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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Looks same on Chrome, and ... I already have a Rocket
  2. Buzz ... astronaut, engineer and fighter pilot not a microbiologist, virologist or even a healthcare worker in any capacity. If I need advice on my next space mission, or a facelift, I'll ring him up.
  3. "trust science / follow the science" or 'Based on sound science', someone used that on a food thread today ???? reminds me of a parent telling their child .... "just do as I say, because I say so". When someone leads with 'the science', I know the next that comes will be BS, that common sense disagrees with. 'Science' the new word for 'it's the truth', that can't be explain, just do it. Quoting surveys & study follows with being just as silly, for an explanation to convince people to do, what they question, isn't right. Of course it's always 'for your own safety'. Just hold up a bible and say 'if you don't, you'll rot in hell', as more believable.
  4. Men worldwide, so thankful for that ... 'no honey, better not, I don't want you to get sick' ???? Unless the outing is me ... ????
  5. My first meal is usually corn flakes & raisins, so go for the simple & complex carb morning fix, since needing a bit of energy to take the dog for her first daily outing. Usually have a large coffee a few hours before the first meal.
  6. I haven't joined the new 'redefined' vaccine world order yet, and never will. In my world, vaccines try to provide immunity. With that, these 'shots' are working just as designed. Back on Topic, this poll is quite reassuring, as apparently about 50% of voters, agree to not live in fear, and go out and enjoy dining, and supporting the restaurant industry & local economy ????????
  7. https://aseannow.com/topic/1233709-electric-vehicles-of-all-kinds/page/23/#comment-17084950
  8. Yep, surely it's been deader than dead, the past 2 ish years, unless anyone is dumb enough to believe the posting of business owners stating all is normal, and places are packed & partying till the wee hours.
  9. All fine and dandy if you want to be a farmer, while waiting for the 'if' ever getting a chanote, and selling in the far far away future to the next McD or 7-11 franchise coming to the neighborhood in 2050. Alway a great investment when retired. I'll only be knocking on 100 yrs old instead of 70. IF EVER, that chanote gets approved.
  10. That all falls under the uncommon common sense many travelers don't seem to possess.
  11. I wouldn't be traveling out of country as a tourist either, not to Thailand, that's just plain stupid. OP is someone who wants to return to be with family. Another reason I wouldn't do long distance (out of country) relationship also, but too late for the OP. Simply bite the bullet, and roll the dice. OP doesn't have any other option.
  12. I was thinking (it happens), the other day, and another aspect of buyers not jumping on the EV bandwagon, they aren't exactly 'user friendly' for self repairing. Not an issue now, as all under warranty for 8 yrs, but after that, motorheads, now needing to be sparkys to work on their vehicles, the construction of, just guessing, isn't user friendly. I don't think they will be, until one of the manufacturer comes out with a user friendly 'battery pack/bank' that is accessible, and cells replaceable by the user. Some type of 'sliding rack' or 'stacked' rack, where the trunk used to be, and total redesign in future cars. People are building their own battery banks / racks for home solar systems, and easy enough to swap out a bad cell when necessary. EV battery packs are going to need to be easily accessible for users or 3rd party mechanics / sparkys to service them. So buyers aren't dependent on dealers, who would rather profit by swapping whole racks instead of cells. Would help keep them all honest. Many folks aren't into the buy a new car every 3 or 5 yrs, and keep them till they die. I was like that in the USA, and only owned 1 new car, and rarely sold a car. It either died or I killed it, but could work on any aspect of repair while it still had life. One reason I never bought diesel, as completely ignorant, though wouldn't buy one for other reasons. I would hate taking a car for repair and being told this or that needs replacing without knowing the why or how it works. Until one manufacturer makes a user friendly, serviceable battery bank, so the competition has to follow suit, we're all going to be at the mercy of the dealers, and what they say. At least for couple years, until more non-dealer service shop market expands. Very limited here, and no market for it, and with 8 yr warranties, will be sometime before it even develops here. One more reason the EV market here will be limited to the HiSo car buyer. Or folks like myself, will just have e-scooters for everyday use, cheap and self serviceable if needed. Along with more than a few sparkys out there if can't be bothered to do it yourself.
  13. That's why you have to read the 'not so fine' print of your policy. Really don't know what all the complications are, if really wanting / needing to travel. At worse, you pay for 2 ish weeks in a hospital.
  14. Seems easy to me, simply buy best insurance you can get, that pays for a stay at private hospital waiting to be 'cleared', if unlucky. This isn't exactly rocket science. Planning for the not so unexpected, since asking, shouldn't be challenge. Holy c r a p, that's what the rockets are for, signifying 'rocket scientists' badges.
  15. I only have 2 or 3 beers a night .... OK, sometimes I'll have a 4th yard, if someone else is buying ????
  16. Actually met Buzz, talked for awhile, so does that count as knowing someone that went, supposedly, to the moon ... ????
  17. As suspected, more to that blowing up Tesla car story. Not the original owner, bought obviously out of warranty, and nothing but a show for monetized clicks. https://www.autoevolution.com/news/blowing-up-your-tesla-model-s-with-66-lbs-of-dynamite-is-a-strange-form-of-protest-176922.html "Katainen says he bought it second-hand and that he only got to drive it for 1,500 km (932 miles) before errors began popping up and the car stopped functioning."
  18. Have you ever tried it without the bank info, and just the SS info? Sort of, in lieu of the ol' income affidavit from embassy.
  19. I don't think they were used or abused, and knew exactly what & why they participated. That doesn't help with the legality or the guilty verdict, that was handed down, as it should have been.
  20. And yet, myself or anyone I know in Thailand has become infected ... go figure.
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