm aware of. Guess same would apply to BYD. Actually our preferred CS, unless hungry. Probably mentioned, if multiple stops along the way, you'll get there faster if just charging up to 90%, as the last bit (MGs) is very slow adding. There really is no shortage of CSs, especially on main roads.
  11. Over development beyond what the infrastructure can handle. Many more domestic (Thais) visit Patts than foreigners.
  12. Nah, they're safe, except Railay , as have to make a bit of an effort to get to them, that most tourist won't do, and why I haven't visited 4 of them. No desire to visit Railay, too touristy, and have seen Freedom, but a bit of hassle to get to. Outer islands, I avoided with wee one (snakes & access to antivenom), and now with the dog, as probably not allowed on small ferries. Don't like the idea of leaving me car anywhere.
  13. Actually been at that one, and OK. Preferred Wang Kaew ? area better, a bit further east.
  14. I got recommendations from postings on a local HH forum, then cross referenced the 2 worthy at peeking at on Gmap, from the HH forum. The other clinic suggested getting mixed reviews on both, along with an office having more than 1 dentist, so roll of the dice, who would be tending to you, as docs not mentioned, just the location. Could explain the mixed reviews. Positive reviews about Dazzling Smile about what I was interested in having done. Not just about cleaning & fillings. Good Luck
  15. Or he can simply stop telling everyone 'EVs aren't for him' as we don't give a sh!t, and probably on most folks ignore list by now, due to BRS (broken record syndrome).
  16. 'sources' (unmentioned) seem a bit weak, and maybe in 5 yrs the suit will be resolved 🤣 Only chiming in to comment how accurate the WLTP rating is for the MG ZS, and surprisingly so, as my early calculations on 'expected' when using, before receiving, I knocked 20% off as thought they'd be exaggerating a bit, or the ratings just not applicable to real life driving conditions. WLTP rating of 320 kms, and we consistently get 350-360 kms (per charge) at higher speeds & worse conditions (assuming) that tested. I was actually expecting something like 275 kms, before receiving. Which would mean 225 kms, and wouldn't even make it to my daughter at Krung Thep without stopping. Thankfully not true, and can make it, without topping up.
  17. Elephants ... way too impractical, and just a tourist attraction. Humans can out spring and go where an elephant can not in an urban setting. Pure silliness and should be embarrassed to even suggest such a thing.
  18. A MSM hit piece by those who control and will profit from the spin.
  19. I used Dazzling Smile Dental Clinic recently, and quite happy with her work. Drove 100 kms (one way) to use, as not happy with local dentist. Good English. Root canal and composite added to front incisor. She'll give you options & price upfront, and no pressure sales. If going with GF/spouse, nice little cafe, 25 Monday Hua Hin around the corner, walking distance for them to kill time. Be very prompt, she's not on 'Thai time'. A welcome change.
  20. For those too lazy: ... Koh Kradan (Trang island) ... Railay Beach (Krabi (a surprise-pollution?) ... Freedom Beach (Phuket) ... Laem Had Beach (Koh Yao Yai, Phang-nga) ... Ao Tanote Bay (Ko Tao, Surat Thani (another surprise) Haven't been to any of them.
  21. I gave up also at about the 4th eps. Does seem well put together, but same, just not for me.
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