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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. That's accurate. Vax'd & unvax'd can get and transmit the virus. Thailand's own reported numbers equals 300 per 1 million population, which is 0.03% risk of dying from.
  2. How about 1 rational reason. It's my body, and I'll decide what gets injected into it. Prefer not to inject something into my body that has no 'long term effect' research. Having a 0.03% chance of dying from covid in Thailand (300 / per million) is NOT scary enough for me. Being unvax'd is equal to being vax'd, as both can get & transmit the virus, so no disadvantage to anyone other than myself by being unvax'd. As the virus is not prejudice.
  3. Retired ... everyday is a holiday. Waking up is the gift of life ... ENJOY it while it last. All good things come to an end, though I'll postpone that as long as possible.
  4. Alcohol ... probably destroyed more families & relationships than any other drug.
  5. Yes, ret. visa less paperwork, no silly photos, or need of 'witness'. Approved locally, instantly, instead of 30 day wait. It really doesn't get any easier.
  6. Griffon Vulture 1. Rüppell's Griffon Vulture - 37,000 feet. The Ruppell's griffon vulture (Gyps rueppellii) is the highest flying bird in the world. This vulture species is found in the Sahel region of central Africa. Thailand does have Mallards & Storks here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_birds_by_flight_heights
  7. A fine example of non-transparency. It does make one wonder what they are scared of / hiding. https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/wait-what-fda-wants-55-years-process-foia-request-over-vaccine-data-2021-11-18/
  8. Yank living here, and don't think I miss anything from the USA, food wise, except a cannoli. That of course, requires knowing how to cook, and being able to at home though. Quite the challenge for condo living, unless deep pockets. If you can, you'll eat so much healthy, as we buy so little processed food, and make most things from scratch. Helps fill in all those hours of a day, if retired.
  9. Safe ... hmm So is eating your own feces or drinking your own urine, that doesn't mean it's palatable. ????
  10. Apparently, possibly, HE didn't win anything, but we, OK, you folks that actually eat that c r a p did ... maybe. Hard to get a fix on what happen, during or after, as conflicting links. Even ones that state Jamie has consulted / advised Mc C r a p on their production. Saw other links regurgitated the same, this year. "He certainly didn't win any legal battle with McDonald's at the time or since.As an indirect consequence of this campaign, McDonald's announced at the end of 2011 that it would stop adding this product to its steaks, as reported in an AFP dispatch published in early 2012. Taco Bell and Burger King had also made a decision similar." https://www.cookingbites.com/threads/jamie-oliver-v-mcdonalds.22826/ DISCLAIMER: I will on occasion, very rare, indulge in a whopper, and apparently now safer/better, THANKS Jamie ???? Why OP posting 10 yr old news, apparently it must be making the 'internet' rounds again. above was dated ... "27 Sep 2021"
  11. Good stuff ... await the updates in a week or 2. Wouldn't mind some relief of that urge to go. Also, let us know if feeling a bit more 'frisky', as seems it can elevate one's testosterone level a bit.
  12. False, it's 5 yrs for Thailand per Accounting Act, B.E. 2543 (2000) and for curious, it's 5 yrs for the EU, and I think 6 for UK NOT 10 yrs for either EU or UK USA is also 5 yrs if FDIC is involved. Google is your friend ......
  13. States 'a large bird', but doesn't state flock of or lack of flock. While out birding, I've seen my share of low and high flying flocks. Same photo, just one cropped in a bit. Along with < 10 way up circling, and not exactly close. That he didn't see or notice the rest is irrelevant.
  14. I think the 1000 kph is more of a factor than the size of the bird. When working for the airlines, more than few windshields have to be replaced, delaying flights. At least it wasn't blamed on a drone ????
  15. For info, first thing, stop using Google, as they censor info. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=fake+fact+checkers&t=h_&ia=web And I'll wait for every link stating some fact checking is anything but, called unreliable, bias, unsubstantial, and fake sites themselves. I personally, don't trust anything, anywhere ... was raised that way. Has served me well. Anything that has the gov't or profits involved, can't be trusted. Anything humans touch is corrupted. Start with that thought, and your eyes & mind will open up a bit.
  16. Seriously ... Are you blind. Anything counter to MSM is deleted on AN, and everywhere. Nothing but pushback. What is this whole thread about ? Most anything leaning 'right' is fake or unsubstantiated or from untrustworthy source. Fact checkers are anything but. IMHO If all else fails, simply label it as trolling.
  17. Sounds like BS to me, but will update tomorrow with accurate info.
  18. That may be how things used to be ... maybe. But it seems the news media today is here to sell, through fear, and obviously, very effective. IMHO
  19. Not if the packaging is completely fake. Who even knows GPO is a trademark of the gov't brand, as I just thought it was 'a brand'. Dopers aren't exactly the most intelligent people. Especially if buying medicinal THC/CBD for a buzz ... ???? ... nuff said.
  20. I'm sure boxes that state they contain CDB or THC in them are sold many place, whether they actually contain any is a different story. To answer someone query where photo came from, simply google, and you'll get a few links with the photo and here's one: https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/bangkok’s-first-medical-marijuana-clinic-opens-with-free-handouts-of-cannabis-oil-
  21. KhunLA

    NYE in Isaan.

    Udon Thani does NYE very nicely, pre-covid, if not wanting to go to far.
  22. Someone is going to kill it, I'm going to eat it. Not really concerned about the animals feelings. Though do hope it's a quick kill. Aside from that, price matters. When humans start treating humans with respect, I'll start to worry about animals that will end on my dinner plate. Priorities a$$ backwards at times.
  23. Anyone at PKK wanting vaccination has already done so. Case #s are irrelevant and probably inaccurate. Simply practice social distancing, and the usual personal hygiene.
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