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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Depending on reference point, it will be dead, very dead compared to pre-C19. Was there just before the 'sandbox' scheme, and would be the last, next to Patong, that I'd stay at, as 95+% shuttered. Now ??? Kamala beach a better choice, then, if having transport. Kata Beach, if not. Patong now, probably the best if bars are a priority. May have a few, and check out youtube (filter this month) for current views.
  2. https://th.carro.co/blog/10-cheapest-ev-cars-in-thailand/
  3. "Despite the increase, Mr. Komkrit said the final electricity price will remain under that of 2015." Must be part of the new math, I did learn about ... ????
  4. At the house, and waiting for sibling to arrive ...
  5. All my important papers are in a 'messenger' bag, hanging in the house, or in the car when I'm out & about. Keeps them away from termites, and I'm not concerned about anyone stealing them (all photocopied anyway), as in 67 yrs of living, never been burglarized or had my car stolen. Passport, I actually carry on me, most of the time, since it is the law, though yet to be asked for it. Stop living in fear ????
  6. Waiting on battery, should be here today or tomorrow. Reviews of same kit, with users getting 50+ kph, which is way faster than I prefer to go on a bicycle. I'll be very happy with 40 ish kph. I start passing PoPo, and could be an issue, as technically, an unregistered motorcycle.
  7. Feet are good, as long as not the bottoms ... ???? Thai's Love / Hate relationship ... more love than hate, so still here and enjoying / Living the Dream ... ????
  8. untested has nothing to do with anything. Under-cooked is a different story. Why most street vendors here seem to over cook theirs to be safe. Proper cooking (temps) and no problems, whether using thermometer of just from experience.
  9. Any guesses who runs the KT site ? Would it be business owners on Samui or Phuket ? ... ????
  10. Taking my Schwinn Streamliner to the next level ... ????
  11. #1 ... the taxes they receive from imports for starters. Think automotive. Along with the industry / employees, to sell & maintain imported products.
  12. Nothing prevents Thailand from making generics of any drug they feel the need to. They've done it in the past for HIV & heart meds, along with a couple others.
  13. That's false, and I'm living proof. Apply yourself, and make better decisions. Live within your means, and at some point, think of your future.
  14. You implying it hasn't recorded any temps higher since 1913 ? hmm ... that would mean things are getting cooler, not 'warmer' ... ???? Kool ????????
  15. "Covid: Double vaccinated can still spread virus at home - BBC https://www.bbc.com › news › health-59077036 Oct 28, 2564 BE — Double jabbed people are catching Covid and passing it on to those they live with, warn experts who have studied UK household cases. "
  16. Routed to ??? Maybe in the UK, just happens to have an Indian accent.
  17. It's a bit immoral to keep people in jail for something that is legal now. More a question of why it was illegal to begin with.
  18. C19 is a multi billion / trillion $$$ business. As long as there's no competition, they charge as much as the market will bear. With the need for 400k workers, seems strange Thais are struggling financially for lack of income, or is that, lack of motivation to work.
  19. Maybe not, and start DD asap. When I switched over from lump to DD, I was shy a few months also, as started after my last extension. The always compassionate IO simply issued me an extension for couple months to meet the 1 yr time, then I reapplied for the year long extension afterwards. Of course that cost 1900 for the short (2 months, I think) extension, then another 1900 for the usual year long extension. All good with me.
  20. KhunLA


    Haven't had any problems with LAZ, although I do make a vid of every deliver / opening of, as they want some type of verification if not falling under their 'no prob return policy' ????
  21. If the very minor change is going to hurt them, they should probably consider being someplace else.
  22. Everyone who thinks they need one and would actually visit a place requiring one. I believe it's on their phone for most, though I may be wrong.
  23. So if 'trend' continues the rest of Nov 2021, then 100k+ expected. Compared to tourist arrivals of Nov 2019 @ 3.35 million ... hmm From Dec 2019 news-blip - "The ministry said foreign visitors accounted for 3.35 million last month"
  24. About half baht total off best rate for the time of deposit. As good or better than other options to transfer funds into the country, and best satisfies the IMM requirements for long term extensions.
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