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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Nothing rare about that, if exposing yourself to pigeons all the time. My brother use to race pigeons, they almost killed him, the lung infection that is. He had to give up the hobby. Shock surprise, masks didn't work 😲
  2. Stress free life is easy. Just ask if prospective landlord will do TM30. So much easier. Why would anyone try to force someone to do something (provide a service to you) that they don't want to.
  3. A strategy that didn't allow you to stay in country all year, (assuming). Now you have a legal visa. And meet the requirement, or use an agent to skirt the rules. Most people can not legally retire on 35k a month, on a long term visa that allows you to stay in country for 365 days. That's retirement in my dictionary. Voluntary leaving, yes, mandatory to leave ... no. Barring being 50+ & 800k in bank when needed. Or married and meeting the yearly financials, which just 35k income won't cut it.
  4. I must have missed the memo ... as I thought catholic priest were suppose to be celibate. Why would you need gay conversion if nobody is having sex.
  5. To the title .. and with all things ... ... no plan (research) is a plan to fail. ... "tarnished by unforeseen financial challenges."... More like, tarnished by no research and lack of common sense.
  6. Regret retiring ? ... NO I can always think of doing something, anything, or nothing at all, and all more fun then working. Only worked for the bennies & money, when I didn't need either, their was no purpose to be there. Work kept me from doing other things that I enjoy more. Doing nothing at all was more enjoyable than having to be on a schedule. I self entertain easily, can think for myself, I don't need programming.
  7. 2 minutes was enough...terrible vid ... W T F
  8. Trump now raise over $70 million of 'small donations' since convicted, with zero effort ... Just saw a news-blip, and biden only raised $25 million, at a major event, this week, with two ex-presidents speaking on his behalf ...
  9. Yea ... but they would be deleted. Was just told not to post rubbish, and that was on a similar rubbish post. I see you gave about 16 people a good chuckle. Silly post will get you silly replies. Thinking about Thai citizenship, and you used an agent to open a bank account ... nuff said
  10. Brownies .... ... vid below the 'why' & how to get glossy top... ... short version, sugar has to be dissolved, little to no grains left. And the recipe I used. No salt, since using salted butter, and used 4 oz/110gr of chocolate, since sweetened chocolate. Next time I'll cut 50gr of sugar, to 200gr instead of 250gr. Butter was 115gr. I don't do cup measurements. Two -0- eggs. 9 inch round spring pan vs 8 inch square = same area
  11. Sounds more like it.. And no, didn't bother reading OP, just headline. As the AI news is so silly any more, I don't waste my time. Headline and maybe first paragraph, if that. AI seems to try to sensationalize the most trivial happenings.
  12. 8 hrs put a limit on options. Takes that long at least, with no traffic, just to get to Cha Am, on the west side, maybe Bang Saen on East of Gulf. Might want to consider hopping a plane southward, pick a non stop, as see where that gets you. Samui, Chumphon, Krabi, Phuket airports would be 1.5 hr away from Phit airport.
  13. Do you plan on swimming in, or just looking ? How far away is too far ? Do you self drive or rely on public trans ? Do you want easy, or inexpensive ? How much time do you have, limited, or doesn't matter ? Central TH ?
  14. Haven't been to RU or CH, but I left USA, because not a fan of the way I was treated. Or how USA treats the rest of the world, (ex: invade & occupy), and almost just as bad, how USA treats it's own citizens. SHAMEFUL ... IMHO
  15. Just highlights my believe that most religious folks are a bit hypocritical, in so many ways. Especially Catholics. Big difference from what is preached to what is practiced ... IMHO Not that I'm deep into their believe, but some of headlines and their actions, lifestyles certainly differ.
  16. Haven't met me ... 23+ yrs on, and still have a few baht left Not sure if 46 was young, but 69 still is 😎
  17. ... from all your posts, you haven't a clue about anything you're talking about.
  18. Never stated or thought it wasn't. No reason why TH isn't energized by solar, hydro, wind ... oh wait, there is a reason. Same every sunny country isn't. But we all know that & why. That's why some of us don't wait for others to act on our behalf, as we know they won't. If not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.
  19. Lancaster would be a good choice for 'you' 😎 Always liked Lancaster. Some more 'friendly' places, form link, although only Philly or Harrisburg would really interest me. Philly, first choice. Never been to Erie, (only one) and might be interesting, though cold, showy winters, I think. That could be fun though with snow mobile. Found the gay cruising area at Harrisburg by accident while working (air freight truck driving) and use to park at the 'city island' for my scenic lunch break. Wondered why I was getting eyeballed all the time by everyone. Buddy at the depot got a kick out of that when I told him.
  20. I was replying to someone implying TH uses a lot of coal, and has little to no hydro. It's a work in progress ... less oil & coal is a good thing. Don't you think ? Not too bad for a 3rd world country ... IMHO Making huge strides in solar, or at least trying.
  21. Wow ... surprised of the ignorance some show when posting. You obviously don't get out much.
  22. New Hope is a great, quaint town. Gay, bi or not. Always had fun there. If I could afford to buy there, along the river, I know I wouldn't have left the USA. 1/2 from Princeton Uni. <1 hr downtown Philly 1.5 hr NYC 1.5 hr Jersey shore, if that's your thing 1.5 hr Delaware Water Gap/Poconos Close to world class medical facilities Museums, culture, music & excellent food of all kinds. Less than 2 hrs away from so many things & most Yank family & friends of mine. I would never get bored, as I sometimes do here, obviously.
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