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Everything posted by FriendlyFarang

  1. Just rent, much easier and less headaches, you can move any time.
  2. The employer should pay for it and it’s done at the department of employment, not at immigration
  3. That’s wrong, the house book has nothing to do with ownership, so he doesn’t have to do anything. Sure, every house has a house book, but he is registered as resident in only one, the other house books might be empty.
  4. So a company is looking for a Thai employee and you are submitting a resume in English? No consultant required to spot the problem.
  5. Many laptops come with 16GB ram, and quite a few allow exchanging the SSD, or have one or more additional M.2 ports to install additional SSDs, every mall has shops that can install it for you if you don't want to do it yourself.
  6. In case the motorbike gets stolen you can't report it as stolen, or if you lose the green book you can't just get a replacement, in both of these cases you need the assistance of the person who's name is in the green book, and if he can't be contacted or doesn't care you have a problem. Check the expiry date of his ID card. If the copy shows that it's expired you can no longer use it to transfer the bike, you would need a new copy of his new ID card, and if he can't be contacted or doesn't care...
  7. As you are renting your condo, this makes you the "possessor", so you can do the TM30 report for yourself, either through the website, app or in person.
  8. Usually the hotel where they stay does this anyway, they don’t have to do it themselves If they return to their previous address a new TM30 is not required, according to the latest rules from 2020.
  9. It doesn’t matter if a hotel does the TM30 or you do it yourself, it’s the same.
  10. Most hotels do this automatically, so nothing special to do. I would ask for the TM30 printout though, in case immigration asks for it.
  11. They want to know your current address, not an address where you maybe got your extension several months ago. So of course you can do it at the local immigration office, doesn't have to be the one where the extension was issued.
  12. Yes, possible https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?p=15375
  13. https://goo.gl/maps/URM8s8wRCVxaGKY18 Big selection of running shoes, and a tread mill where you can try them.
  14. Your wife says she would have nothing if the land is transferred in your/her sons name? This sounds like a major red flag, and she is definitely thinking about breaking up with you, why else would it matter if the land is in her or your/her sons name? I wouldn't invest anything unless the land is in your son's name.
  15. The blue book is in her name, so she is the legal owner. If she asks for her car back you better give it to her, or she can file a police report that you stole her car and you might see yourself getting arrested, deported etc. If you want to challenge that it's her car, you would have to find a lawyer and take her to court.
  16. Airbnb is just a platform, doesn't matter which platform you use. If you rent something out for less than 30 days you need a hotel license, if it's for 30 days or more you don't need a hotel license.
  17. I think the books found there are usually written by professors, take for example this one: http://cuir.car.chula.ac.th/handle/123456789/60446?src=%2Fbrowse%3Ftype%3Dauthor%26value%3DVishnu%2BKotrajaras%26brw_total%3D2%26brw_pos%3D0 I did read a few pages, I'd dare to say that the number of pages without any English language mistakes is probably very small, most pages seem to have multiple mistakes. This is from a professor at the "No. 1 University in Thailand".
  18. I think you don’t understand how this works… Or you just want to troll.
  19. Maybe you are? I will use a picture to explain it to the mentally challenged people here. Let's say that this is your neighbor and the water in your area is turned off or has very low pressure. His ass-wipe-bucket is only half full, he opens the valve, so it fills up when water pressure is restored. Actually many people even keep the valve slightly open all day long. Now imagine what happens when you use a pump that sucks water in, but the municipal water supply isn't sufficient.... where will the water come from? Like a long straw, right into your neighbors bucket. If you don't mind using your neighbors ass-wipe-bucket-water for showering, brushing your teeth or washing your vegetables then that's up to you. But you sucking this water in the pipes might also affect other neighbors. Attaching a pump that sucks water in to anything other than your own water tank is highly anti-social and there is a reason it's not allowed. If I'd see any neighbor doing this I would definitely report it, I don't want to wash my mouth with feces.
  20. You can use multiple bank accounts to show that you have 400k, so no real problem here, just get the letter from your bank for both accounts when going to apply for your extension. I recommend either using another bank for the 400k, or just disable mobile banking for the account where you keep the 400k, then this mistake can't happen in the future.
  21. If the pump increases the pressure on the outlet, there has to be a negative pressure on the inlet.
  22. From what I have heard after marriage the daughter was responsible to take care of her children and the husbands family, instead of taking care of her parents. So the sinsod was paid as compensation for this. So if somebody paid sinsod to the parents, the wife should not send money to her parents.
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