It would help if banks, when informed about possible scammers, put a watch on the relevant account to see the incoming and out going transactions. Right now they seem reluctant to do that.
Why are you asking such a question? You know it is illegal to drive in any country without a valid driving license. Use your UK license updated if necessary and then get an IDP.
They are totally out of date. There are better faster ways of securely making transfers. I have noticed the trend back to the stone age it isn't very edifying either.
"electrical conduit"? This term is usually reserved for the ducts that cables run in, not the manhole which allows access to the cable ducts which is what I think is really meant here. Falling into a conduit would be pretty much impossible but into a manhole very realistic.
Fax machines are very old school, no one really uses them now. A scanned copy of your document(s) should be sufficient. There again if Australia are still in the realm of fax machines who knows. They wont ask for a fax once they come out of the stone age.
If it was my daughter he would get a lot more than the police hand out and I am sure many on here would be the same. Why are the parents just reporting such abuse?
Because others may be interested. I assume you have interest only in your own opinions. Watch it and maybe, just maybe you will get some information that may, or may not, be useful to you.
Just found the attached video on this subject which may be of interest to everyone. I personally have no opinion on this but it would make me think if I was thinking of buying an EV.
It is true what you say but none stick to that principle. How many people study medicine with the main aim of helping people? Some yes but mostly the money.
What vaccination would that be? All the anti-malaria medicine I have had has been in tablet form. Can I assume you mean tablets? If so you need to start taking them 30 days before they will be effective.