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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. If that concerned about your blood sugar, just go get real test, as inexpensive enough.
  2. As long as it's not reflective, as could be an issue for other drivers.
  3. True halal & vegan ... good luck with that ????
  4. Ditto, out & about quite a bit, and only 1 small ding of an accident (my fault). Overall feel safe driving here, many quite courteous, many with 'coming thru, my life is more important', and way too many "W T F, are you crazy, nobody is that stupid" dangerously entertaining moments.
  5. Sounds about right, it is here to stay. Though does it really matter what label you put on it. Only thing sad is, they have to explain what 'endemic' is. Oh my ... can Thai accept that ????
  6. Have also been getting that email. Shopee is OK. Competition exist, for some things, Central & HomePro, I've ordered from. If don't mind waiting 10 days or more, then Banggood & AliExpress are good also. BG now doing a lot of COD, and some on AE.
  7. The sent it to me bank account.
  8. Always good as a salad dressing, adding honey with it, plus whatever else you add and are in the mood for. Experiment & ENJOY
  9. UP2U ... whatever you fancy it on, in or with. Haven't seen any condiment police, so ... ENJOY
  10. "The minimum national wage in Thailand, set by the government, is about 14,500B per month (322GBP, or 436 USD" ????????????????
  11. Yea, that was pretty bad ... imagine paying to watch, or anything lately, like last 25 yrs ... ???? I used to feel taken when I bought DVDs for 50 baht, can't imagine paying $10-15-20 USD to watch the c r a p they're churning out.
  12. I'll driving here over the USA, as can & do almost anything I want. License was suspended in the USA a few times. Must be that heavy foot.
  13. Doesn't show how clueless I am, shows how clueless the people y'all employ are. 100 a day is 1/3 of the minimum wage, at the lowest scale provinces.
  14. When I left Udon Thani, 16 kms away (NaDi), so village life, house surrounded by farms, 4 yrs ago, couldn't get people to work for 300 baht a day, to just tend to the yard, cut grass and trim. With a lawn mower & weed wacker. Not even much labor into it. Where are you guys ...
  15. If on a laptop / computer, can simply drag / drop in reply, or click on and use uploader. Off course you'll need to save said photo before doing. If happen to be a site that doesn't allow, then you can screenshot or hit win/shift/S which will copy whatever you chose & paste that to paint to save.
  16. I've lived the village, bout the ex FiL his rice milling machine, 20 yrs ago, and that was the wages ... then.
  17. Yea, but that wasn't Thailand. Smaller definitely better here, to a point.
  18. Less than 100 baht a day. Don't know anyone who would work for less than 400 a day. Yes, we travel in different circles.
  19. Seems the same as Philly metro drivers. Use to fly to Clearwater beach area, a couple times a month, (long distance relationship), and didn't notice a whole lot of difference. Though rarely drove in rush hour traffic there.
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