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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. why they didn't choose Patts. Hope they set up charging stations where locals will be doing their commute. Crappy specs also, as my E-scooter is rated for 200 kg & 100-150 kms. Gov't & EGAT are a bit behind the private sector, as usual, as my scooter is being used by an ice-cream sales company & also by one of the delivery companies, complimenting their fleet with e-scooters. Just 2 that I know of.
  2. Don't do bars or travel in those circles, though nothing wrong with it, as consent adults & all. So you're generalizing, and that usually fails. I quoted Denmark law, which I searched before posting. So she is considered above & beyond child issues, in all issues. Do agree though, most quoting 'age of consent' does give me a pause for thought. Though age has nothing to do with maturity, so there's that. I do prefer to have a conversation with who ever I'm with, so 25+ works for me if ever looking again. Whether they would look at me is a different story.
  3. Only if priced right & more importantly, if I could register / tag it.
  4. Don't worry too much, as most won't need it, and why pension funds are underfunded. But yes, your pension should be guaranteed or underwritten by a dependable source. Mine, company, NWA (bankrupt) was with the IAM union, not the NWA, even though the checks are written by DL, who 'merged' / bought out NWA. Bankruptcy courts should protect the workers .... IF ... the workers protect the workers. Some unions (UA) invest (voted to) their pension in with the company, specifics I don't know, so can't comment. But apparently worked out good, as still around .... so far. Back to my 1st statement, why underfunded. One of our union / supervisor (me) meetings we had an investment speaker from IAM, and here are the sad facts of retirement check disbursements for NWA / IAM workers at the time. 18 months, that's all, on average. My job classification ... 11 months. I've been retired for 20+ yrs, but at 46. Apparently average life span of a retiree from NWA / IAM member was shy of 67, depending when born, about 18 months after retirement.???? Been getting my pension for about 10+ yrs @ 56% as I think it was 4% a year if taken early. If I live past 75 it was a bad financial decision, not that I need it. Beat the odds already, as just turned 67 (senile as posted 68 before ????) and one year in on USA Gov't Soc Sec. So if I <deleted> out tomorrow (stop cheering), it shouldn't be a surprise as meeting some bean counter's expectations. Life expectancy when born in 1954 is ~74 - 78.9, parents made it to 69 & 74 (born 1922/28), but stone alkys & chain smokers. I do neither.
  5. Yea, y'all need to chose wisely. Kid bought me a really nice scale, for small weights, and worked great, until it didn't. Same with thermometers, I think I'm on my 5th one, and the best so far. Sometimes you get what you pay for, sometimes not. I got this one recently, cost more than the 27 baht scale the daughter got me ... ???? https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1683364469-s4732244903.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&spm=spm%3Da2o4m.order_details.item_title.1
  6. Morally ... you're in Thailand, think about that ... Legally ... see above ... ???? Why I wouldn't live in a gated or condo living arrangement ... no control. There's always the lawyer route, though may take years, so pick a good hotel while waiting.
  7. I think you would be more accurate if you stated ... "the 'shots' may or may not help 'fight' the infection" ... as none prevent you from getting the infection. I thought that was common knowledge by now. Do they even market it as preventing the virus ... I think not. With so many (relative) vax'd people infected and or dying of the virus, those facts are fairly obvious.
  8. Went there 1 yr, and a terrible event, all around. Fireworks sucked also. Stayed across the street for convenience and the 'event' stil sucked. Staying near & fighting the crowds at AsiaTique and ICONSAM are much better options, along with vendors available & fireworks displays. This year .. an unknown, and not going.
  9. Was that all 'box' office, or was streaming fees & pay for view added into the mix ?
  10. Also look on Gmap for resorts not listed on booking sites, and I usually have better success with them, except or Krung Thep area. If from a booking site, get ph # off Gmap, and ring them up, to verify policy, and possibly, probably, a better rate. I rarely book anything on the booking sites any more, especially if advance payment required, as like to keep my schedule flexible.
  11. The are fool proof, but I get same excellent results with my cast iron, whether fully cooked in, or in conjunction with oven. All cooking techniques take a bit of a learning curve. No patience waiting for sous vide cooking. If want to try without a machine, simple enough with a small cooler thermometer.
  12. I'm a Makro fan, and fairly exclusive with most shopping there for food. Local fresh markets occasionally. Forget get any reasonably priced, good beef. Slim pickins, if looking for a steak. Rest of the meats & seafood is fine, with selection & pricing, and that's relative.
  13. She is a cutie. How does admiring someone's looks make anyone a sexpat. And she is not a child at 18. 18 yr old can go to war, kill, be killed, do whatever they want without parental consent in most countries. Age of consent in Denmark is 15. She can sex, baby, abortion, go to adult prison. Not a child. And I certainly didn't consider myself a child at 18.
  14. Almost 28% of the claims were denied, so it's not just "I claim, I get". Thai gov't & companies aren't exactly known for giving out compensation. But surely you knew that. Again, kudos to them for the way they are handling & compensating for the pain & suffering so many are enduring from the vaccine.
  15. Vaxxers aren't commenting, letting it die a forum death. Expect to be closed soon. Kudos to Thailand, for reporting the deaths, disabilities + minor effects, as people always stating they aren't transparent. Haven't noticed any other country doing that. VAERS is a fairly unknown site for non docs. USA vaccine court isn't very known either, and with a silly timetable to file, many miss the opportunity for compensation.
  16. Try the Daiso shop @ Market Village, if not, then Lotus. Next Gourmet Market @ BluPort, last, Villa Markets. If unlucky with those, Lazada carries them, or if feeling lazy, make that 1st shop.
  17. Only 7... ... that should be good till August
  18. Maybe he just got vax'd ... or it was just his time and he simply keeled over and now on the other side, waiting for the rest of us. ???? ... R I P
  19. Due diligence, lack of, and why some folks shouldn't invest in things they don't understand. Oh well ...
  20. Try to stay off the covid threads ... ????
  21. Or simply turn your head and look. Relying on mirrors & sensors is easy way to kill someone. When I teach people to drive, I adjust the mirrors so they can't see anything useful. You want to make sure nothing is there, turn & look.
  22. Then what to do after your first day ... ... for ease of everyday living, you may want some comforts, a few eating spots, one chain supermarket (Makro (my go to), Lotus or Big C) nearby, or within 20 kms. 7-11 within 10 kms never hurts to have. That's about as off the beaten track I want to go. Location location location ... dictates land prices. Labor makes building inexpensive. Renting goes with location. Find everything else in Thailand to be about same, basic cost of living as USA. Some things cheaper, some things more expensive, and balances out, depending on your lifestyle. Healthcare affordable and accessible. Basically no RE Taxes for owners, so those 2 help keep money in your pocket. The 2 major pluses for myself over living in the USA.
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