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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Just getting the tax/legal fee dollars back that they took, that I wasn't in agreement with. Since you don't know my circumstance, you don't understand my reasons to do so. Do agree though, scammers are the reason for most rules & regulations. Some of us, do fall in the cracks of being right, and the govt was wrong in their actions against us. Actually, I think I got back or close to, every tax dollar I ever paid. Now it's penalty & interest payment recovery time, using their tactics ... 23 years of collecting SS, although it is something employers & myself paid into, so not a gift from the govt. They shafted me a couple times ... pay back is a bitch
  2. Not sure it would be the USA again, but quite easy to live there with 1M. Not sure where it would be, or if anywhere permanent at my age. If I had $1M liquid 23 yrs ago, I don't think I would have come to TH, or rather, stayed in TH, after divorcing 1st Thai wife. A temperate zone country with no air / water pollution would be a better choice.
  3. Nice to see the UN ignored by Thai officials. Not that I agree with how protesters are treated in TH, but the UN is a self serving, politicalized joke ... IMHO Simply doesn't deserve any respect from any nation. Simply wasted USA tax $$$ for the tax payers.
  4. " upon investing a minimum of 40 million baht in the country." Don't think I'd be living in TH if I had $1M+ liquid USD.
  5. Not sure about 9-11 being the reason, but if your funds are from Soc Sec, they don't want you dying, and not being notified, with someone continuing to withdraw your SS indefinitely. Told the wife to bury me at the house and don't tell anyone ... keep on collecting as long as possible. I haven't tried a transfer recently, but ATM rarely worked so I cancel the card, and found out they aren't allowed afterwards. She can use to scan pay after I crap out. I keep my passbook transaction to a minimum, so less to copy at extension time. 12 deposit & 3 or 4 withdrawals per year so not to break the $10k threshold.
  6. Trump / right hit piece ... big surprise From wiki: "According to a 2020 Knight Foundation study, Axios is generally read by a moderate audience, leaning slightly toward the left. Ground News, AllSides, and Media Bias/Fact Check, have all rated Axios as having a "lean left" bias."
  7. Thai or Asian is irrelevant. When you live in TH, you'll be with Thai women, since most are Thai. Don't over think it. If still in the USA, it would be American women. Both nationalities work well for me, as damn fun folks.
  8. That's Szechuan (Sichuan) chicken, and is a spicy stir-fried dish that is popular in the Sichuan province in China. Not your boring Thai chicken & cashews
  9. I believe so, as used TH in the search parameter. As you know yourself, plenty here, though can't give my opinion about OP, as couple posts already deleted. Posted this earlier also, but got deleted
  10. I know a few that have successful relationships, still together, not sure how happy. Also know about the same, where It didn't work. At a guess, about the same 50% success/failure rate of relationships/marriages as with non-pros in USA. Don't think failures had anything to do with gal or guy's previous work. More age, social misunderstanding or financial strain, as same as non-pro relationships/marriage failures.
  11. Global tax ??? Another 'what if scenario' I don't need to worry about. Been here 23+ years, and not one 'what if' has happened yet
  12. After stints with MSM ... ... "Cuomo's early career in journalism included appearances related to social and political issues on CNBC, MSNBC, and CNN"
  13. For those interested, Boots has it's own brand & 200mg
  14. There is a list of terrorist organizations & individuals put out by the UN. Hamas is not on it. Google, as always in your friend ... ... PEACE OUT
  15. Guess the screenshot wasn't enough ... how's this Unless you have a link stating the UN has listed them as a 'terrorist organization'.
  16. why are you acting like that is some big surprise or major development. both side will either eventually do or not. Just another repeat of history for them. UN resolution simply aren't enforceable. Israel has proved that time & time again. Hence the problem, and the never ending conflict. Who cares, except Israelis, Palestinians, and defense contractors. As long as theirs money to be made, nobody really cares about the body count, or it would end. The USA could stop all foreign aid to Isreal, and the UN could send peace keeper in. Do you see that happening. WAKE UP ... conflicts are profitable, that's why they are allowed. Here's a few ... never ending conflicts. Take a peek at the ones just since 2000. Humans are a horrible species
  17. That wrong ... seriously. Hostage exchange is quite common, both side, in all conflicts ... usually. Bombing residential areas, schools & hospitals ... not really accepted. Maybe why many no longer believe or support Israeli BS.
  18. I did state as of Feb 2024 ... I don't follow things that closely, that don't affect me. Especially the same ol' ... not different Israel conflicts. Decades old, and will never change. Lost respect for Israel when the shot up the USS Liberty. Personally, I wish they'd just nuke each other and be done with it ... then the world can move on from the silliness of 2 irrelevant countries/areas of middle east, dominating the news, provided by ... Maybe concentrate on the atrocities in Africa where 10's of 1000's are dying, if not 100's of 1000's, that could use some assistance.
  19. Still easy in the USA ... IF ... you're not trying to impress your friends & family, and will accept less than optimal environment. You can still buy houses in the $50-100k range, FHA assisted, low down payments. If I was there now, that's exactly what I'd do, if in my 20s and starting out. Basically what I did 40+ years ago. Then buy a 2nd house, since credit established, to rent out for amount of mortgage or more. Yes, it's very possible in some areas. Section 8 (govt assistance program to poor), pays the rent, at market price for the area. So more than you could get to a private citizen. Covers the mortgage and then some. I know because I did it. Once credit is established and you have a good repoire with bank & Section 8 program, then simply follow the McD business strategy of duplication. Simple buy another house every 6 months or year, until you have as many as you want. And yes ... it really is that simple.
  20. Mirrors part of my like in the USA, aside from 1 employer, me-30+. Overpaid for my 1st house (from parents) after first divorcee @ 27 yrs old. Big ol' 4 bedroom house, detached 2 car garage on double lot, which required a complete rehab. In the process, turned it into a triplex. With that minor investment & sweat equity, I also was off to the races, (for me, retire ASAP) and RE provided rent free housing, basically the whole time I lived in the USA onward, after 1st house. Then it was the next house, then the next. Same as in TH now, with 3 RE investments. If something works, stick with it. USA RE provide a small income, if any, since most went to paying down/off the mortgages in about 5 yrs. Renter paying, and I got 3 free houses out of the deal. Liquidated and rolled over into the stock market. Making retirement easy & early. Lots of work & time invested for ~5 yrs, then 10 yrs of fun, before coming to TH. The rest is history ...
  21. Might be a reason for that ... did you ever think about that ? There is Resolution ES-10/21, which simply calls for a ceasefire by both sides. The UN doesn't even consider Hamas a 'terrorist organization'. (as of Feb 2024)
  22. Not quite sure it has anything to do with Jew hatred, but the anti semitism always sells well in the MSM. Smoke & Mirrors USA doesn't really send much foreign aid to Maldives. 3 million recently so they could sell covid vaccines, and all a bit of self interest. Anti Maldives propaganda easier to sell as Jew Hater, though more in line with quietly portraying them as part of the new 'evil axis' China recent agreements & maybe soon to build a naval port there, if not already started. India still aligned as a member of BRICS. Sri Lanka thinking of joining. US & NATO losing their control world wide, little by little 👍
  23. But they are opening the door a bit wider for tourist, who come, spend their money, and leave. Making it more friendly for all, and then some in the future ... ... alphabet folks ... ganga smokers ... sex tourists (soon legal maybe) ... gamblers (casinos back on table) Out with the vocal dissenters, in the the OMG folks ... fair trade in their eyes.
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