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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. We have no battery worries for 8 yrs, and what would an 8 yr car be worth ? Not much as far as I'm concerned. We'll only have about 150-175k kms on it by then. As I say, expect 500k, at least. I won't be around around anyway. What if scenarios don't concern me. I know I wouldn't want any ICEV after 8 yrs, that's for sure. A timebomb waiting to constantly need repair. So we're way ahead in that aspect.
  2. How long are the warranties on ICEV ? Tells you what ... the same. A vid, from a stranger ... great info source. Have a nice day ...
  3. What if scenarios ... nobody knows what would happen in a nuke war. As far as we know, all the nukes won't even function, or even exist. Again, people are relying on info from their lying govts
  4. I do, and well over 500k kms. Our Mazda 2 (2012) is on it's way out, at <200k kms, and it was well taken care of. Daughter just got rid of it, and was happy to only get of it for 70k baht, so that's pretty sad. Very happy with her Atto 3. Repeat posting and surely you've seen it a few time, but conveniently, simply ignore it. Many consider 2500 cycles to be conservation.
  5. I believe you are referring more to the ICEV makers. But hey, keeps spewing the same thing over & over, even when the complete opposite has been posted many times. Life expectancy of the batteries (LPF) and electric motors are designed to outlast the rest of the car. Far long than ICEV drivetrains & exhaust systems.
  6. You do realize you are contradicting yourself. As pointed out, can buy condos only. And I doubt many Thais are dumb enough to sign a 30 yr lease on house, when they can simply buy. Wouldn't sign 30 yr lease for anywhere. TH is the only place I ever stayed at one locations for more than 3 years.
  7. The why doesn't matter, the requirement at the time did.
  8. What legal visa would you have that would allow you to stay in country? Fine if 50 yrs old and got 800k to plop in bank account, then yea, no prob.
  9. If I really thought the end was near, I'd make some arrangements to last at least 6 months without the need to leave the house. Maybe a whole rainy season to have radiation 'dust' at least out of the air. If any chance of surviving long term. I'm only 69 yrs old, wife & kid much younger
  10. With that much concern ... any preparation for your inevitable NA. Starting to store; food, rice, canned meats, water, installing solar. Above or below ground bunker ? Tick Tock ... the end is near
  11. Nothing comes to mind, myself experiencing any crime in home country/USA & here/TH. I feel just as safe here/TH, as I did in the USA. Lived in some economically depressed / higher crime areas in the USA, and no problems. Here/TH, most of the country looks economically depressed at times, so hard to judge where the high crime areas are. Been very rural, very congested metro, and very touristy areas, and again, never a problem. Wee bit of common sense helps, but never felt uncomfortable walking around any area in either country. Or any other country, for that matter.
  12. I'll await the SCOTUS' final decision on, or denial to hear the final appeal. Until then ... ... PEACE OUT
  13. They all inherit messes from the previous idiot, and leave a mess for the next idiot. There is little to no difference with any of them.
  14. I guess you forgot about covid. When you shut down the country, unemployment went up to 14%, but back down before he left. National debt ... hmm Shh .. don't mention inflation ... ... and with these #s, hard to believer anything you're told
  15. Agree and does seem to have a silver lining. Certainly not what I expected & posted earlier.
  16. Yes, of course, though not necessarily more strict, if taking TH as an example. Death sentence were handed out quite often. Now if you confess to even the most heinous of murders, it seems to be an 8 yr sentence. Smoking a doobie no longer gets you put in jail, or even arrested when at home. Texas use to be 10 yr for minor pot possession ... go figure. Much has been relaxed, do to prison over crowding in the USA. So possibly quite the opposite of what a few are implying. Some states, you can walk into any store (barring Fed regulated) and walk out/steal what every you want under a certain amount, which used to be a felony, is not just a desk ticket to appear in court. Your 100% correct ... things have changed. My observations anyway, and surely opinions will differ
  17. If it doesn't magically disappear if set roadside (all have when doing), then inquire at puybon, and will direct you to who will accept or even have it picked up.
  18. Below suggests that nothing you state is a requirement before sentencing or after. Mirrors my real life experiences. And since PA & FL convictions for myself, didn't even need to do the pre-sentence report, that NY apparent requires. Things may have changed of course, as PA was 1974 ? and FL was 1990 ? Thank you
  19. I'll just go by my own personal experience.... ... kept my PP ... no drug test, even with the drug conviction (PA) ... kept my firearms, again, with a firearm conviction (FL) ... did have to notify PO about out of state travel, (PA conviction only) but given full freedom after 1st request. No need for repeat permissions to travel. International never came up.
  20. Holy Buddha people. It's a white collar paperwork crime. He's not danger to himself or society, nor a flight risk. Where do y'all come up with this BS.
  21. Do you have a link verifying that info. As I've been convicted of a felony (in FL/firearm & PA/drugs), and none of that was required. Conviction involved a firearm, and my other 15 firearms did not need to be turned in, and I was returned the 1 firearm that was related to the 'crime', after probation. Both records expunged.
  22. I didn't say being fluent was a requirement, but Latin 101 was at many schools .... 'BACK IN THE DAY'. No longer required at any, I think. Please research before replying to me, about what I know are facts ... getting a bit repetitive.
  23. Back in the day, it was a requirement at many medical schools. Aspirations of being a vet. in my youth.
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