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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. Depends why you come to Thailand. If it is for the bars and places like Pattaya then yes it wont be a really good experience but if you forget those places and travel around you will find it is a great country.
  2. Would you trust people back in your home country? I wouldn't but I do find the Thai's i meet are not trying to scam you.
  3. I would call it any name you want. Adaptors dont really care what name you give them.
  4. Depends on where you are going. If you are visiting bars and staying out until the early hours then no it isn't. If you are going around during the day in the main areas then yes it is. I go into Bangkok shopping and wear my Rolex, never had a problem.
  5. Many airports around the world have electronic gates but they are restricted to passport holders that have the right to unlimited stay, mostly locals. Europe has it for members of the EU but I have never seen it for use by each and every country.
  6. There is a simple explanation for this. Thais, not all but many, believe they know everything, hence why should they listen to you when they already know? We have had some like that doing work at the house but a lot will listen if you explain it in a simple way to them
  7. Not from what I read elsewhere it wasnt. Where in an ICE vehicle are Lithium batteries?
  8. What will you be using the laptop for? General emails and the like or for gaming?
  9. Now that is something you dont get with ICE vehicles. Maybe EV's are the way to go.
  10. Yes and I stand by that. If there are significant problems with EV batteries then maybe you should think about the quality of the vehicles. For everyone who likes EV's fine buy them and enjoy them but be aware you may face substantial costs when something goes wrong and the resale value wont be worth getting.
  11. It always seems as if everyone is comparing Thailand to their home country and because things are different here they often complain. The solution is simple. If you dont like the country leave and find somewhere you do like. Not good for anyone to stay in a country that they do not feel is up to what they want.
  12. I assume you are referring to EV's.
  13. As the saying was once said "Life is what happens when you are busy doing other things"
  14. Since when has battery failure been a characteristic of any car?
  15. I would guess it could be possible but highly unlikely
  16. So for them you are looking at a contract of 1 year plus. I have AIS so purely guessing when it comes to DTac. If they only sell them with a contract have you thought about an eSim? Look them up on line. I have not tried them myself but people I know that have say they are very good.
  17. I would guess something like 50 to 60000 Baht a year. University depends on which one but you would be looking at something like 90000+ Baht a year depending on course, location accommodation and food etc. would be closer to 120,000 Baht and up per year
  18. Define the parameters. Good quality clothes and food, private schooling. What are the criteria you are basin the question on?
  19. How do you know how far it covered in a specific time? It could be something very small and close to the camera?
  20. Have you tried asking DTac? It would seem the obvious place to start if you want a DTac SIM.
  21. What climate change would that be?
  22. Exactly. It usually includes 10Baht gold chains. The iPhone would have to to be the Pro model as well.
  23. It is 101 but I think you understand and prefer to nit pick. Whilst they may not be required to have sprinkler systems etc it doesnt mean you cant have them.
  24. For a start NFPA 100 would give some basics. A sprinkler system may have helped. Overcurrent detection on all CB's wouldn't be bad either.
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