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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Why would I want to leave anyway. Keep moving forward, not backward. Return to the USA NO THANKS No way I'm traveling out of country, especially by plane. Reported on Richard Barrow twitter ..took people 3 hrs to get through Imm / med check at BKK airport the other day. Add 3 hrs check in coming, and 3 hr check leaving, and whatever time when you get to where ever. 10 hrs of BS before you even allot time for the actually flight. 2 hrs is too long for me on a plane. Especially with what they consider customer service now.
  2. Some of the chain stores, like Banana & JIB, have service techs also. Never been in there, Advice Dist @ FortuneTown: http://tiny.cc/q46luz
  3. Then that's different from 2017, as I used the 800k, changing from marriage to retirement visa (in country), and after visa approved, withdrew all, putting it back in interest bearing account.
  4. Hit & miss, and I'd be a bit leery using anyone not recommended by someone I know. I take mine to local Advice shop, as they have techs that do repair.
  5. If you can show it on paper, then you should have. Don't know about other countries, but US embassy income letter was just an affidavit, so you could say whatever you wanted, and apparently many did. Did state down the bottom, info was not verified. Maybe someone in Thai Imm actually read it one day.???? They could easily verified with tax records, simply too lazy to do it for our $50. I'm glad, as I save $50 now. Where I come from in USA, it's illegal to charge more than $5 for a notary. $50, what a scam. Not sure about the gross vs net, always thought was just 'income'. Which I think a lot of people had an issue. I can see their pension being enough, but maybe an 'ex' had dibs on it, so in reality, they themselves didn't have the full amount to deposit in Thai bank. All the tightening of the rules that have always been there, are because of those that didn't follow the rules, and the rest of us are paying for it. Not me, but the good ones, that now fall through the cracks, just missing the requirements by a wee bit. In the past, they may have been a bit ore compassionate, but screw to many time by the scammers. Rule breaker always ruin it for those that follow the rules.
  6. Greta ... seriously, what a joke, a puppet. Not much has changed, except a wee bit harder to be independent, self employed, but surely not impossible. Not sure about rest of the world, but USA, then & now, still land of opportunity, IF, you apply yourself. Today's youth, think they are entitled to a free ride. NO ... HAVE TO WORK IT Even Thailand, as hard as life can be being born here poor. Opportunity knock, just answer it. Know more than a few with poor roots, are doing just fine, actually quite nicely. But WORKED FOR IT. Stop complaining & get a job, they wouldn't have anything to cry about. Bunch of snowflakes.
  7. Same as Confucius, early @ 46 yrs old Wealth ??? Just nice 'planned' retirement. Guess I made a few good choices, and little luck never hurts.
  8. I was under the impression the OP was extending a non -O- ret visa. If OA visa, then things may have changed, due to scammer abusing it. No changes on the non -O- ret visa, that I've ever been asked for. Just tightening of the rules, more scrutiny of the paperwork, due to all you scammers, using agents to file a bunch a BS. Som naa na In reference to the 'income letters', Thai Imm didn't change anything. Embassies stopped issuing, because they weren't verifying the info (USA), which the Thai Imm finally realized, so asked them to. Since that actually involve work, hitting a couple keys on computer, or simply reading our official income documents, they simply stopped issuing them. Your embassies' fault, not Thai Imm. But nothing really changed, you simply had to verify you had the fund, by deposit (show me the money), monthly or lump in bank, available to live on in Thailand. Those that didn't, couldn't .... oh well. Same requirement 65k / 800k, but actually had to have, no more BS. Or continue scamming Imm by using agents. If using the seasoning 800k lump sum, 3 month (first time) 2 months (ext), and can withdrawal all after visa approval. For non -O- ret
  9. No they haven't, please tell me what has changed. Just read, you're not saying / posting again. I'll search ... curious Done searching, and you did not post / list any retirement extension changes in any of your post, after stating 'they changed'. As I stated earlier, and Jack quoted me, which you quoted Jack (pg 3), stating they 'changed', but nothing after. One person did list changes 'to the country'; inflation, congestion bla bla bla, same as in every country. Imm ret. visa extension is the same as 20 yrs ago; prove address, prove income / financials. That's 4 different offices I've use, all the same. No scamming, no agent, it really is too easy.
  10. Then stay away from me and don't touch anything I do. Better yet, you should wash your hand, or wear gloves. Change your life for your paranoia, not mine. I do more than enough already, for y'all's paranoia, if not enough for you ... oh well
  11. They're the same numbers Thailand releases everyday, on the gov't health sites.
  12. I think only ignorance, myself included, kept me, and now most people away from EVs. Had I done a bit more research, and know the MG EP was coming out, or available, I may have probably would have gotten that instead of the ZS, if I fit through the door comfortably. Availability of home; condo / apartment charging points is an issue now. People like convenience, and in metros like Krung Thep, I'm not seeing it. Home charging, house / townhouse, not a problem Really like the specs of the EP, though 50 / 50 on a final decision now. Like the hp, size, though don't need either. Really liking the ZS, it is comfy, and if trading in (selling), stepping up to the EP is going to cost about 400k. Not sure I want to do that. It will pay for itself in the long run, but the ZS is only 1 yr old, since MGs are going up in price, not a big hit now, since better known, won't lose much if holding another yr or 2, unless it turns to c r a p ???? Way thing are moving so fast, new tech, and the gov't might even throw in some incentive down the line, think we'll hold off. Anyone in the market for a new car, not just entry to own, then 1 mill for EP is damn good price. People spend the same or more for less. Especially if buying an import. Entry level 600k mark +/-, made in Thailand, leaves a bit to be desired. Had 3, good dependable transport, but I wouldn't buy another. Mandates, not sure about them, needed or will actually be enforced when the time comes. Supply & demand will dictate things faster than mandates, and the charging station network / grid allocation for home charging & ports will also dictate how fast things happen.
  13. UK, USA ... who cares. Thread is in Thai forum. If you don't die, you recovered / survived in my book. Discharged since no further hospital care is required. Count your blessings.
  14. If everyone is going to question everyone's #'s, what's the point. Case numbers, depends on the country, and I'd say Thailand's are way off. Deaths, I would think is fairly accurate. The only important #'s (deaths) per population, for a % of risk factor. Do you think the 'worldmeter' numbers that Thailand reports to is fairly accurate ? https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/thailand/ If not, then no sense in myself being involved in any conversation.
  15. Off topic, so I can't be bothered researching too much, better things to do. Looks like they holding steady to me, though 1st couple years it hasn't dropped in quite some time, understandable: https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/WLD/world/death-rate PEACE OUT ... HAVE A GOOD ONE
  16. Agree, and even though I'm shy of 68 / high risk, it's just my wife, dog & myself, and extreme social distancing. Low case #s, lower death #s (%) where I live. Keep to ourselves since case #s spike. Care taken when at 7-11, Makro & HomePro, and I feel quite safe & comfortable. Outdoors, exercise / vit D / immune boost, at the park with dog (AM), maybe 3 ppl there, easily avoided, and surf side (PM), minimum 10m distancing, or can avoid completely if wanting as having 6 kms of surf side. NO FEAR HERE
  17. I try not to, as I can think for myself, but people do want to see #s & source of, so I provide. If not, I'll get put on restricted posting and threat of being banned. As I stated earlier ... they're all just ballpark #s, when dealing with millions, surely some will fall through the cracks.
  18. WHO's leading cause of death, 6+ million (hearth disease) or am I reading that wrong. Meaning more than C19 for 2020, and probably 2021. "The world’s biggest killer is ischaemic heart disease, responsible for 16% of the world’s total deaths. Since 2000, the largest increase in deaths has been for this disease, rising by more than 2 million to 8.9 million deaths in 2019. OK ... I see my error now ???? I misread 2000 as 2020. But, number still are accurate to my final conclusion, C19 not the #1 cause of death, any year .... so far. Hopefully stays that way. Actually, the 6 or 8 mill is one specific heart / circulatory ailment. Taken as a total of CVDs, and the #s are much higher: "Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year"
  19. I was replying to this statemen: "If we use the higher estimate by The Economist, C19 is the leading cause of death globally right now. Definitely something to be afraid of." The chart clearly shows it is not the leading cause of death for 2020 or 2019, and probably not 2021, unless the top 2 dropped dramatically. I'll adjust my signature ????
  20. If referring to top 10 causes of death chart - the circles have colors, 2020 + 2019, which I also pointed out, 6+ & 8+ mill respectfully for those years vs 5+ mill for C19 over the last 18-20 months.
  21. Same here ... thankfully since the start, things have been fairly normal where I live. I'm one of them anti vax / mask demons, BUT, do practice social distancing 99.99% of the time, nobody, except wife & dog is within 10 meters of me. Missed out on a few restaurant dining experiences when in 'total' lockdown, and no real loss, as we cook at home better than most restaurants anyway, but nice to get out once in a while. Just made us picnic surf side more often, and actually a good thing. Only have to wear mask to 3 vendors, and sadly can't avoid them; 7-11, Makro, HomePro. I guess I could, but at higher costs across the board, with less or no availability of same product. So I comply with mask wearing, even though the staff at times don't. Knocking on 68 myself next month, so actually puts me in the higher risk side of the 1 ish % dying of C19 in Thailand ???? .... IF infected.
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