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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. You better not read the labels of the items in you food cabinet containing 'natural flavoring', unless you want to be on a diet.
  2. "Throughout her visit Ms Yellen sought to persuade her Chinese hosts that under President Joe Biden, America is not fundamentally hostile to China." Sending a 2nd CSG to the Sea of China & calling Pres. Xi a dictator doesn't come off as hostile at all ???? Another Trump hit piece from the echo box, but ignoring the facts... 'new boss, same as old boss': "Biden has clung to tariffs on China. American business owners say there's a cost" Biden keeps Trumps tariffs on China goods Spinning the BS instead of reporting the news. BBC ... another joke of an entertainment news organization ... IMHO
  3. I doesn't lower it, it illuminated even asking for it. Who pays extra for used, when you can rent or buy new. Then if she wants to have a kid with him, just became a family of 4, without the hanger ons... ... RUN
  4. Don't know about English or customer service, as yet to need after sales/purchase. Last laptops we bought were from; Lenovo: laptop for wife JIB: 2 ASUS laptops; me/daughter also a fan of Advice Distributors
  5. @AventurasEnMadrid can't wait till she brings up the Sin Sot, and no Thai person would pay for someone with kids already. That should really let you see things clearly. There will be a nice piece of land of hers or family you can build on, or buy something new in 'her' name. RUN
  6. Not sure about that, as I've married up 3X, (of 4) though first 2 weren't beneficial at all. 3rd beneficial, only since I can't own land here, and investing with and under her name has meant living here cost/rent free, all 23 yrs, and then some extra in the pocket.
  7. With the regulations, they can put a damper on things. I operated them a lot more often before regulations, as I'm not and never will be legal. I actually enjoyed building more then operating them. Definitely gives your photography a different angle & perspective. Snaps I could never get without.
  8. I disagree with every USA foreign policy, and quite honestly, wish they didn't have one. Simply not needed, as quite self sufficient, and nothing but wasted lives & money playing the world's police force & corporate security agency.
  9. With one exception, we make our own sausages, and really too easy. Aside from that 1 spicy sausage, only 'processed' food we don't make, is hotdogs or spicy bologna, as simply too difficult. Really don't eat that much of either. An occasional double pork burger rom 7-11. Retired, and more time than we know what to do with, so plenty of time to source & make ourselves. Any processed foods we do eat, read the ingredients and opt for the better version.
  10. Is it everyday, daily, or day & night, or just when trying to sleep. If just when trying to sleep, it could be a hiatal hernia, which I have, and found when scoped. Ask if wanting it fixed, and seems to be an easy fix, though I did give it a pass, as just knowing it's there, is easy enough to work around it. For this with an occasion upset stomach, simple fix, 1 - 2 tsp or tbsp of baking soda, mixed with warm water, and you'll burp away your discomfort. Inexpensive & works better & quicker than anything else ... IMHO
  11. I rarely take my drones with me any more, as I usually stay at higher altitudes w/nice viewpoint. Be good for taking a selfie, or snap of the resort, but that's about it. Then I'd have to carry back & forth to the car, as can't leave in the car, too hot. Bought my present ones just for that, about 2 yrs ago for snaps of the house being built and surrounding area. Thinking about taking one with me this O&A as going to brother/family's land, about 70 rai, and might use. He wants to give the wife a rai, as he already did all the other family members. No promises, but depending when and mood we're in, on the way back, may shoot you a message, as we're 1.5 hrs S of Cha Am. So may be in the neighborhood. Also weather dependent, rain & high wind don't work.
  12. Loei city, not much there, although that was quite some time ago, but can't imagine much changing. One section is walkable and enough around. Fountain Circle / Kings Hotel and lake area. Use to have a night market (mostly food) set up behind hotel.
  13. Drones don't have to be expensive, unless you want all the bells & whistles. I have 2 vid drones, both around the 6k baht mark. 1 has a better camera, 1 is better in gusty winds. Even the newer Mini DJI is only 30k ish, though a bit pricy for limited use.
  14. They went to Uni, far from less fortunate. I didn't need a hand, and was working from 12 yrs old onward. Uni wasn't even a thought, due to finances for me.
  15. An yet, NATO has nukes on RU's doorsteps, (against previous agreements to be neutral states) and USA has CSG cruising off the coast of CH & elsewhere, w/nuke subs parked all around the word in striking distance of any country it wants to be near. But coming near the USA is what ... ... oh I know ... Hypocrisy
  16. Fired up a doobie last night, 1st in well over a month, I think. That's some good sh!t, for ฿8/gr, and I only manage half the doobie/.5gr. It's going to take forever to finish my stash ????
  17. I kind of like the savings when O&A (long distance) as supplements the hotel costs, or pays for dinner. Every 320-360 kms while O&A, and we save about ฿5-600 using CS vs petrol (MG ZS EV vs ICE) Same locally, if a bit further than local, but <125 kms from home, petrol cost saved, pays for the coffee & pastry, along with getting us out of the house, as we wouldn't have bothered, paid to go to the coffee shop that far away. Petrol costing more than meal. I have a couple regular restaurant stops now, 30-60 minutes from the house, since no need to pay for petrol to visit. Some tasty stuff, along with better value than very local vendors.
  18. Pricing from chart within link ... I think current price, +/-
  19. Definitely need to crack the windows a bit, if going to sit in the sun. Our cools off in less the 3 ish minutes w/AC on high, after letting all the warm air out. Are we don't do tinted windows. Need to cover steering wheel, or that will heat up to uncomfortable temp for more than a few minutes.
  20. Heading to Nan next week or so, after a family thing in NBLP. Actually a 1st for me, strangely, and looking good. 2 or 3 nights should do it. A pitstop at Phrae, then CR after Nan ... I think. Only have reservation at NBLP, as usually finalize things the night before or on the way. Got a ball park idea though, with options to chose from. Looks like Ayutthaya, NBLP, Phrae, Nan are definite stops, and probably CR. Not near any of the cities of (Muang district), but the countryside. Only 2 GHs picked so far, one near a birding hotspot at Ayutthaya, the other near family for the get together. Agree with MHS & Pai thoughts, though haven't told wife the road to Nan and beyond will be a bit winding. Rest of your list is worth stopping in, though I usually don't do 'downtown' any more, though have, but years ago, so no recs from me, along with so much has changed since actually stopping in. One wooden guest overlooking Phayao was cool if still there. Snaps of (smog season) Just took a streetview stroll, what a difference, although place we stayed at is still there. Nice perch on 3rd floor balcony, though be careful it doesn't push you off ???? they can't be trusted. โรงแรมบัวแก้วเพลส (Buakaewplace hotel)
  21. Yea, what he said, and agree completely. Until there was competition, ma/pa shops were taking the Piss at times. Choice is always good. 7-11's pack 'em in for a reason.
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