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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. D would be middle version, less electronic (things to break) and no sunroof. Got a date for new ZS EV, Nov 5th +/-, so time to sell. Working on a price, since they actually went up since last time I peeked, 6 months ago. FB market place was 400-450k, now 500-550k https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/112474645432594/search?query=mg zs 2020 Obviously very happy with ours, and selling simply to upgrade to EV version. 2 yrs old / 37,000 kms, w/regular maintenance schedule done, w/receipts Price ... tomorrow will pop into MG and see what their 2nd hand folks are offering. taking their low ball price, maybe add 10%. Anyone in Prachuap Khiri Khan (municipality) or province have an interest, stay tuned. Will update. If nobody interested, will just let them have it. Not exactly the most populated area, or cash flush folks here. I hate selling things.
  2. "I will find you, I have skills" Working at the bakeries and restaurant, finally, my knife wielding skills will pay off. Beware Muggers ????
  3. Scenario ... mugger stands in front of me, my cross body bag in front of me, he demands money. I take my small wallet out of pocket, also contains my small blade, and drop the money from or whole wallet in front of me .... deflection. Money clip in wallet, so easy just to drop the money, and all the mugger cares about, as I already look 'terrified' and he thinks he is controlling the situation. As he bends to pick up money / wallet, as he stands, my blade is now pressed against his throat. If I think necessary or I simply let him take the money, and it's over. Again, all BS, as I never put myself in those situations....any more. Keeping my big city wits about me and my spider senses active, along with not placing myself in harm's way has worked well for 50 some adult years. Not much expected to change simple because I live in TH.
  4. Yes, but since he states 'every time I start', implies he's been driving around with it, instead of tending to the issue. Hope he keeps his hand on the hand brake, if having, while driving.
  5. You ask on a forum, instead of taking to dealer or shop to deal with it. Does sound like air in the lines or low level of fluid, and better dealt with at the auto shop, instead of the internet. Mind boggling ... ????
  6. Talk to 2 people, but 'many' from Russia ???? Unless on a direct flight to HKT, you'd need transit stickers.
  7. Russian citizens don't want nothing to do with UA and the conflict. That UA makes it illegal for draft age men to leave the country, screams most UA citizens don't agree with the war either, but yet, nobody is sitting down and seriously discussing ending it. What's wrong with that picture ?
  8. TBH, don't know who to believe. USA's fueled regime change of UA seemed to cause the problems. Crimea first wanted out, or so I read, then Donbass, with their coal industry (huge % of UA GDP) had enough of the 'corrupt' installed govt, and were getting regularly bombed, women & children, for wanting out. Or so I read. It always seems to be about money, and what corrupt govt/regime controls it. Cower & comply or die. Was Putin right to go in, and stop that, I don't know, as MSM is anti RU & Putin. But go to alternative news, and plenty of confirmation of UA being quite brutal to those, Donbas, that don't accept the new regime, since 2014. Actually don't know, don't care one way or the other, as doesn't affect me at all. That it caters to the western elites' grab for power & money, does confirm Putin's stance. US & NATO countries have been trying to de-stabilize RU forever. RU has asked NATO to stop expanding to their border, and ignored. Putin/RU going into UA is a no win for RU, so why, except to protect Russian that want out of UA control. There's no profit for RU with war with UA. UA's arms supply has been depleted, a while ago, and what little they had left, was used on Donbas and now against RU. No longer a world supplier of arms as they were before the regime changes. What if RU put nukes in Canada & Mexico ? Oh wait, they tried that in Cuba, and seems that wasn't allowed, and yet, RU whole western front if a launching point of nukes. The news & politicians can't be trusted, so unless I see it with my own eyes, I don't believe any of it. I remember when we were told the arms race was to keep peace. Now wars seem to be started, to fuel the arms race for profits. Screw the women & children caught in the middle. Remember when UN was established to keep peace in the world. Yet the 5 permanent members of the Security Council, are 5 of the top arms supplier of the world. Want to stop wars, stop making arms. Simple solutions to simple problems.
  9. Yep ... ASEAN is fine & dandy, and wouldn't take sides against RU or CH. Why would they, as no reason to. Thais don't really need either, but they are friendships of convenience and economically beneficial. USA doing nothing but profiting from RU sanctions. UK & EU suffering and really don't know what to do since so dependent on imports of food & energy. Unlike the USA ... and yet, they play USA's lapdog ... ????
  10. 1999 for me, and if I had to pay for airfare, from USA, then never would have, as way too far to sit in the back of the bus. The most expensive (at the time) & crappiest hotel I ever stayed in, at AMS. And I'm pretty thrifty, along with airline employee discounts. Fine for 1 time visit, and location, only plus, was perfect. Short walk to the museums. Was an excellent trip, but see why most Yanks, stay in the Americas. Time & expense to go points afar, are, were, a bit silly, unless you're ok with the back of the bus on long trips ... NO THANKS
  11. Don't think you will. As mentioned, the packaged stuff at Gourmet/Tops/Villa is about your only choices. Could make your own, as really not that hard. Patience is the hard part. YT is your friend.
  12. Yep ... it's amazing anyone actually thinks any country w/nukes would use them. It would be the end of themselves, economically, if not starting WWIII, which isn't profitable for anyone. And profit is all that matters. The MSM's push for nuclear war BS is profitable enough. Defense contractors are racking in the $$$. Doom & Gloom always sells. Same people that control the MSM, control the politician, control & profit with the arms race. SELL SELL SELL Hard to believe people really are that stupid ... a nuke war ????
  13. UK/RU are far away. NO worries. Already in a 'prepper's' state of mind. World economies and failed policies really don't affect us. No plan is a plan for failure ????
  14. I went there / AMS, because the airlines I worked for co-shared their flights, and cost near nothing for employees to go 1st class to AMS. Van Halen perked my interest in visiting the Bull Dog for some hash smoking. Only hung out in AMS for 3 days for the museums, and can highly recommend. Great visit before moving on for a pitstop at Copenhagen, then to Sweden to visit niece. My only EU experience, and never again. Damn expensive & boring food. Loved the 2 cities though. Only went to Sweden, because I didn't want to go from hot MEM to hot HKT, so got some snow skiing in with visiting my niece. Thankfully I did make the visit, as she passed away, way to young, and that was the last time I saw her. Pretty sure people don't travel to AMS, or TH, just to smoke a bit of weed. Especially at the silly TH prices, if they research prior. That would be one stupid person.
  15. Actually the law was specific, people simply ignore it. Same as the alcohol & P4P laws. Does it only bother you since you apparently don't indulge. You can't pick and chose which laws others should ignore because of your moral compass or beliefs. Simply being de-criminalize is all that was needed for people to come 'out' as potheads. It's a stimulant far less dangerous to yourself & others than say alcohol or cigs. Availability was always here, so nothing new there except for the most ignorant. Live and let live ... ????
  16. Stop ... y'all love the Yanks. Who else would you bash all day, every thread possible, aside from the Thais.
  17. Nobody ... would think people would simply look at their own past use and bills paid. Assess and plan. No such thing as average. My PEA bill was certainly higher than other in my old neighborhoods, in TH & USA.
  18. With millions of others out there walking around positive, don't think I'd be too concern. Stay away from old folks, though
  19. Do I, yes. I wouldn't suggest a weapon for anyone, unless they know & are confident on what to do. Don't pull it, unless plan to use it, or it may be used against you. 1. Avoid any situation ... really is too easy 2. Talk your way out of it 3. Mugging ... give them what they want... ... it's replaceable 4. Imagined offense of someone, apologize, right or wrong ... in a bar, buy 'em a round ... then plan your escape. 5. At home, kill what ever confronts you, easy to deal with, no witnesses ???? All BS, and most will never need to worry. 50 ish years of adulthood, and yet to be in any situation I thought was threatening, and I put myself in more than a few as a youngin. Stop reading the headlines people.
  20. One I carry on me, small, but very sharp. Gets used quite a bit, when munching at food court, especially if I decide to make my own hoagie (sub sandwich), carry for that use mainly, but it is next to my wallet in my bag for very easy access. I'm not running anywhere fast, and keep myself out of harm's way, as a bit too easy to do, with my lifestyle. Even as youngin', full on idiot, I never needed a weapon (legal gun) in the USA. People need to stop reading the news, as it's getting safer & safer every year, per FBI stats. Not what the divisive MSM wants you to think, or scare you into giving up your tax dollars to the corrupt. One in car would probably be considered illegal ... think 'Bowie / Rambo' knife'. Though has been spotted at traffic checks pts, and no eye brows raised.
  21. Yea, I still wonder why people are waiting for the govt or utility company to lead the way ... as they've proven their failure to do so over and over again. Want something done, and done right ... DIY ???? ... or in my case, have it installed ????
  22. I carry a blade, on me, and larger one in the car, with more than a few at the house, reaching 'sword' status ... ????
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