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Everything posted by GypsyT

  1. That's what I did. I lived among locals and talked and saw how they live. That's what I always do. Not posting some magazine articles or Tourist facts. I'm not a tourist. I live my life exploring.
  2. IF Trump wins he and vice prez should put on Commie Red MAGA hat and go to Puerto Rico to celebrate.... They have great beaches, hot chicks and plenty of AR.15s. I saw it. They'd feel home and get "warm" reception like wise gun nuts; https://globalpressjournal.com/americas/puerto-rico/puerto-rico-buying-gun-now-easier-ever/
  3. I've been looking for my favorite "Twinings Earl Grey Black Tea" at Big-C, Lotus and others in Bangkok but no luck. Didn't see any Liptons either. No bag tea at all! What's going on?
  4. Fake is fake, no matter how you fake it 😉 I had two-tone Rolex Daytona. A beauty! I enjoyed first year. Then started to worry... Too many close calls being robbed. Sold it with tidy profit and bought $ 10 TIMEX! The one with light button. Brilliant idea! I first heard about it on "Hollywood reporter". They wrote Steven Spielberg has one and says "Best watch - can see time in dark room during premiers". Nobody planning to rob neither 🙂
  5. "Why do decent Americans support trump " Wrong - they ain't.
  6. Feel free to make your own trip and report. I red 20 something your postings and found zero positives. Bickering and critical to all. Covid time probably was the last positive thing in your life? Asean Now is a great source to all who dare endure outside Pattaya ZIP code. I like to read first hand reports by fellow members. Travel books always make it too general. Nobody cares on Jomtien? U r wrong. Who's gonna take care of needs of women if I don't come?
  7. MS deleted automatic Restore Points on Win11 - an Idiotic move! All older versions had them and it was easy to "go back" and get everything fixed w/o being a nerd... I used it many times. That had been your solution too. Sorry - can't help. I don't know enough and one day may be in same trouble. What you can do is remove AdBlock, try Google and shut off VPN. See if that helps. VPN is causing me problems sometimes. Once you get everything working ask help to activate "Restore Points" on Win11. The program is there, it's just not activated by MS. That way next time help is easy to get.
  8. I got same problem w Yahoo after 20+ yrs working fine. Same with Google clowns... Now I use Swiss protonmail,com and so far Zero problem. They are monitored and controlled by EU regulators and easier for EU members to get monetary compensations if things go south. ALL are mining date, then selling to make $$$$$$$
  9. Quite a bit too. Hotels 450 - 900 B/night, excellent street food 35-80 B and so on. The reason is here's so many low income locals, I was told. Not many tourist at all. I'm at On Nut BTS, north of Bangna. Women? Yes, plenty. No Go Gos, no visible Freelancers, etc. All friendly but very few speak English. 80% are slim too! Negative thinks are many too (to me); Noise! It's non stop... day asd night. Quite many homeless people sleeping on the dirty streets, mainly old men and women. Very sad to see. Many handicap beggars as well. Old and young. They just offer their cup quietly, not pushy. Weather has been very good for a week. Now its too humid and hot (for me). I already miss Jomtien beach... Air quality was good too but last 2 days I can feel my lungs are fed up sucking this gray stuff... It's been good to come, see and soon continue to North. What did I see? I saw there's nothing to me to see! Or there was; How friendly Bangkok Thais are! Everywhere. It's an overbuilt mega mess. I've been to worlds biggest cities and Bangkok is the ugliest of all. Driven by greed. There's no design, no beauty, no traffic planning, no room to expand yet buildings are coming up, etc etc One thing is very good, BTS works great! Metro too, but didn't try. I wanted to ride 'n see the city. Now it's done. I recommend all to come, try all BTS routes and see this Babylon.
  10. I think it's 16 now. But by far the most fair tax system on food in the world! "Among the 16 states that impose grocery taxes, the combined state and county tax rates range from 1% to 9%. High grocery sales tax rates have recently raised the public and political attention."
  11. They are adjusting and ready when fastest growing group takes over - Muslims! "In 2022, Indonesia has the largest population of Muslims worldwide with around 241.5 million. This was followed with around 225.6 million Muslims in Pakistan and 211.16 million Muslims in India.4 Jul 2024"
  12. I should come there to visit someone but now it's too hot & humid for me. Looks like Dec - on is nice; https://weatherspark.com/m/115171/12/Average-Weather-in-December-in-Si-Sa-Ket-Thailand#Figures-Temperature
  13. noun: curmudgeon; plural noun: curmudgeons a bad-tempered person, especially an old one. I give you points for honesty and warning!
  14. You can order F1 directly from Be In Sport for 129 THB - $ 4.00 - The best deal ever - Lot of football included
  15. Jewish loudmouth Howard Stern was on air in LA area and gave great info about Jewish life. He was probably the most honest of all and reason LA Jews got him ousted to NY. They didn't like detailed information of "God's chosen people's" everyday life. He was disgusting and entertaining at same time. Made some dough too: "What Howard Stern's $400 million Sirius contract means to the Street"
  16. What don't you understand. Entry via air NO TM6 required. Entry via land SOME crossings Do require TM6. (simple quick form to fill in) Why so nasty? Specially for him? Burma Bill has been great source of info. What does it matter if double postings now and then? Just relax. And thank you for being a mode.
  17. So that's how they learned this against their own people; https://www.voanews.com/a/black-hebrews-in-israel-face-threat-of-deportation/7190170.html
  18. Try skipping 30 day extension in Thailand. Just visit Vn and return. Just a little more $$ and time. THAT may be the problem for harsh scrutiny? Maybe 60-day walk-in is not booked same way? Or they don't book at all.
  19. Sign of intelligent? - After 40 years of wandering in the desert, Moses died on Mount Nebo at the age of 120, within sight of the Promised Land. (That why Google was created.... not to get shamed and laughed at again) -Abraham dies at the age of 175 and is buried next to Sarah in the cave of Machpelah. But wait! There more; - According to the Hebrew Bible, Methuselah begets Lamech and then lives 782 more years. - Lamech begets Noah at age 188, and Methuselah lives 802 years after begetting Lamech. He was also the oldest of all the figures mentioned in the Bible.
  20. Shortest has been 4 days. Longest 43 days.
  21. More walk out. Good, there's hope. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/25/media/los-angeles-times-editors-resign-harris-endorsement/index.html
  22. My Age? - I really hope you get old age insurance..... "NanLaew replied to Henk Langeweg's topic in Insurance in Thailand Is old age one of them? Does the fact that most insurance companies won't take on anyone +70 answer your question? Can't have a claim denied if they won't sign you up from the get-go."
  23. Too much Red Tape; Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document Photograph taken within the last six months Document indicating current location Travel booking confirmation Proof of accommodation in Thailand, e.g. Accommodation bookings, invitation letters from family/friends in Thailand That's for 6 mo tourist visa from EU. Can't use it, don't know where I stay and how long. Plus travels around all the time. 60-day walk in 2x only way. One trip outside in between. Can't be easier than that. I've started to use Senior line at Immi. It's same as "Thai Only". They, officials, are nicer there. Even smiling! Well, it happened only once but still...
  24. That's good! In my hotel in Khon Kaen lived leader of MC gang. A big "Night Rider" Harley parked at front. Never felt more secure 😉 I even talked to him about his custom Hog. I've had two so he felt good about me.
  25. Are you saying he fly on $7 or $12 ticket to Japan?
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