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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. When are strict fire regulations going to be imposed in Thailand?
  2. An iPhone and $50 is no great loss.
  3. If you do a border run via Poi-Pet you see there is a sign warning against gambling for safety reasons. If it is allowed in Thailand the same safety issues will be apparent very quickly.
  4. If or when you get your license can you provide a list of roads you will be using so we can all avoid them?
  5. Yes you can, but it still remains a pig
  6. I feel sorry for them but stupid is as stupid does.
  7. Could be but most people live in a world of delusion. They have no idea about these things. I guess you can be happy living in a fantasy world where very little digital theft occurs. Ahhh Utopia.
  8. Why is it? Because you said it is?
  9. I would prefer to have neither
  10. First I hope you get things sorted. Following on from that this is going to become common place as businesses will only accept card payments. Like most countries the people pushing for a cash free society have no idea of the potential consequences of their actions. Going purely digital is like giving hackers the birthday and Christmas presents every day. People need to wake to the fact that as good as some security systems currently are they have flaws and the hackers will find them. If you want to see go to the dark web and look for credit cards. It isn't a safe place to go but if you want to see the extent of card fraud just take a quick look.
  11. Yes and no. For a foreign doctor to operate in Thailand they have to take the test that Thai doctors take which is only in the Thai language.
  12. I thought in many cases they had already succeeded in that.
  13. I agree they should be able to live their life as they want but dont try and force the rest of us to go along with their delusion
  14. I didnt consider it to be your opinion as it is something for 3BB. Doesn't alter the fact if there is only a single feed the design is poor.
  15. Good for you. Enjoy what will ultimately transpire.
  16. This all reads like made up propaganda. If true then god help the USA and the people who voted for Biden will have to live with the consequences.
  17. What you need really is a secondary power source. A UPS will provide power but only for a few minutes to allow you to safely shut the computer down. I cant see any way of providing power for several hours. I think you are stuck with the way it is.
  18. You normally always have a secondary routing just in case such an incident occurs. It is basic design of an essential system. It isnt just messages between families and emails there is a lot of business traffic going over the network as well. If it is a server, again on an important system you always have several servers all looking at the same traffic. Should one fail, and they can, another server which has been also gathering the information but not acting on it comes into play. On such as system as 3BB it is very poor design to have a single failure take the network down.
  19. If that is the case then the system is basically floored. Normally you would have two separate feeds with different routings so a cable failure would be only a brief interruption whilst the second cable takes over.
  20. I just leave the money in the bank. It has been there for several years now, never gets touched.
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