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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. The family & friends of the 21,600+ dead probably think it was a bad idea to cater to the 10 or 15 percent vested in international tourism, as the economic damage was already done after the 1st high season was lost. Now it's worst, and will take longer to recover. Along with more dying every day. But hey, as long as the hospitals and hotel hospitals are making money ... that's all that matters.
  2. Thanks for verifying what I stated. Notice how it's 'ripped' through the heavy tourist destinations. Less than 100 deaths, before Sandbox & T&G ... how many after ... nuff said
  3. Maybe they push RE investing in those countries, because 'owning' is easier. Which would make those countries a better option to retire. May also mean those countries have easier visa requirement for those buying in. Not everyone lives out of a hotel / condo room. I'm on my 3rd house build. And never owned any. Not a risk many are wanting or able to do, especially if 1st one was a failed endeavor. Many non-savvy expats have lost their life's savings because of it. Savvy and not so savvy expats will go where it's safer to buy into the economy. And that's not Thailand ... 11th place seems fitting. 1st in Asia, doesn't bode well for the rest of the Asian choices.
  4. Since 100s seem to be arriving infected daily, testing positive at the airport, you do have to wonder how many don't, but test positive on their 2nd test, although already out and among people for 5 days. Some snippets from elsewhere: "Jan 10 Flight details for yesterday haven’t been released yet. But the day before, there were 22 flights and 3,087 passengers. 219 of them tested positive. Which is around 7%. Which is above the national average for all airports this month so far." "Jan 10 Thai News Reports: Today, Phuket reported a two year record of 742 new cases, out of which 513 were local and 229 were from abroad. There are now 3,126 people in care. At this moment, the island only has 985 beds left" "Jan 4 Thai News Reports: The latest statistics show that this month so far, most international arrivals are coming from Russia (2,511), Sweden (1,359), Germany (1,143) and Kazakhstan (1,080). Most people testing positive are from the USA (7.91%) and the UK (7.35%)" They seem to want to hide imported infections #s, as if not detected on 1st test, then considered a 'local infection' ... hmm "Jan 10 Thai News Reports: Please note, although 412 international arrivals tested positive yesterday, this is NOT all from Day 0 of their stay in Thailand. It is for ALL tests up until Day 10. After that, if they test positive, they are treated as a local case."
  5. "Several provinces get routinely covered in water." Build on a flood pane, and you get flooded. Surprise. Sun can be brutal at times, and easier to manage then bitter cold. Fair trade.
  6. How far out in the sticks are you going ? I've been away from the metro areas and had decent coverage. If out & about a lot, and have a partner, may want to use different service providers. Me, DTAC, wife, AIS, along with wifi and never a problem. I think your research was a bit lacking, as every service provider shows their range mapped on their websites. If you have a dual sim card phone, then you should be covered for most of Thailand.
  7. Or...simply cook your meat properly. How did the world exist before regulations ?
  8. No, simply read the menu though your phone. Learn how to use it, before commenting.
  9. Not sure how they are going to accomplish that, and makes the guardrail & fencing they're installing a bit silly, as thought to help protect spectators if an oops. Was going to pop down for some photo snapping, but got more than a few when they made their YT promo vid.
  10. Don't blame it on the Thais, as it's your country-folk's fault. All the irresponsible tourist having oops then skipping out on hospital bills in the past.
  11. Or, their symptoms aren't much more than common cold, flu bug, and won't even bother with a test, IF, they have any symptoms at all. Many people don't live in fear. Well, aside from fear of hospital incarceration.
  12. This is why many alkys have that 'beer belly' .... Vodka and weight loss Alcohol, including vodka, interferes with our body’s fat burning process. Normally, our liver metabolizes (breaks down) fats. When alcohol is present, however, your liver prefers to break it down first. Fat metabolism comes to a screeching halt while your body uses the alcohol for energy. This is referred to as “fat sparing,” and it isn’t good for someone trying to lose weight. While a single shot of vodka may not seem like a huge deal at under 100 calories, most of us don’t just stop at one drink. Consuming just 3 vodka drinks adds 300 calories to your intake for the day. That’s about the same as a McDonald’s cheeseburger. Alcohol also makes us lose our inhibitions, messes with our hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), and increases our cravings for high-fat, high-carb foods. This makes it even harder to say no to a late-night trip to Taco Bell. Vodka may be a good choice relative to other types of alcohol like beer or sugary cocktails, but if you’re watching your weight, you should treat vodka like you would a piece of a cake or a cookie and save it for a special occasion.
  13. From Bang Su, or any station on the northern line, which does pass by Don Muang. So UP2U where to hop on.
  14. Hoping for a 20 meter rise myself, then we'll be beachfront
  15. And 10s of thousands more possible variants out there to keep the money flowing in.
  16. Depends what your end game is. I would get the -0- visa first, before the bank account. Why bother if your not going to be able to stay in country.
  17. Xiaomi / POCO fan myself, since inexpensive. To me, it's a camera / GPS, with access to internet, that makes phone calls, on that rare occasion. Wouldn't bother with Samsung or Nokia. If wanting best camera, Google Pixel 6 Pro
  18. Always put mouse over sender to see the address of. Then right to trash / deleted.
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