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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Look for 'Polenta', as same thing, and have bought in TH. I use for my scrapple making. If can't find in brick & mortar vendor, LAZ has online.
  2. Covid is Back ... it never left. As the common cold & flu, it will be around forever. Hopefully the hysteria will eventually leave, though doubtful. IMHO
  3. Tested one of the doobies from Green Lab's TS (Tanaosr) last night. Washed down with a Snowy, 1, on the balcony, and very nice indeed. Smooth, clean draw (did NOT use filter), and half way through, very relaxed and the world slowed down a bit. A very pleasant experience and I did finish the whole doobie & beer (490ml). Came in and watch Matrix (2) Reloaded. Had a nice slice of Blueberry Cheesecake (7-11), and damn that was tasty. A nice 4 ish hour buzz before dosing off. Would probably last longer, but I had a long day. Got a solid, non toss & turn sleep also. Also notice some nice pain relief, just minor arthritic wrist discomfort, but quite welcomed not to have, as it was acting up yesterday. Definitely rate it above the quality I bought a couple years, from local franchise. Not worth 5X the price though, and add the silly 60 baht shipping on a 79 baht purchase, took it to 10X the price. Can buy the same, maybe, or very close to, 100g @ 1400 baht / 14 per gr, instead of 79 baht per gram. For those that smoke infrequently or simple want to test, like myself for comparison, then can recommend ???????? though maybe get 5gr, help absorb that shipping cost. As long as they don't charge 60 baht for each ???? I'll probably order 100gr @ 1400 baht off FB, being advertised a TS & Green Crack/kush OG, this week or next, though will take me forever to smoke that amount at about 2gr a month ???? Think I'll be giving some away or use as payment for any workers around the house if they wish. I'll test the carbon filter with the next doobie, see if a smoother smoke, vs any less THC consumed. Anyone have experience using, and will it take out THC with the tar. Actually was a smooth draw without the filter, and since I smoke so infrequent, not sure I'll use after the tester. Thoughts ???
  4. We average 575-700 units a month, so ฿2500-3200 a month, for 1 small AC, 2 frigs, 1 TV, usual kitchen appliances & fans. 3500w hot water, on low. Poorly built & insulated house. New one, next month, better built & insulated/walls shaded, so will be about the same, maybe 3500 if we've abusive w/AC. Sure I will be, as solar should handle the full load. Along with EV coming before the end of the year.
  5. PKK - Prachuap Khiri Khan The youngins & older ones are OK, it's them teenagers that have not respect...seems like that for all species ???? https://photos.app.goo.gl/7KHPvrnuR5MfD1Q03
  6. Kind of surprised that's top speed for 500cc ... that's embarrassing ???? More than enough for TH though. My Sonic 125 @ 1/4 the CCs was quite the performer then, knowing I was in 120s kph range more than a few times. Though really wouldn't want to stay going that fast for long drive. My Honda 900cc had a split transmission hi/lo ????
  7. $300 was a mortgage, not rent. A lot of the rent is high, because it's an area with lots of Sec 8 subsidize housing. Sec 8 takes in the metro area rent prices, to set it's limits, not a certain town or area. Rents are based on the whole Philly metro area. What I got from HUD Sec 8, I couldn't get from a working person, as they wouldn't pay that much. I think I was getting something like $750, and a non Sec 8 would only give you about $500. I think my mortgage, inc taxes was $210 ish. Hence the advantage of renting out to Sec 8, not only a higher rent, but you actually get it every month. Only a few areas in Philly area, and the country, where you can make decent money with Sec 8. Why supply & demand isn't is being met. Sec 8 only give you the subsidized part, the rest, you have to collect in cash, and sometimes, many, you don't get. Many don't even expect to get, and other charge above and beyond allowable rent, because they know there's a boyfriend or other living there that's not authorized to. And there's plenty of public trans in Chester, bus & train line. Far from car dependent.
  8. Haven't smoked it yet, but quite satisfied with the ordering, paying, receiving experience part of the purchase.
  9. Hmm ... so 4.99 ???? That would actually big a petty big leap ... 10 ish % from my last bill @ 3000 @ 4.45 and 3200 the month prior. Come on Solar ... hopefully installed before the end of the month. Next week would be nice.
  10. I didn't swim, but did use to treat water. When adding the pool to the one house here, half was 2+m and the other half was 1+m. Not sure if back benefited but rest of me did, with no impact on the back, while getting a pretty intense work out. That and cycling, which back definitely benefited from. My issues being lower (L1-5) discs.
  11. Managed 2 nice doobies from Green Lab's TS (Tanaosr) No waste (sticks) & 4 seeds https://thaigreenlab.com/product/thai-stick-tanaosri-kan-khaw-wa1-cannabis-flower/
  12. Legacy is a spin off of the original series, also worth a watch if haven't already. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3502248/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  13. Must be a little chilly for them up there. I see them daily down here. Literally 100s, and quite annoying at times. Down right aggressive if they think you have food in your hands or bag, as they will attack. A few that hang out up your way: https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/trachypithecus-crepusculus https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/assam-macaque https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/northern-pig-tailed-macaque https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/rhesus-macaque https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/southern-pig-tailed-macaque Good reference site for critters in TH: https://www.thainationalparks.com/list-of-mammals-of-thailand
  14. I would not recommend that exercise in the OP link, as bending over is probably the worst thing you can do for lower back pain. Would give sit ups a pass also and do stomach crunches instead (simply raise legs & crest of floor) Crunches work the stomach, and for the back, assume push up position, keep groin on the floor, and push up with arms as far as possible, putting back in a concave position.
  15. Arrived about 1 hour ago, and timely enough. Scale wt. 5gr - 4gr = 1gr Smells good, as expected, will test probably tomorrow, as waiting for charcoal filter to arrive tomorrow. No special pros or cons about it. but now have something to compare local 'franchise' Thai Stick selling @ ฿14 / gram (1/10th) if buying more than I can smoke. Should get 2 nice doobies from it
  16. You can get that at the local fresh market.
  17. Anyone that can't afford to live in Thailand, will definitely have problems returning to USA. That's pretty much a given.
  18. That's only a 5 yr old news-blip and has nothing to do with weed. ???? Weed to be smoked in home ONLY. Or so I read.
  19. Yea, and that would be almost every crash, speed / too fast for conditions. If people did the speed limit, very few would die on the roads.IMHO
  20. Us Yanks, myself & peers, called it 'blonde', and was usually quite hard. Didn't care for it myself.
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