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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Sorry, not located on Phuket. No personal experience, but the Big Bike shop seems to have a few: http://tiny.cc/1ydnuz http://tiny.cc/6ydnuz https://www.google.co.th/maps/search/motorcycle+helmet+phuket/@7.8737927,98.285337,12z/data=!3m1!4b1
  2. Just have to hit the helmet shops. Took me a while to find one that fit. Good Luck
  3. TGM brand is OK. Partial to their spicy. Cumberlands are OK. Their Italian, where I'm from should be spicy, but may pass for a LincolnShire. I know Makro has them and others. Should be able to find at Tops & Gourmet Markets.
  4. Pretty sure there's some savvy truck owners' out there already with generators. If I bought an EV (car), I'd definitely invest in a solar generator. Brother sent me this a while back:
  5. It will be legal worldwide. Nobody is going to pass up on that amount of tax revenue.
  6. Take it out in Thai baht and exchange to EUR elsewhere. I took 40k USD back with me last time (2006), and BkkBank gal saved all the USD for me and rung me up everytime she got 5 or 10k worth. No reason why they can't give you EUR, unless simply not having. Go to a busier (intern'l cust.) branch.
  7. Think I just stated I took it literally also. Re-read my last post.
  8. Wouldn't have a need for a 4X4, unless planned on doing a lot a beach driving, which isn't done much here. Where we go anyway.
  9. Don't think it was a figure of speech, and yes, took it literally also. Implied, killing the natural resources humans need to survive; air & water being polluted Yes, that is real and on topic, whether ICE or EV, both are detrimental to the resources (air & water) for humans to live on the 'planet'. Debate which is better, leave that up to y'all, because I simply don't care. But the planet, it's doing fine.
  10. Yes, that's a head scratcher .... family man needs less ... ????
  11. I like the cars with build in solar panel ... although when parking here, it's a fight for the shaded spots, so maybe not practical except for those out & abouts.
  12. Thailand negatives, for myself; Pollution ... air, though nothing like Hua Hin & northward. Noticeable since photography is one of my hobbies, but haven't felt the need to wear my N95s. ... water, live on the Gulf, but rarely swim in it. Lovely to look at though. If lived on Andaman Sea side, I'd be in the surf about once a week when season allows. Immigration ... just the 90 day pulse check. Think they'll get rid of that soon, hopefully. Weather ... not really a hot weather person, yea, good choice huh, but manage fine. Import Tax ... protectionism / understandable, but does make some toys expensive, and some not, since close to China. Even some things produced here are silly priced, due to less competition, along with no real sales. MSRP seem to rule. Corruption ... affects everything, but worldwide issue. Minor issue for myself. Now ... where are the naysayers retired at, and WHY better ?
  13. Nothing but wasted $$$ and brain cells, till they can figure a way to travel at warp speed. Your tax $$$ at work, going into someone's pocket / slush fund. They can't even get to the moon, or keep shuttles in the air safely. By the time they figure it out, there will be so much trash orbiting the planet, it might be impossible ... ???? And the ambient temps on Mars ... ????
  14. For those that think they are buying wild salmon, google 'how to tell the difference' and you'll realize you probably aren't, even if paying a premium price. I've seen some expensive farm raise salmon displayed here, 'mislabeled'.
  15. Lots of places, I scratched due to adverse weather, earthquakes, and were some of my favorites to holiday at; Mexico, both coasts, Caribbean & S FL / Keys have their hurricane season.. USA has tornado season, west coast silly expense, Canada, too cold, along with top half of USA, W EU / expensive. Nam & PI / Typhoons, Cambo / infrastructure, Laos / visa. Scratched Muzzy countries, as too outspoken, and I like my head, and didn't research E Bloc of EU. Africa, the freakin mozzies & flies are scary enough.
  16. The relevance of that is, you'll have extra pocket money, and not just existing. That's actually the amount of money I 'need' monthly for a comfy life here, and 30k is my 'living' budget. I bring in 65k a month, so more than enough to be frivolous if I want. I'm practical, but I have me share of toys. For a 'foreign couple', then 130k a month requirement, may be a stretch. But single retired person, and immigrations / visa is a snap. Prove you live here / address & income. How hard is that ?
  17. I wonder how many people that reply, actually live in Thailand ? If you do, and don't like it, why are you here ? And the photo could have easily been taken in Thailand. I think a few of y'all need to get out and about more often. Bangkok ... maybe, if like the big city, But metro Chiang Mai or Hua Hin, sorry, you couldn't give me free accommodations to live in either, if not used just as a base.
  18. Not sure if that's inflation, or just now don't need to discount, since Thailand 'opened up', though may be discounting again, in the not too distant future.
  19. The trouble makers want 1 thing, the provinces back in their control, and not be part of Thailand. Only problem with that, the residents want to be part of Thailand.
  20. Been saying the same thing the whole 20+ yrs I've been here. Nothing will change until the trouble makers stop killing anyone they please; Buddhist, Muslims, citizens, police & military. And why should it.
  21. Nothing is killing the planet, the planet is fine. Human WILL eventually destroy the natural resources then need to live on the planet, and become extinct, or close to it. But the planet is fine.
  22. Y'all might want to pick another area of Thailand to visit long term / live. As I do whatever I want, when ever, and have done so for past 2 years. Minor exception to Krung Thep, still wear a mask there, but the only place. If you're an alky, and need bar scene & P4P, then maybe, greener pastures elsewhere.
  23. Oh my ... Yellow Fever, I suspect. Take 2 long times home overnight, a few Long Island Ice Teas, wake up with a coffee & Bailey's to clear your head. Say 2 Hail Marys and repeat if necessary. Bless you my son ... may peace be with you.
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