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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I didn't mention gays at all in my reply. Simply business have the right to refuse services to who ever the decide not to. In my case, I sold firearms, and didn't care if you could legally buy one or not. If I thought you were an A-hole and a danger with one, I wasn't going to sell you one. Always felt good about my decisions. Local PoPo backed my thoughts, and thanked me, when I informed them which local idiot was looking for a firearm. I have to live with me decisions, I take them seriously.
  2. Guessing ex of Navy man, felt unsafe with new boyfriend, possibly wanting to end relationship, and asked the ex to stand by, incase of expected trouble. She made a wise choice ... ???? I had to read it twice also.
  3. Always been in favor of businesses having the right to refuse services to who ever they wish. It's their business, it's their right, IMHO May or may not be profitable, but that's their problem. Though some of that does go against current laws. Oh well ... so be it. Let supply & demand, and the customers decide whether to frequent or use a business. Free enterprise should not be dictated who to serve ... IMHO Yes, I know, days past that was not a good thing, but this is the 21st Century, and people are more aware, and won't support what they don't believe is right. Businesses should have the same right as the customer. I'm not a Christian, Jew or Muslim, and don't believe in many aspects of their religion, but it's their right to do what they believe in. I've refused sales to people before, when I had no legal right to. But a moral obligation to myself and others.
  4. Not familiar with it, but if accurate, of course not. But, 2 wrongs don't make a right. Sending billions in foreign aid when veterans aren't being helped properly or Americans are living on the streets, not by choice is wrong also. But not the topic ... also why I stopped producing & paying taxes. 40% of my income taxed & misspent IMHO No thanks, better places/TH to invest and not get taxed.
  5. Does include 7 or 8 overnights w/brekkie. For cyclist, it just being, and the journey, not really the destination or another Wat on the way.
  6. Can it get any sillier ... ... new 'sun tax' to follow in the future. Making the world a better, safer place. Shading the planet will surely be studied and deemed 'safe & effective' Release of the study in 75 years ... ????
  7. I don't know about the others, but for Cream & Clapton, surely royalties were paid. For Robert Johnson, don't know if it trickled down to him, as he doesn't even own the rights to his songs, for what ever reason: "Robert Johnson's material, recordings and songwriting, are owned by King of Spades Music USA" He possibly signed over his music rights for promotional support, as so many artists do in their early career. Johnson career was very short, and only recorded 29 songs in 2 sessions. Obviously not all penned by him. Not until after his death were they even released, I think, and he like so many, became the myth, not the legend since an early death. Recording companies dealt the recording rights and royalties, not the artist, or not until the artist takes control of their career: ... "Music royalties from Cream's recordings would have been administered by ASCAP or BMI, through the accounting of the Atlantic Records group." Clapton still doesn't produce and never did, I think. Closely overseas it of course, trusting a few long time associates/producers. But in his autobiography, he says he sucks at producing, and leaves it to the pros ???? EC did a whole album of Johnson's music, so I'm pretty sure he'd make sure royalties trickled down to the Johnson Estate. Same with his friendship and sharing music of JJ Cale. Can't ask for anything better than an artist making a hit with you song, and now you're a household name. That's priceless by itself. So man writers didn't become music artist, until the music was covered by others. Many making more money on royalties than their own career I would think.
  8. Never got the daily pub/bar thing. Give me a 6 pack, doobie, and a bench outdoors.
  9. No highjack, on topic, cost of, how to stretch, invest for the long game, or pay as you go. Our solar system is on the high end of pricing, since installed, and with better components, hopefully. Don't expect any oops for 10-20 yrs, hopefully, though won't be around if any. Our ROI should be in the 5-8 yr range, probably the latter, but all good in that aspect. Depending on your monthly usage & bill now. Some guys have a system, supplements or almost carries them through the whole month. 5kWh tie in systems are not expensive. It's the ESSs, batteries, that add to the cost, (185k for ours) if wanting to be off grid, unofficially. We're still conx, but don't need the grid. EV & solar just compliments each other and adds to the value of both. But it does depend on your finances, lifestyle, age, possible ROI or not. If out of the house all day, then solar wouldn't be much use, or a more expensive system, and impractical, or very long ROI. I've been here for a while, retired/home all day, and wife is younger, so a no brainer for me. If just arriving, and 65 ish years old, then no, unless planning of living 20 more years, or have someone to leave it to. Simply rent something or buy a comfy condo & enjoy. Couple mill for a house, 1 mill for a car, goes a long way to one's monthly budget if not needing or wanting either. Many places a car isn't even needed, and probably our biggest monthly expense, especially if ICE, considering buy in, petrol & maintenance over the life of the vehicle. Definitely a luxury item, if not needed for out & about or local getting around. Plenty of inexpensive options also, if just knockin' around town. We really don't need a car, it's just a convenience, as everything is <5 kms away. If single, I could easily live very minimalistic. All personal choice, and plenty of here. ENJOY
  10. -0- electric bill and only 445k for solar system ???? Beats giving PEA 3-6K a month, and charges the EV, saving another 3k a month. Worth every baht ????
  11. A 10 yr old with a 3000 baht allowance ???? 18 yr old with 5400 ... if not in Uni or going to, needs to get a job, and be self sufficient. My daughter in between HS and Uni, lived with us, and even got a job, knowing she didn't have to, but didn't want 'our' money. I didn't raise her that way. You want - you earn. Didn't think she'd take it that serious ???? Got to love her. She know she didn't have to, and I'd support her for those few month, but she wouldn't have it.
  12. I don't think you fell on hard time, you jumped on hard times. Simple solution ... back to UK, take whatever housing available, possibly only a shelter providing, until gov't can help, if ever. Step 2 .... get a job ... any job. Surely they have temp employment agencies. Sign up, show up everyday, and take what's available. Temp job, may even turn into a permanent job, if they like you. Find a steady job, not daytime. Maybe part time dishwasher at restaurant, or something else overnight, as always hiring, to keep days open for better options. I've done both, when needed. I wasn't born with a 'small fortune' ... I worked for & earned it. Last obvious advice .... quit being an Alky, as suspect this is the root of all your problems Good Luck.
  13. Fed already has the program set up to do just that. Student gets reimbursed up to $10k a year, $60k total reimbursement if needed. Used as a recruitment tool for many employers. Even better, if poor and can't afford college, their are Fed grants you can apply for .... Grants = no pay back ... free college. USA - Land of Opportunity ... IF motivated. More than enough 'hand ups', no need for 'hand outs' to those that don't need, or won't work for it.
  14. Same same, torrents to the laptop, and watch on the 65" TV, which I use as the laptop monitor anyway. Too easy & FREE Really can't remember last time I had any cable/TV, paid subscription service ... maybe 30 yrs ago, maybe. Was never a fan of TV programming. Anything I did watch, days past, I recorded, and watch, FF thru the commercials. Yea, that long ago, before cable.
  15. Comes on a steel frame (a guess), so just like a trailer/mobile home, you could load it up and move it if need be, wanting. But cost here/TH, would be silly of course. ฿2 mill should give anyone a decent home to live in, own if having partner, or going condo. Depending on age, or simply rent, as cheap enough, giving option to move around, if needed/wanting to do. If coming here/TH, at 65 ish yrs old, how long do you plan on living, to get any ROI by building/buying a home ?
  16. Last townhouse, 2 yrs ago, was ฿6000, but we have dog, as a few doors down, exact same townhouse (same builder), and only ฿3500. Nice neighborhood, carport, nothing I'd call a back yard/pad. But wife had a jungle back there. Decent size. 1st floor main room, bath, then full size (bare), actually large kitchen. 2 bdrm & bath on 2nd floor w/balcony. 1.7 kms from surf, easy walk & 0.5 km to park, on the way. 7-11 about 200m away. Really liked it, except didn't own it. If single, or wife same age, could have stayed there. Owning, you eventually live, housing free. Just pay in advance, and get it all back when selling. Present house, actually cost about the same. Nicer of course, on 1/2 rai. But if wife lives 30 years, all in, ฿2M, works out to about ฿5555 a month. She owns it, can sell if she needs the money, no rent increase, and added plus of having solar, so no PEA bill. That alone saves about ฿3k a month, along with another ฿3k a month, charging the EVs vs petrol. We have a water bill and <฿200 a month. That's it, for mandatory monthly bills ... does take a 'pay in advance' investment, but well worth it. IF ... you or spouse/partner will live that long. Daughter gets it afterwards. Play the long game, always better.
  17. Yea, it's a bit iffy. as after our build started, someone bought the small lot next to us, and started raising chicken. Horrendous smell, and we had that shut down. Took a bit of effort, no money, but all relevant agencies followed through and did the right thing. He shouldn't have been allowed to start in the first place. Wife had to go over everyone's head (village & tambon heads) to Amphur environmental folks. Then they, local heads got on board also. Once involved, shut down, dirt scraped & replaced within 6 weeks and smellin' fresh again. Just in time for us to move in, as house was getting finished. You really have to choose wisely, and we thought we did. Small lot didn't help, as last house, we controlled 6 rai. Another reason why we bought the lot across from us here, and other neighboring lots are spoken for, and not going to be a future problem.
  18. 2 silly posts in a row ... well done. Tuk tuk driver was best reply (IMHO), as the worldly traveler would know. Though karaoke was good, but need a tuk tuk driver to take you to the right place. Some of the replies are a bit embarrassing, as useless, but more so, is you state you speak fluent Thai. How was that possible, and you not know how to find nightlife, in any Thai city. That you have to ask, is a bit embarrassing. Even with my limited, very limited Thai, I'd be able to find nightlife anywhere here, if wanting. Good luck in your quest ... have fun
  19. Yes, as it's not a sponsored sports race or anything like that. Just a leisurely week of cycling. Looked at site/map of proposed routes, and pretty good, avoiding hwy#4 as much as possible. Couple stretches, but unavoidable. Pretty cool for the dedicated rider, and with the support vehicle bringing up the rear, a bit safer than self riding. Not a group activity person myself, but if into cycling that much, I think I'd join in, though not in the group, if possible, just tag along ????
  20. I'm apparently not neighbor friendly, why condos don't agree with me, and would need a lot to put it on. If single, guess that would be the only choice though, the condo route. As owning is the only way I'd live here, renting is just a waste of money, for me. I always play the long game. If renting, then I'd just go nomadic, and not in TH.
  21. It shouldn't. If married, and going to orphanage/dumping ground, with parents approval, if living, Go to family services in your amphur and ask. I did, (A Muang, Udon Thani) but since not married, told almost impossible. If not, just be foster parents to one from an orphanage. More than a few waiting. Instead, I, just raised my daughter, and she simply adopted us (new GF, now wife), when legally able, actually just this year. Don't let the legalities, get in the way of providing a loving home to an orphan. Especially a true orphan, as no worries about her parents changing their mind.
  22. torrents ... as there isn't a movie that I'd waste 50 baht on to watch. Nothing but time killers. Can't think of many new movie in the last 15 or even 20 years, I'd want to watch again.
  23. I'd take a box home over a condo, if I/wife owned the land. Though that's a wash, condo monthly fee vs land rent. 34 m² doesn't cut it, as my eat in kitchen is 40 m² now, and we use it all.
  24. Thanks for posting. As I keep talking myself out of going to the bottom provinces, and pretty much the only ones I haven't been to. Satun on W side, or below Phatthalung. Next time when he head S, this year, as been to other spots more than a few times.
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