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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Supply & demand will still dictate pricing on the <2m baht vehicles, as not so much a niche market as the Benzs & Porsches. Except for that 'T' badge, many find the fit & finish of the Teslas a bit lacking, along with maintenance and replacement parts cost out of warranty. With more competition, Tesla realizes, they can only remain overpriced for so long. Advantage Tesla is the longer range vehicles & charging network, though again, competition is knocking at their door.
  2. It will when their demand drops off, as more competition is available. They'll have to lower priced to compete, as they are elsewhere. Being told price won't be lower for a year, doesn't give anyone much confidence in the purchase, especially if they are the type to replace/buy a new car every few years. Definitely be taking a hit on their resale value.
  3. Sounds good, but unfortunately, it will be abused, not that child labor isn't a thing already. Just give further leeway to use, or abuse. I worked at 12 yrs old with contracted linen service to restaurants. Then 15 yrs old in restaurant, before legal to have work papers. Then at 16, now legal, same restaurant, and legally, only allowed to work 4 hr shift, to be completed before 1900 hrs, and 3 days a week. Reality was 4 weekday shifts, till 0100 hrs, and two back to back 12 shifts, Friday & Saturday night till 0700, at restaurant open 24 hrs. Teachers use to wonder why I fell asleep in their boring classes. Yes, those not going to Uni, get out there and get your work experience, ASAP, then become self employed vs 'working class hero' ???? The system is design to create a life of servitude, till retirement & death shortly after. Screw that. Work Smarter, not harder or longer.
  4. You'd think kids were better educated than we were in the '60's', when after things like 'Reefer Madness', we simply stopped believing anything they told us. Though the harder and newer drugs, info now is very accurate, and should be heeded. But then, people still smoke cigs, so there's is not much hope of rational thinking with some. Peer pressure's a bitch. The prospect of the 'adventure' outweighs common sense with some. Accepting stimulants from a stranger, that's just wrong, anytime, anywhere. Life's choices and a sad outcome with that one. R I P
  5. OK, scratch Bungee jumping, as this reminds me, I pulled 3 kids (alive ????) out of the surf on Phuket. Talk about a sense of purpose after decades of me me me.
  6. Going to have to go with 'unique & different' ... ... Bungy jump Best thing ... get adopted by our daughter. Going to be pretty hard to beat that. Fulfilling, satisfying things: ... finally getting that snapshot ... building drones, and they fly ... converting pedal to e-bike was pretty cool
  7. "Chinese cars are among the safest of 2022 in the EuroNCAP tests" https://time.news/chinese-cars-are-among-the-safest-of-2022-in-the-euroncap-tests/
  8. That's one opinion, though I do disagree, on the 'who failed' part. We'll just leave at that. Have a nice day.
  9. Only had just over 6 months, and haven't racked up the kms yet (7900). I drive the E-MB a lot locally, what little driving I do locally. We usually go out & about during rainy season, and average 20k kms a year, on all past vehicles. So we're way behind, as just finished a house build, and doing finishing touches. Was looking at service schedule, not TH, but need to inspect every 24 month/40k kms on one site. ???? I think book has inspection at 1 yr, emphasis on 'inspection' as nothing scheduled to change until 30kms kms, I think. Really do need to peek at it again. MG states EV service over 8 yrs (battery warranty) is 14.4k baht, (5yr/9k baht), which for the ICE version was 2k every 10k kms for oil changes, more if other filters involved & plugs. I think we racked up about 12k baht of services on the ZS ICE version in 2yrs/39k kms. Add in petrol savings, and not seeing any negatives owning an EV. If doing 20k kms a year, @ 14 kp/L (1428 L) X 36 baht = 51+k baht. Over the 8 yr battery warranty, that's 400+k baht saved on petrol, for us, if using solar all the time. At least 1/2 the time, so 200k saved. If on the grid @ 5 baht a kWh (negative #), and 360 kms per charge (46.3kWh), then if paying for electric, 20k kms / 360 kms = 55.5 full chargs @ (46.3kWh X 5 baht) = 12.8k baht EV = 12.8k baht (1 yr/20k kms) ICE = 51k baht (1yr/20k kms)
  10. If you're going to hold long term, not sure there is really a bad time to buy gold. Sort of follows oil, without the extreme, political peaks & valleys.
  11. +1 DD on 3May 10:30 hrs ... almost like clockwork. Though DD, not via NY BBL
  12. I'm not seeing ฿7 / unit coming anytime soon. Took 20+ yrs to go from ฿3.5 ish to not even ฿5 yet. @Silencer What's your PEA/MEA usage now per month, as with a proper built house, and inverter ACs, it's a good chance it will remain about the same, if using a bit more (ACs) or bit a blt less or more than present bills.
  13. Can't say I was looking forward to it, as 'exorcist/possession' movies don't do it for me, not even close. Maybe because I'm an Atheist. Hope Crowe would help it out a bit ... but no. Kept dozing off during it. The possessed kid did an excellent job. Ending took a different direction than most. Remember watching 'the Exorcist' at the theater, thought it a great comedy, and I kept on getting shushed by people in front of me. I was laughing, others seemed to be petrified .... ???? which added to my humor of it.
  14. He's smokin' some good sh!t ... ... used almost 1000kWh last month, and we didn't drive that much. ACs working overtime. Where's that rainy season ... where's my overcast & clouds
  15. "Lawmakers in the Florida House approved the ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy in a 70-40 vote. The bill passed the state Senate by a vote of 26-13 on April 3" https://www.reuters.com/world/us/florida-lawmakers-approve-6-week-abortion-ban-sending-governor-desantis-2023-04-13/#:~:text=Lawmakers in the Florida House,26-13 on April 3. Appears 64% of the House & 66% of the Senate voted for. Wasn't even close. If survey is correct & accurate, I'd say people concerned about such issues should pay attention and correspond with their reps a bit more, or find another state to live in, if they disagree and can't vote them out. Again, it's a democracy. Have a pleasant day.
  16. 'Introduced, voted on, and passed by representatives', that the people of FL elected to represent their views. It's called a democracy. This is apparently what the majority of people in FL want. IF they change their mind, they can change the law.
  17. OK, watched the vid, and simply repeats what I read. Actually more info in the text part. What CNN didn't do, and what I expect an investigative news reporter to do, is ASK, "why are they not doing ultrasounds earlier, to detect these things", instead of waiting well past the 15 week mark, and should have been done at 10 week mark, and things such as small or no kidneys (since developed at 5-12 weeks) should have been notice, and plenty of time to terminate. To me, seems to fit with that uncommon common sense. Not waiting till after 15 weeks, when all local options aren't available. But again, it's CNN ... ... who prefer to blame DeSantos & right leaning legislatures, instead of patient & doc's use of prenatal care in a more timely manner .... IMHO ... I really can't say any more, as I just got 'FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST' surely someone will report my opinion as trolling, since it doesn't fit with MSM
  18. I don't care that much to read multiple links or vids about someone, issue I really don't care about. CNN, I was suspect and curious how they planned on spinning that. That uncommon common sense, and knowledge I have about prenatal care, counters what patient & doc should have done ... IMHO Hence the unwelcome outcome which possibly could, should have been avoided ... IMHO But it is CNN ...
  19. I did read the article, and did wonder, why with a 15 week window for abortion, was it not noticed, during first ultrasound, and why was 2nd ultrasound (IF it was) schedule at 24 weeks. Reads like poor prenatal care to me. Lack of kidneys, should have been spotted and monitored after the 1st ultrasound, IMHO.
  20. Good for you, as I'm a big fan, after only have (MG ZS) for 6+ months. I would never own an ICE again. Especially now, since same price as ICEs with govt incentives. Which also means, there's no 1st or 2nd year depreciation, as our ZS is 'insured value' for more than we paid. Since value is based on MSRP before incentive applied. If want to sell/upgrade after incentives expire/2025, you gained that value for resale.
  21. It doesn't take much to rack up the kWh's. EV ... 2.3kWh oven ... 1.2-2.2kWh (1 unit) shower ... 3.5kWh & up Possibly running in background: ACs Frig (s) Water Pump Rice / slow cooker Iron, washing machine ... anything with heating element or motor. Our house, sewing machine. People need to pay attention first month having, along with production. Rainy season and production can be low or nil part of day. 10 or 20 kWh of ESS won't last long if more than a few appliances are on.
  22. All CS vendors are a bit different, or not. But some require registration, an app, or not, pay via app, or transfer or CC, but not cash AFAIK. Quite easy process. Which EV do you own ?
  23. Why was it not done before 15 weeks: "The kidneys develop between the 5th and 12th week of fetal life, and by the 13th week they are normally producing urine." https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/cy/renalagenesis.html#:~:text=The kidneys develop between the,amniotic fluid (called oligohydramnios). Cost to travel to get abortion vs cost to deliver in hospital ? think we are missing some info: From 'Forbes': From 'Planned Parenthood site': CNN OP-ED ... nuff said
  24. MG's EVs, are imported, for now, from China, the BEVs (ZS) anyway, as not sure about the other EV versions. A good thing, I think, though may not matter since SAIC/MG is making. But the Toyotas & Mazdas made here, that we owned (Vios (2) & Mazda 2 (1) were a bit lacking in comfort, over the road. Drivetrain, no issues, but ride & noise levels at highway speed/90kph were krap. A few baht more and the MG ZS ICE was comfy & quiet in comparison, with the ZS EV even more so. My experience & opinion anyway. Others that never owned may have a different opinion ????
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