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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. True, not well ahead ... just ahead ...
  2. I'm thinking he would have a real problem with U.S. Vice President Harris joking and smiling.
  3. You are so suspicious, Tug. Trump supporters involved, seeking to enhance emotional support for him? OK, fact that I also await the FBI investigation results as I too leave open the possibility for varying motivations. Of course, it could just be a deer hunter ... I am told the AR-15 style weapon is just for hunting ... ha!
  4. Agreed. After a trouble free 13 years here, the newest threat to my working middle class retirement is this idea that I can/will accept double taxation on world wide income. If it fades, quite happy remains married and supporting my Thai Wife and Stepdaughter. I came to Thailand as I can sustain my million baht a year spending here, and cannot do the same in my own country. If Thailand wishes for me to spend those dollars in another country, well their choice, I am not a prisoner here. A lot more folks from many countries in the same condition... that is the mass group to appeal to for stable, sustainable national income brought into Thailand.
  5. Certainly not until the proposed taxation policy is settled for stays longer than 180 days..
  6. I am old enough to remember magazines advertising foreign brides. That previous to what we have available now via the internet.
  7. This is the show of united force I would like to see. Ships of many nations simply sailing together in international waters, disregarding the illegal and overstepping PRC unilateral claim of sovereignty over most of the South China Sea. I consider myself as a long time friend of China but this claim was a serious misstep and I do not see an easy face-saving means of escaping reality. My recommendation for China is to quietly stop the aggressive behavior trying to enforce its unilateral claim which the other global nations will not accept. This action is not in China's long term interest in progressing to becoming a respected leader nation.
  8. Brought a smile. American but my personal experience is my brain has had no problem automatically switching depending on the country. All but Thailand of the 7 countries I have driven in drive on the "right" side of the road (wording used here only to bring a "stork" and laugh).
  9. Currently looking at Malaysia, Mexico and Portugal if needed. Won't pull the trigger until/unless it comes down to double taxation as I am a US citizen and so already subject to global income taxation. I retired to Thailand because I cannot afford a working middle class retirement in the US. Thailand does not value my million baht spent here? OK, I can find other options ... up to you Thailand. A bother but not critical for me and my Thai Wife.
  10. Agree that your 2000 baht figure is right in the middle for places we stay Usually 3-4 star always with breakfast. Plenty of options for us, usually. Depends, of course, on area and time of year, too old for mats on the floor.
  11. Good to know to is all to do with defending from the enslaved race in Haiti, and that global economics does not enter the picture. Feel free to extend your opinion to all of Afica while you are at it ... top number of the poorest countries ...
  12. I am thinking there can be no valid poll until the factual basis for the question asked can be ascertained. Right now it is speculation as to what will happen, if at all. It will certainly depend on the actual result with me after being here 13 years as an American. However, the worse case scenario, if absolute double taxation on worldwide income (as I am already conforming to USA worldwide income tax regulations as a citizen), would most certainly mean my removal. But that is just me, I make to prediction as to what others may chose to do. I did my homework before determining to spend my retirement income in Thailand, being a free individual I am free to move to another country. Oh, my Thai Wife? We have discussed the issue ... she is ready to go. I croak? She is such that she would deal with staying or returning to Thailand when the fact presents itself.
  13. I have gone to a barber who now charges 100 baht (two years ago was 80 baht). Fair price for me (ha! only have half a head of hair these days). 120 baht, including tip is a fair price for me to pay for the 30 minutes.
  14. Why would it be deemed wise to chase off that steady annual 3%?
  15. As an American, I supported military action being taken against Afghanistan. My decision was based on Afghanistan's government allowing the training camps enabling the 9-11 terrorists. But what I wanted to see was a mass punishment by air sending the message of overwhelming retribution for any country allowing such. I opposed any occupation and certainly any notion of developing a participatory democracy in any country without the history allowing the development of such covenant. While I was open for the case of pushing Iraq back to its border out of Kuwait, I opposed military action, including occupation in Iraq. I condemn anyone using those who gave their lives for political campaigning ... understand, investigate any mishandling by anyone but do not use this purposely, as is being done now, for some perceived political advantage.
  16. There do exist "hints" as to potential foreign or domestic enemy postings.
  17. How about history? He certainly did exactly that with the bipartisan immigration bill. Wanted to use immigration as a campaign issue. Now? Wants to use voting as an issue when we had the documented safest, most secure election ever in 2020. Confirmed by the numerous court cases that all failed to present evidence of voting fraud. Using a non-issue to threaten another gov't shutdown.
  18. You have good answers already. I would just add that, while cost is negligible, my four new units installed charged for the plastic drain piping.
  19. Grew up as a "Boomer" in a blue collar, union, working middle class US family. Parents' Depression/WW II generation were determined to make higher education available. Taught middle school, high school and last 27 years US undergrad history. Retired as working middle class Professor Emeritus of History to a lower cost country. A most worthy way to use my life's breath ... just not the most financially wise profession decision.
  20. I recall being introduced to programming just a little as a classroom teacher in, I think it was 1980. A path not taken.
  21. As a US citizen, my reading of Article 40 & 41 of our tax treaty, appears to exempt my Social Security and retirement funds (from having taught in the state education system). I and my Thai Wife will await concrete results on this matter. Bottom line, I am at home in several global cultures. I was looking for a long term retirement home when I left my home in the USA. Thailand ... up to you. It has been a mutually beneficial relationship but, I am not a prisoner to any country/culture and while not wealthy, there were other countries I had considered before coming to live here in Chiang Mai.
  22. I'm thinking the Thai Wife and I will relocate to a different country in my retirement. No problem. And Thailand looses my annual spending and support. As is oft said in Thailand ... up to you.
  23. I'm thinking not so ... there is hell to pay to get private US citizen tax records.
  24. So, I stay exactly how many days spending income in Thailand? Exit to spend in another country how many days? Return and repeat? Ah, 180 days total, not necessarily consecutive days, right?
  25. And so, you think the current tax treaty will be unilaterally ignored by Thailand?
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