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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Nothing humans do, will have a significant impact on climate change / global warming, one way or the other. Climate change / warming is a natural phenomenon, and been cycling warm / ice age, for millions of years. Seems to warm up to 40-60 ish C, then ice age kicks in, then repeats. Man's impact is so miniscule, it's not worth mentioning, but IS big business. Matter of fact, the sulphur aerosol pollution actually decreased the temperature ???? , maybe; " Since 1880, global mean temperature has risen by 0.8°C (1.4°F). However, this increase in temperature was not linear. Between the 1910s and the 1940s, temperature increased and then decreased until the 1970s. Scientists think that aerosol (airborne-particle) pollution may have caused the cooling effect shown in the temperature anomaly data between the 1940s and 1970s. Aerosols scatter visible light from the sun, thus cooling the earth. In the early 1970s, aerosol pollution decreased because of the sulfur filters placed on power station smoke stacks, and temperatures began to rise. " http://www.ces.fau.edu/nasa/impacts/warming-planet/index.php People should worry about the ice age that is going to follow, not the warming trends. Enjoy that while it lasts. Am I going solar & EV because I care about being eco-friendly, hell no. Its just cheaper all the way around for me, I'll save a sh*t load of money, with a minor investment. Along with getting to proclaim the usual ... "if you're not part of the solution, then YOU are the problem". ???????????? Can't wait till I spew that BS on someone. When in reality, I could give 2 sh*ts. OK, I do feel better about not contributing to the air pollution, as I refuse to buy diesel vehicles. AQI #s are quite annoying when > 50.
  2. At least EVs aren't adding to the local air pollution via exhaust. With the ongoing practical home solar cost getting lower all the time, topping up batteries at home for local driving is about as eco as one can get. A work in progress until the fossil fuel corporations surrender their grip on politicians.
  3. I only buy higher end stuff from the authorized / official LAZ site of the product. Xiaomi has one, which I linked earlier.
  4. Thanks. One kid, one dog at a time ... save the planet ... ???? Too old, 67, to take in another, as the heartache of losing a parent may be a bit traumatic to a youngin'. Not for everyone, but worked great for me. Stay safe
  5. Tropics, 60-80% RH all day, everyday. And that's not even rainy season. Sounds like you'll need a dehumidifier or 3. Along with running the AC, even if just on dehumidifier setting. Daughter had that problem in one of the condos she stayed at. Bought her a dehumidifier, and she was pulling 1/2 liter a day out of the air. ???? Moved to another unit is same bldg, and was much better. Spray / wipe everything down with a bleach solution may give you a 'fresh' start. If your apt. is adjacent to a common wet wall, that could be an issue. Also if furnished with the cheap pressed particle board, that could be a problem area. Hard to get rid of once in, and be careful with hanging clothes them, as will get in them also. Good Luck
  6. The 2 near me are not private owned, and I thing produce 8MWs each. Actually very close to each other, and would be more than enough for immediate local needs, since most don't abuse the AC or need heating.
  7. So true. Even I took in a 3 yr old 'village orphan'. Surprised me, but took a liking to her, and family couldn't afford to give her a 'proper' upbringing. One of the best things that happened in my life, since never having kids of my own. Raising a wee one to adulthood is way too cool. Especially when having the time & finances, something I didn't want to sacrifice when younger. Win win for both of us.
  8. How hard would it be (not very) to integrate charging ports at a portion of the allotted parking. It's being done worldwide, quite easily. One aspect of Thailand being 3rd world ... but with many modern conveniences.
  9. If enough condo owners on site w/ EVs, I would imagine a charging station on property, especially if allowances made pre-construction would be a worthy investment. No problem can't be solved.
  10. There's 2 solar farms (that I know of & visited), a natural gas electric generated power station (few kms from house) and electric is brought in from Myanmar where I live.
  11. So true. Still a 3rd world country. Most 4 or 5 star accommodations here are anything but. People that think otherwise have never been to a 4 or 5 star resort. A pool & buffet brekkie is not 5* ???? Nothing new with their 'quality over quantity' marketing, but has failed, as everything they touch.
  12. No & No. The ACA is joke, and doesn't cover much until a silly total deductible is reached. The month premiums & co-payments when needing treatment are silly. I couldn't spend that much on healthcare here. It real is a farce to call it universal healthcare. Social Security Medicare / caid is also a joke. Of course if you're an illegal alien, free healthcare ... ???? If you're in the 'system', then free healthcare at public hospitals. Long Qs for anything non emergency, and forget elective.
  13. Have to agree with OP, as only A-holes I've encountered were farangs. After first couple years here, learned to simply avoid them like the plague. Safety on the road, never an issue, as self drive, whether scooter or cars. Defensive driving & much slower than in the past, has kept me alive. Male, so feel very safe here.
  14. Yikes ... that sucks. So much for the young getting married, as that's just stupid. USA has the marriage tax, which puts many off marriage. Joined incomes at higher tax rate. When I hit 40, had a vasectomy, knowing not wanting kids that late or financial responsibility of, if any surprises later on.
  15. But only if, played by "a trans gender, wheelchair-bound, PTSD suffering" acting-person. Don't know the PC gender neutral term for 'actor / actress'
  16. Should be able to live anywhere with 82k baht. Assuming you own home & car, free & clear of mortgage & loans. Would think, most retiring, own their home and easy enough to sell and buy or rent something that wouldn't necessitate using your income / pension to pay for renting or owning in one's retirement. That equity / savings already done while working those 40 yrs, unless failed economics 101. Pensions are for living / everyday, monthly expenses. After working 40 ish years, you should have plenty of equity (home) built up. Pretty much the reason I chose Thailand to retire than USA (home country), as no RE Taxes here, and affordable healthcare. 2 big monthly expenses I avoid by living here. My 'pensions' supply more than enough living expense. Equity supplies new homes & cars, with nice oops fund.
  17. Those wanting unlimited daytime (slow & short distance) e-bike ... DIY is the way to go ????
  18. Yea, major issue, as closest one to our house, is 70 km N or 170 kms S of us ???? We're at PKK municipality (A. Muaang) MG EP would get us to Krung Thep with no problem. MG ZS EV, maybe ???? One scooter I'm looking at, maybe 150 km range, if driving 35 kph, maybe. So would make it to Hua Hin no problem (100 kms), though wouldn't want to be on a scooter that long, even if able to do 90 kph. Very impractical for long distances at present, if on the move. Maybe OK if hop scotching around with a bit a planning...no thanks. But my usual, once to the park in the AM, and to the surf, early evening every day, e-scooter fits my needs perfectly. @ 50 kph, at most, I'll be recharging every 2 or 3 days, at home via solar. If I stayed local, the MG EP would work also. Even out & about, with lots of planning. Though would probably limit NE & N country exploring, since a bit wider. South being 'thin', so no problem. Rarely explore higher than Krung Thep anyway. Of course you could always take a 'spare' with you. EcoFlow Delta e-generator, or larger ESS. Larger - they have a 48v5.3kw battery pack, though wouldn't be a fast charge using a basic inverter to plug into. But you wouldn't be stranded.
  19. Wonder if the gov't is heavily subsidizing that route, as HH airport & airlines that served the routes were never profitable, and always pulled out after a very short period.
  20. Already getting established ... as I posted earlier on pg 2 of thread. Not too many valid arguments not to go solar or EV, especially if only driving locally, within 300-400 kms. Less if utilizing an inexpensive scooter (100kms) or tinker toy car ????
  21. I did that with my anticipated scooter purchase, and EV much cheaper, and less hassle of constant maintenance. Same with EV car, if priced right. MG EP for instance would be good. The added premium price (500k) for MG ZS EV @ 1.2M, not so good vs petrol price @ 700k. I wouldn't want to just break even for that price, as out & about too much be worry about any Qs at the charging station when EVs become more popular. Saw the Qs when N/LPG was the big thing....damn silly, Q'd up overnight.
  22. Daughter just finished Uni. Went to private school (Thai) before Uni (Thammasat), which she had her choice of. English was the only language allowed in the house, along with watching English language movies, so she was fluent in English, even winning English competitions at school, inter-province competitions also. Thai fluent, simply from school & friend, along with Isan from family, and English (American version), from myself & movies. Thinking English would be a priority for working for an international company. I was thinking tourism / travel industry (pre-covid of course) would be an easy in and advancement with international chain, better pay & opportunities. Thankfully she dissed that suggestion, and went into marketing. Interned at Lazada. Offered job at LAZ & Shopee, but passed to start her own business. Point of post, one thing she regrets, is not learning Chinese, as the better paying jobs at LAZ offered were for those fluent in Chinese. So if any marketing or international business in her future, I'd stick with a good Thai private school, as long as she gets her English elsewhere, and have Chinese as an extra learning opportunity, if headed into any international (better paying) businesses after Uni.
  23. 72" ... damn, only got 55" ... I'll have to sit closer.
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