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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Why's that ? Treatments I've read about, include the same anti-virals HIV folks take, so with that .... I think so !
  2. Strangely 'review history' is working today, and it wasn't yesterday, as I tried looking for something I ordered. Then if order pages aren't working, I'll search my reviews. Good reason to review.
  3. Yea, that does that now & then. Sometimes you can search all, sometimes not. It will come back.
  4. Or ... ฿8060 ... different specs though ... LAZ: http://tiny.cc/5h5nuz
  5. Owner of captive wild animals, wants people to treat them nicely ... ... hmm All zoos should be banned ... period. Nothing but animal abuse.
  6. Oh yea, I'll throw it out there, though may not apply ... but ... if it didn't cross your mind. How solid is your relationship ? Some of the negative nannys (not me of course) may suggest, once kid is born, and SS approved, a nice little monthly income (Thai standard) .... you ain't needed any more ... ????
  7. So a Yank, and it's down to, 'do you want to have another family again' and all that goes with that in your retirement. If that's not a thing you'll be happy with, then that will also affect your relationship, and the kid's future. If you are not happy, then not a happy relationship, and not a happy family. Hard for anyone to give advice, as I did the opposite than most, and exactly what you're asking about, 20 some years ago. I took in the unofficial village orphan, when she was about 2. She graduated Uni this year, self employed, along with salaried job in spare time, and now self sufficient, and I couldn't have made a better decision way back then. But I waited till I had the time & money needed, to raise a kid, as didn't want anyone I was responsible for, to have to mirror my childhood / teen years. Never had kids of my own, or was around other's for more than a few years. You already did the family thing, do you really want to do it again. Did you ever think ... "glad that's over, and worked out good, don't think I'll do that again" ... if so, there's your answer.
  8. Haven't peeked in 20 yrs, but surely there's places to put money that give 8-10% returns yearly, some even paying dividends. Someones posted something a while ago "Dividend Aristocrats" funds paying dividends every year, in fact, increased every year. It's not rocket science ... that took less than 5 minutes to find. https://www.kiplinger.com/tfn/ticker.html?ticker=NEE
  9. Ditto, though only 25 ish yrs of fun there, so I could retire and have fun elsewhere. Retired the same age as CrunchWrapSupreme, who I replied to ... ????
  10. OP, are you retired ? Are you a Yank ? If you crapped out just after birth, how would the Mrs & kid financially support themselves, independently, not the family thing. If a Yank, not a problem, as SS would support the kid, if you are paid into it. Don't know about other countries' policy. Do you or she, already have children, or is this the first for both ? Do YOU want a kid, and the responsibility it requires for the next 20 yrs. If not, then NO....and that's no, if or but. Not fair to you or a kid.
  11. Depends what symptoms you get, as with the flu, treat the symptoms. If you know someone HIV+, that would be a major plus, as they seem to treat all variants of, with an anti-viral, so 2 weeks of that borrowed from a friend, would be my first choice of self medicating.
  12. Yep .... hurt only themselves. Though I do wish they'd adjust the law, "causing death by vehicle" / if no helmet, list as suicide, not death by vehicle.
  13. So there are intelligent free thinking people in Thailand ... go figure. Isn't everyone vax'd or tested to get on Phuket or to get a ferry to PP ? Guess it's everyone's option, though do know the risk of running foul of the 'rules'. Apparently none.
  14. Just think if you never came here, and 25 yrs of equity building, and then you could come here now and retire comfortably. Hindsight's a bitch
  15. "....take immediate action and fine tourists" There's a sale booster if I ever read one .... ????
  16. All depends how old the OP is, and why to invest. If 65, and expect to live till 80, just spend an extra 10k on what makes you smile every month. And with no interest, the 1.8m will last you 15 yrs. Or park it in a nice, safe 5-8-10% return, and play with that every month, after the 1st year. Can't take it with you, spend it.
  17. You can do your 90 day anywhere. Does Patts imm require a test for 90 day? That's enough reason to leave Patts.........forever.
  18. As do we all ... ???? All kind of simple to me ... if you want and EV, go buy one. If you don't, well then that's simple, don't buy one. Save the excuses / reasons to buy or not to buy. You definitely aren't going to talk anyone into either buying or not. Financially, post some numbers, as might help some decide, cost analysis, pro & con, although since a new market, resell / trade in value after 8 yrs is still a question mark. I'm in the wait & see, before springing the extra 5 or 600k baht to change car into EV. If I live long enough, as at least 5 yrs away before resale value of EVs will be known. You can't talk about your morality, care for the planet, but not if you drive more than the bare necessity to live, or if you drive at all. Did you drive on holiday, fly to other side of the planet for holiday ... stop being a hypocrite, you don't care about the planet. And it doesn't care about you. If arguing 'save the planet' or energy to charge is not green, or batteries produced not green, then yes or no, depending of 'opinions' and BS from vested interests, and frankly, none can be trusted. The planets fine, been around forever, and will be here long after the human parasites self extinct. If and when the industries go 'green', probably not until they run out of oil ???? then our great great grandchildren can argue about which is better. By that time, the fake MMGW may have gone up 1/2 to 1C .... maybe, but doubtful. Not that I care. But for us, it's a work in progress, or stalled progress, until fossil fuels are extinguished, whichever you believe, but, it's irrelevant, because none of us has any control.
  19. Yep, lack of their ignorant tourist customer base destroyed their market share. Along with all the other vendors that price gauged and lived off the overflow of better, well priced vendors.
  20. Or terrible, as nobody in the family has a clue how to cook or run a restaurant.
  21. That would be my choice. If I get the flu or any contagion, I don't go out and announce it to everyone. Though won't socialize or risk passing it on, if knowing or suspecting. That's rude.
  22. You're living with her parents, and you want to go back to the USA and live with your mom ? OK ... and you are how old ?
  23. To test yourself before getting an 'officially requested / mandatory' test, so you are not surprised by a forced unscheduled expensive private hospital holiday.
  24. You might want to lead with that next time. Bank won't transfer the loan, unless buyer (minor / don't think so), or guardian qualifies for the loan. If they'll do it at all. No matter, the kid will have no control of property till 20 yrs old. If trying to avoid mother having control, you can't.
  25. Land office has the info, and will provide it. That info being what they will assess the tax on, land, house, size, 1 or more stories. It's actually fairly accurate, and ballpark value of land/house.
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