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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. They can call themselves whatever they want it is totally their choice but dont try and get me to think a man in a dress is a woman because that will not happen. A man has a big advantage over a woman when it comes to physical prowess and no amount of trying to say a woman is as strong as a man will convince me or I would think any other man. If the transgender want to compete then have a category for them and let them compete against each other, no problem.
  2. Keep believing that if you want. You would be surprised if you knew just how easy it is to hack a phone and get all the information from it.
  3. Can we scrap this CIS bit? There are only men and women
  4. The obvious way is that these people have bought lists of numbers and use them. I continue to get messages and phone calls from people I have no idea who they are. The obvious way for them is buy phone lists. If you have their number you can do a reverse look up and see who it is although many numbers are not listed.
  5. Agreed, which is why we are all advised to carry a copy of our passport
  6. Maybe in theory yes but if that is the case why are foreigners advised to carry a copy of their passport with them? If only Immigration can check you document then no need to carry a copy with you.
  7. No, you can only prove a positive
  8. You may need an arrival stamp if stopped by the police so they can see you are legally in the country.
  9. When you say a big mistake what did you do? If the mistake is in the coding I dont really understand why you would find it hard to correct the error. Of course I would have assumed you would have tested it before passing it to the client.
  10. So how would this work for persons that have overstayed their visa? Further, on entry if they were used how would your passport be stamped in? Good idea if everyone plays by the rules but as has been demonstrated many times there are those who abuse the rules.
  11. That does not prove Karma just proves those people were mass murderes
  12. Proof please that it does not exist.
  13. With so many companies wanting to go "Cashless" this is going to happen more and more. All cashless will do is provide more opportunities for these people to steal your data and use it. Some transactions will be caught but many wont.
  14. It isn't one that many people would automatically think of but it is a very high quality brand
  15. He may we do not know
  16. Everyone to their own as they say
  17. Retirement is the quick way to being deceased. For me I will retire when they take my body to the temple and minute earlier.
  18. I thought all banks needed your passport. Bangkok bank does
  19. Wonderful idea. You can call the areas of these casinos Gangster Land.
  20. Pointless reply as a passport can be renewed. If he is outside of his home country then he may have to travel home to get a new one. Saying it cant be renewed is obviously not what you meant in your reply.
  21. If I did they would ignore it. Chinese are very difficult to work with in any way what so ever. Be better if Thailand imposed heavy fines on them.
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