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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Depends what your interests are. I really don't follow many 'in' Thailand anymore. Paddy Doyle left to Nam. Mickey Stotch is interesting sometimes while doing his out & abouts. RWRU, (chris parker) don't follow anymore, but his were interesting for a while. Really isn't much anyone can tell me about Thailand that I don't know. 2 of them just did almost all the provinces, so pick up tidbit or 2 maybe worth taking a peek at when we're out & about again. Others are a couple food YT'er, as always something to learn in the kitchen. Solar & EVs but not need to follow or pay attention to them, as learned all they teach me. Will Prowse is excellent if wanting to DIY solar. Done with him, as he showing prices are coming down so fast, may not want to be bothered. Others were hobby oriented, which again, I'm done with, as have all I need; drones, RC cars, boats & planes. Same with photography, I plateaued, so don't bother any more. I really don't watch YT that much any more. Only if researching something. If I'm that bored, I'll just have the dog take me for walk at the park or surfside.
  2. Yea, I told the installer, the max of what the inverter can handle, that's how many I want. His original was only 2 shy of 18 anyway. Figure the more panels, on cra ppy days, will still get 20kw a day, and if battery low, 6 will be on the E roof and start producing at sunrise. The 3 roofs have the slightest pitch, so probably spread out equally 6-6-6 / E S W. The roof plan was designed with solar in mind. None shaded at all. Should get optimal performance from any system.
  3. Ones that have a following, and sponsors, make a lot money. They never admit though, if people knew how much they wouldn't send them money.
  4. Also ... when was last time OP cleaned the filters or had it service.
  5. 18 panels & Deye hybrid inverter 1. PANELS 540 WP SUNTECH SOLAR PANELS X 18 https://www.suntech-power.com/products/ultra-v-series/#section-60e07a62 2. DEYE 8 KWS HYBRID SINGLE PHASE INVERTER https://www.deyeinverter.com/product/hybrid-inverter-1/hybrid-inverter-sun5-6ksg01lp1us-sun7-6-8ksg01lp1us-eu.html
  6. I just went by my PEA usage from rental, poorly constructed/insulated (none), though townhouse, so half walls exposed to sun. 1 AC (sm) on all day usually, and we averaged 600-700 kWh a month. 5kW system would actually provide enough, as they average about 20kwh a day produced. Going with 8kW inverter, should average 35 a day. Can never have too much juice, especially with EV (car) coming. May have miscalculated usage for new house. Been here 6 days, and only use 60 PEA unit, so 10 a day. That's with 1 AC (12btu inv) on all day. Worker using welder (carport), still a work in progress. Been very sunny everyday, so construction material, insulation, and roof shading has made a huge difference in usage. No curtains on the main windows exposed, mostly the bedroom (sliding door size) with AC, so once those up, even less need to cool off the room. Solar system should be installed by mid month, August.
  7. Yep ... no endorsements for not being in the top 10. I await the book & movie rights soon to be sold.
  8. I got it. But ignorance is only Bliss for so long. Eyes got to open up sooner or later ... though saying that, apparently not for far too many.
  9. Far from privileged white man. Born into poverty to 2 addicted parents (alcohol & tobacco), actually lazier than myself with no self respect for themselves or real ability or should have even been allowed to have children. I've eaten Govt cheese ... nuff said there about not knowing hardship. Actually given a choice to continue church / Sunday school when about 5 or yrs old, but older brother voted no, so if he didn't go, neither could I. Enjoyed the stories and social aspect of it. Presbyterian, so not hell fire exposure, especially at the un-sinful age. Didn't become a Christian until 19-20 ish, through a group, separate from any organized church. Also exposed heavily to Mormons through some other friends. Man, they could cook some & bakeries, must be a requisite for the women. I'd call myself an agnostic believer vs skeptic = extremely ignorant. Then after much research, realized it was all BS. Now I'm hard core Atheist, and when someone state they are a believer, it takes a bit of my respect for their intelligence away.
  10. Surely investing half mill baht into something you 'know' would be a better idea.
  11. Hence the 'finding in the mirror'. Got faith in 'me only', and the wife & kid are pretty darn good also. I can see, smell, hear, and we're touched by our faith in each other. That's real, I can feel that, and don't need some stranger to preach his/her/it's version on their holy day to me, about some fantasy they blindly follow, because some other preacher told them to, or they'll rot on some type of eternal hell. The rest of the world, can't really say have much faith in any part that's touched by humans. An embarrassing species, with few exceptions.
  12. oops ... my bad. yea, the 12v's in series would be 48v. Speed reading ... ???? Brain locked on 48v lithium.
  13. Actually you would put them in parallel (48v), and yes, you don't want to drain them below 10% and keeping them about 20% on a regular basis is good. Higher if you can manage it of course. Charge up to 80% seems to be the optimal consistent level. If knowing you'll need a bit more, then go full up. I'm going to start with 10kWh, and that 60% (20-80%) should be more than enough to hold us overnight w/grid as back up. 1 AC (12btu inv) 2 small frigs, and TV / internet. If knowing we'll be going somewhere in the car, and may want to top that up, then go to 100 %. All that depends what day (meter reading), and what's already (car) doesn't need much and how much the meter has gone backwards already. Car would be plugged in during the day, and try keep above 40%, to 80% consistently for around town driving, < 20 kms day. Easy to top up the 20% if know we're going somewhere.
  14. Luckily, I understand Dog, most times. Sniffy is also a Jedi Master ... and controls my mind at times. "these are not the droids your looking for" "You will give me part of your burger" ... "I will take you for walk now, get my leash" Only suppose to work on weak minds, but the force is strong with her.
  15. City on a Hill ... quite good and starts up again in couple days. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7187044/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  16. Depends what flavour of English you like ... ... Bob's your Uncle
  17. Yea, what he said. And ... If already an airhead, you may want to give it a pass.
  18. Nah, people that hate their life that much really shouldn't be doing any stimulants. Ignore functions works great for the Anti China-EV-MG, Anti-Yank, 'Reefer Madness', Thai bashing, cower & comply crowd ????
  19. Most laws are for idiots, their own protection since they lack common sense. Other laws, regulations, rules, are simply to control people, and keep them in their place, or lowly station in life.
  20. TBH, your not really missing much. Was a pot head in my youth, more so, it was just the thing to do at the time, socially. Then having a 'franchise', really didn't indulge much. Never paid for it, as simply isn't worth the buzz for USA prices, now Thai high end pricing, I think. Been here 22 yrs, it was available the whole time, and bought it once, 30 gr, and that lasted me more than 2 yrs. Which is a long time. Used to smoke that in a week, in my youth. Did my testing with purchases recently, 4 joints, and TBH, no hurry to smoke another. Maybe one a month. It's nice buzz, but nothing worth spending the silly prices that some want. And you will have to smoke, or eat it. I'm not a patient person, so smoke it, and all the negative that comes with smoking. Which I don't like, as minor & infrequent as they are. Make no mistakes, you are still smoking a cigarette. Euphoric is a bit OTT description, unless trying to sell it ????
  21. Been outside the box for as long as I can remember ... ... it's a beautiful place ... ????
  22. Mine is, and understand American & Thai, along with hand gestures, head nods.
  23. And yours (?) isn't superstition? Most think if you don't believe in what ever is preached, they you go to some version of hell. Sounds like superstition to me. Nothing but fear mongering to the ignorant for control. Strangely, people haven't advanced enough to think for themselves yet. That's the mind boggling part. Few actually research, and go by what is told them at the weekly sermon. Done all the reading I can, pros & cons, for existence of a God, or even Jesus, and there is nothing to back the existence of either. Nothing to disprove it either. Although the Bible is easily proved to be fiction vs real science of earth & evolution. Nothing holds water as presented in the Christian belief. Once I researched, I was not longer a believer of. Other religions are simply too silly or immoral to even bother with.
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